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Many years ago, there were different cultures that populated our
country, Peru, and left many traces of their existence. One of the most
mysterious is the Nazca Culture, which has many archaeological
remains that are still standing today and that we can visit. This time I
am going to write about a very interesting site that I visited a few years
ago, and this is Cahuachi, which was the most important ceremonial
center of the Nazca Culture and has been very well preserved over

First of all, this place is located in the City of Nazca, department of

Ica. It was named Cahuachi for its meaning that it is "place where the
seers live", which tells us that it was very important for its spirituality
for the inhabitants of this culture. It was built and designed by the
Nazcas more than 4,500 years ago, however it is still in good
condition and is visited by many tourists and researchers from all over
the world every year. The materials that were used for its construction
are: huarango wood, reeds, adobes, llama´s fur ropes and cotton. The
most incredible thing about Cahuachi are the shapes of its buildings
since they were designed in a quadrangular pyramidal shape. The
largest pyramid is 150 meters long and 28 meters high, and it is also
organized in 7 different levels. Everything about this place is

Apart from everything mentioned, I can say that the coolest thing was
feeling in a place that meant spirituality for our ancestors, making it a
mystical place. So for all this, it is highly recommended to visit
Cahuachi if one day you are in the city of Nazca. In this way, we can
see and feel part of our past and thus be able to continue sharing this
unique experience with other people.

Keyla Ramos Garibay

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