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Contrôle d’anglais

……………………………. exprime une grande quantité et s'utilise avec des noms singuliers

- Much exprime une ………………………quantité et s'utilise avec des noms ……………………

- ………………………….. exprime une petite quantité et s'utilise avec des noms pluriels

- Pour exprimer l'absence de quantité, on utilise le quanti eur ……………………….

1. Chassez l'intrus dans les énoncés


a. They invited some/few/many/little

friends for lunch.

b. My daughter eats little/much/few/a lot

of chocolate.

c. We never drink some/any/much alcohol.

d. She has made much/little/some/many


e. They have had



2. Complétez avec some ou any.

a. I didn't have…………………….money so I had to


b. Can we have……………………sugar please?

c. We didn't buy…………………souvenirs.

d. Tonight, she's going out with friends

e. You can withdraw money at…………….. cash dispenser.

3. Complétez avec much, many, few ou


a. She is not popular. She has…………….friends.

b. I'm very busy, I have…………………………free time.

c. I took……………………photographs when I was on

holiday, it was so beautiful!

d. We're not very busy today, we don't

have………………… do.

e. The place was crowed, there were too


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