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Instructions of Use (Adults)

 Take a container/bucket almost 8 inches in diameter and 15 inches or more in height that fits 2
hands easily (exercise by putting both the hands into the empty container) Make sure that both
the hands get inside without touching the walls of the container.
 Empty the Molding powder bag into the container.
 With 450g of molding powder in the container, put 1400ml cold water in it. (Mild cold)
 Mix the solution with electric hand mixer for better results. Note that mixing time is 30 seconds
otherwise the mixture will solidify after that. Make sure you are using a stop watch to measure
 Take the Vaseline pouch and massage on both the hands so that they are slippery and smooth.
This helps both the hands getting out of the container without breaking the rubbery material. 
 After mixing for 30 seconds put both the hands in the container in a way that you touch the base
first and then levitate about an inch from the base. Note that there should be a distance of
almost 2 inches between the wrists when putting in. Make sure both the hands do not touch any
side of the container including the base. Do not move your hands and let it dry.
 After 2 minutes of putting both the hands in the container, you will feel that it has dried and
become a rubbery material. It will also change its color to white. Now that it has dried, slowly
move your hands and try to take it out of the container without breaking the mold. 
 Now take another container and fill it with casting powder(1kg). Put 700ml of water in it and mix
it with beater/spoon or hand at least for 2 to 5 minutes till it becomes a paste. Note that water
temperature should be mild warm.
 Now pore it inside the mold till it fills both the hands. Shake the container gently so that air
bubbles come out from the top. 
 Let it dry for 10 minutes. After that put a plate or some smooth surface on top of the container
and flip it upside down. 
 Now slide the container upward gently and remove the container.
 Tear the rubbery material keeping in mind that you don't damage the hand mold inside. 
 Now use the bamboo sticks to clear the bubbles and rubbery particles where found. Use the
sand paper where you find it necessary. Note that excessive use of sand paper will clear out the
skin details/texture. 
 For ease, try casting when the child is at sleep. This will help you getting better results. 
 Now that is complete, you may spray paint the sculpture in any color as you like. 

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