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Narrative Text




Thursday, 09 December 2021


TAHUN AJARAN 2021-2022
In the past, around the headwaters of the Mahakam River, there was a large hut inhabited by

three brothers. The eldest brother is a girl named Siluq, the second brother is named Ayus, and the

youngest is named Ongo. They have different traits and skills, except for the youngest who is still

small. Siluq is a girl who likes to do bebelian (traditional rituals) and bedewa (worshipping gods)

to seek supernatural powers. Almost every day and night the girl meditated so that sometimes

she forgot to eat and drink.

Meanwhile, Ayus is a careless teenage boy who likes to meddle in his brother's business. Ayus has

a big and strong body. Large trees can be easily uprooted. His strides are also very long so he can

run as fast as the wind. Meanwhile, the youngest who is still in his teens does not have any skills

except eating and sleeping.

One night, Ayus and Ongo could not sleep because their mattresses and pillows were wet. That

night, it rained all night long, causing the roof of their house to leak, and the rainwater was

seeping into their hut. Siluq did not feel the rain coming because he was being solemn with his

bebelian and bedewa.

In the morning, Ayus and Ongo intend to go to the forest to look for serdang leaves to replace the

damaged roof of their house. At that time, Siluq looked still bebelian and bedewa. Actually, Ayus

was annoyed to see his brother's behavior as if he didn't care about the state of their house.

"Siluq, it's already noon!" Ayus exclaimed, “Ongo and I are going to the forest to look for serdang

leaves. After finishing shopping, big brother will be the one to cook for lunch!”

Hearing his sister's voice, Siluq was surprised and woke up from his meditation. He felt very

disappointed because his meditation had not been completed but had been woken up by his sister.

"Okay, I'll cook later," replied Siluq who then advised his two brothers, "After coming back from

the forest, never open the lid of the pot. You just add firewood if the fire starts to get low."
"Okay, Sis," answered Ayus and Ongo in unison.

When Ayus and Ongo went to the forest, Siluq immediately took some rice leaves to cook. After

cleaning, he put the rice leaves into a pot filled with water. After that, he resumed his meditation

and prayed to the god that the cooked rice leaves would turn into rice.

By noon, Ayus and Ongo had returned from the forest with serdang leaves. They looked very tired

and hungry. Ayus went straight into the kitchen. How disappointed he was when he saw the rice

pot still lying on the stove.

“Why is the pot still on the stove? Maybe the rice isn't cooked yet," Ayus muttered.

Ayus was curious to know the contents of the pot. So, he immediately opened the lid of the pot.

How surprised he was when he saw the pot in which there were only a few leaves of rice and some

of it was rice. Afraid of being caught by his brother, he quickly closed the pot again.

Meanwhile, Siluq just finished buying. He then headed to the kitchen to check whether the rice

was cooked or not. As soon as he opened the lid of the pot, he saw that there were still some rice

leaves left.

“Hey, shouldn't this rice be all cooked? But, why are there still some rice leaves left?” murmured

Siluq in surprise, “This must be Ayus' doing. That kid has violated my message.”

Siluq looks very angry. Because of his sister's behavior, now his magic in cooking rice leaves into

rice has been lost. Annoyed, he immediately approached Ayus who was sitting resting beside their


"Hey Ayus. You have violated my message. There's no point in us living together anymore. I better

get out of here. I'll stay near the center of the water. There I can bebelian and bedewa free

without anyone disturbing, "said Siluq.

After saying that, Siluq immediately packed his clothes. Before leaving, he brought his beloved

magic rooster. Siluq then followed the river towards the downstream by using a raft. Before

leaving, he gave a message to his younger siblings.

"I have to go now. Take good care of yourselves," said Siluq.

Ayu was silent. He felt very sorry for his own behavior that caused his brother to leave. When he

saw the raft on which Siluq was traveling over the fast flowing river, he quickly ran to block his

brother. With incredible running speed, he can overtake his brother far ahead. Ayus then took

large stones and threw them into the middle of the Mahakam River so that a dam was formed.

Siluq's raft began to slow down. When Siluq arrived near the dam, he ordered his magic male to


“Cquack, my cock!” exclaimed Siluq.

The rooster crowed. The sound of the crowing of the magic rooster instantly destroyed the dam

that Ayus had built. Suliq with his raft went back to the downstream. Ayus did not want to lose, he

ran fast ahead of his brother and made another dam. When his brother's rooster crowed, the dam

shattered again. Thus this happened repeatedly so that Siluq with his raft was still able to go

downstream because of the magic sound of the crowing of his rooster. According to the story, the

former dam is now a keham or rapids in the upper Mahakam River.

Meanwhile, the raft that was riding on Siluq kept going until it finally arrived at the mouth of the

Mahakam River. Ayus was no longer able to build a dam because there were no more big stones in

the area. With his strength, he fished the estuary of the river by taking the mud and pulling the

nipah-nipah growing on the river bank. The nipa palms are then planted in their artificial ponds to

form a nipah forest. After that, Ayus waited for the Siluq raft to pass the place.

Not long after Ayus waited, from a distance he could see the Siluq raft moving downstream. When

the raft was about to pass through Ayus' artificial palm forest, the Siluq rooster crowed. No doubt,
the nipah forest was destroyed so that rivers were formed which are now called Kuala Bayur,

Kuala Berau, and a number of deltas in Kuala Mahakam.

Before continuing the journey to the high seas, Siluq gave a message to Ayus.

"Ayus, please don't get in my way again. Let me get closer to Sang Hyang Dewata in the center of

the water," pleaded Siluq, "I will bebelian and bedewa to pacify the soul. From there, I'll take care

of you and Ongo."

After giving the message, Suliq and his raft suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the center of

the water. Ayus was surprised when he witnessed the incident. He really couldn't stop his brother

from leaving. He also felt sorry for breaking his promise.

1. What is your favorite Siluq?...
a. playing hige and seek.
b. dance at home.
c. traditional rituals and worship of gods.
d. fishing.
2. What makes Ayus and Ongo unable to sleep at night? Why?...
a. they are hungry.
b. wet mattress in the rain.
c. they want to play.
d. currently doing a task.
3. What caused Siluq to be so angry when he finished meditating?
a. the rice they cook is not ripe.
b. see his sister is still sleeping.
c. his sister went to the forest.
d. his sister went to play.
4. What makes the Mahakam river a dam?
a. Siluq is angry with Ayus.
b. Ayus go to the forest with Ongo.
c. they haven’t eaten.
d. because Ayus took large stones and threw them in the middle of
the river.
5. Look at the dialogue below!
“Cquack, my cock!” exclaimed Siluq
Why did Ayus tell the rooster to crow?
a. Siluq wants to destroy the dam that Ayus made.
b. Siluq wants to eat chicken.
c. Siluq wants to go the forest.
d. Siluq wants to cock.

-Thank You-

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