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Boundary states and Non-Abelian Casimir effect in lattice Yang-Mills theory

Maxim N. Chernodub,1 Vladimir A. Goy,2 Alexander V. Molochkov,2 and Alexey S. Tanashkin2

Institut Denis Poisson UMR 7013, Université de Tours, 37200 Tours, France
Pacific Quantum Center, Far Eastern Federal University, 690950 Vladivostok, Russia
(Dated: February 2, 2023)
Using first-principle numerical simulations, we investigate the Casimir effect in zero-temperature
SU(3) lattice gauge theory in 3+1 spacetime dimensions. The Casimir interaction between perfect √
chromometallic mirrors reveals the presence of a new gluonic state with the mass mgt = 1.0(1) σ =
0.49(5) GeV = 0.29(3)M0++ which is substantially lighter than the 0 groundstate glueball. We
call this excitation “glueton” interpreting it as a non-perturbative colorless state of gluons bound to
their negatively colored images in the chromometallic mirror. The glueton is a gluonic counterpart
of a surface electron-hole exciton in semiconductors. We also show that a heavy quark is attracted
to the neutral chromometallic mirror, thus supporting the existence of a “quarkiton” (a “quark
exciton”) colorless state in QCD, which is formed by a single quark with its anti-quark image in the
arXiv:2302.00376v1 [hep-lat] 1 Feb 2023

chromometallic mirror. Analogies with edge modes in topological insulators and boundary states of
fractional vortices in multi-component condensates are highlighted.

Introduction. The presence of physical macroscopic the conformal field theories [18, 19]. They also appear
objects affects fluctuations of quantum fields in the vac- in the condensed matter systems as the celebrated edge
uum around them while the modified fluctuations, in states in topological insulators [20] that have deep roots
turn, exert the Casimir-Polder force on these physical in the lattice field theory [21].
objects [1]. The phenomenon, known as the Casimir ef- In our paper, we aim to uncover new, nonperturbative
fect [2], is often interpreted as the experimentally mea- boundary states in Yang-Mills theory and put a bridge
surable evidence [3–5] of the vacuum energy associated between the two phenomena, the Casimir effect and the
with the “zero-point” quantum fluctuations [6, 7]. This edge states in the scope of phenomenologically relevant
interpretation originates from the fact that vacuum fluc- SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions. What is the
tuations influence neutral objects, such as perfectly con- relation between the restructuring of the gluonic vacuum
ducting neutral metallic objects, that carry no electric in bounded geometries [16] – related, in particular, to
or other charges with their dipole and higher-order mo- phenomenologically relevant MIT bag model [22, 23] –
ments vanishing. Another interpretation of the Casimir and possible boundary states in Yang-Mills theory? To
effect is given in Ref. [8]. this end, we first address the Casimir effect on the lattice.
The Casimir energy depends not only on the geometry Lattice Casimir setup. The formulation of the
of the objects but also on interactions of the quantum Casimir problem in lattice gauge theories have been first
fields [6, 7]. However, in a phenomenologically relevant discussed for Abelian gauge theories in Refs. [24–26] with
case of Quantum Electrodynamics, a correction to the the extension to the investigation of nonperturbative fea-
tree-level Casimir effect due to electron-photon interac- tures of Abelian [14, 15] and non-Abelian [16] lattice
tions is so tiny that it cannot be observed with the exist- gauge theories and, more recently, to free fermionic lat-
ing experimental technology [9]. tice models [27–30]. Below, we will briefly remind the
Remarkably, in strongly coupled theories, the effects essential points of the construction for gauge theories re-
of boundaries are much more pronounced: they mod- ferring the interested reader for more details to Ref. [26].
ify not only the vacuum forces but also influence the The non-Abelian Casimir setup features two perfectly
structure of the vacuum itself. For example, analyti- conducting flat chromometallic plates in the (x1 , x2 )
cal studies of effective models suggest the existence of plane separated by the distance R = |l1 − l2 | along the x3
Casimir-induced phase transitions in fermionic effective axis, as it is shown in the inset of Fig. 1. For Yang-Mills
field theories [10, 11] and the CP N −1 model on a finite theory with the action in (3 + 1)d Minkowski spacetime,
interval [12, 13]. In addition, first-principle numerical Z
simulations show that boundaries in interacting gauge 1
S=− d4 x Fµν
F a,µν . (1)
theories, such as compact electrodynamics [14, 15] and 4
Yang-Mills theory in two spatial dimensions [16], affects
the gauge-invariant Casimir boundary conditions are:
nonperturbative properties, including mass gap genera-
tion and (de)confinement (for a review see Ref. [17]).

Eka (x) a
a = 1, . . . , N 2 − 1. (2)

Moreover, bounded systems often possess new degrees = B⊥ (x) = 0,
x∈S x∈S
of freedom that emerge exclusively due to the presence
of boundaries. These boundary states and associated They imply that the tangential chromoelectric Eia ≡ F0i
a a,jk
boundary central charges ignite substantial interest in and normal chromomagnetic fields Bi = (1/2)εijk F

vanish at the surface S (in our case, S is the set of two We perform simulations at zero temperature L4s lat-
planes). Conditions (2) are identical, up to the color tices of various volumes, Ls = 12, 16, 20, 28, 32 using 13
index a = 1, . . . , N 2 −1, to the conditions imposed on the values of the gauge coupling varying in the range from
Abelian electromagnetic (photon) field at the surface of a β = 5.6924 to β = 6.5. The physical scaling of the lattice
perfectly conducting metal (a mirror) in electrodynamics. spacing a = a(β) is set via the phenomenological
√ value
Thus, Eqs. (2) correspond to a chromometallic mirror of the fundamental string tension, σ = 485(6) √ MeV =
plate for gluons. [0.407(5) fm]−1 following Ref. [31]. Values of a σ for in-
The Wilson form of the lattice Yang-Mills action is termediate β’s, which cannot be found in Ref. [31], are
given by a sum over lattice plaquettes P ≡Pn,µν ={n, µν}: obtained from an accurate spline interpolation. To gen-
erate and update gauge field configurations, we used the
X 1
S=β (1 − PP ) , PP = Re Tr UP , (3) Monte-Carlo heatbath algorithm [32, 33]. For each point,
3 set by the gauge coupling constant β and the lattice dis-
tance between plates R/a, we generated 6 × 105 trajecto-
where µ and ν label directions, n denotes a site of a 4d
ries. The first 105 configurations are omitted to achieve
Euclidean lattice, and β = 6/g 2 is the lattice coupling.
thermalization. Next, we proceed to the numerical cal-
In continuum limit, the lattice spacing vanishes, a → 0,
culation of the Casimir energy (6) on the lattice.
the lattice plaquette Uµν (n) = Uµ (n)Uν (n + µ̂)Uν† (n +
ν̂)Uν† (n) = exp(ia2 Fµν (n)+O(a3 )) reduces to the contin- Non-Abelian Casimir energy and the glueton.
uum field-strength tensor Fµν , and the lattice action (3) Figure 1 shows the Casimir energy density between the
becomes a Euclidean version of Yang-Mills action (1). chromometallic plates (6) calculated from first principles
The Casimir boundary conditions (2) in the Euclidean in SU(3) gauge theory. The data for a broad set of lattice
lattice formulation are achieved by promoting the lattice volumes and couplings nicely collapse to a smooth curve,
coupling in Eq. (3) to a plaquette-dependent quantity, thus demonstrating the absence of substantial finite-size
β → βP , where βP = λβ if the plaquette P either touches and finite-volume effects.
or belongs to the hypersurface spanned by the surface S
and βP = β otherwise [26]. The quantity λ plays a role
of a Lagrange multiplier which, in the limit λ → ∞,
enforces the lattice version of Eqs. (2).
In Minkowski spacetime, the canonical energy-
momentum tensor reads as follows:
T µν = F µα F να − η µν F αβ Fαβ (4)
x1, x4
where ηµν = diag (1, −1, −1, −1) is the metric. The en- x2
ergy density E is related to its Euclidean counterpart as x3 1 l2
1 1
E ≡ T 00 B 2 + E 2 → TE44 = 2 2
= BE − EE , (5)
2 2
where the superscript “E” labels the Euclidean quanti- Figure 1. Casimir energy density ECas vs. distance R between
ties. The lattice Casimir energy density per unit area the perfect chromometallic plates in units of the fundamental
of the Casimir plates on the zero-temperature lattice of string tension σ for various values of the lattice coupling β
the volume L4s is given by the properly normalized lattice and several lattice volumes L4 . The line shows the best fit by
version of Eq. (5): the phenomenological function (7), representing the Casimir
energy of a massive field. The inset illustrates the Casimir
X 3
X  double-plate geometry on the lattice with R = |l2 − l1 |.
ECas = βLs hPi4 iS − hPij iS , (6)
i=1 i<j=1
The Casimir energy takes a large negative value as the
where average plaquettes are taken over the whole lattice inter-plate separation R diminishes. This behavior points
volume. Quantity (6) represents the difference between to the attractive nature of the non-Abelian Casimir force
the vacuum expectation values of temporal and spacial expected at short separations, where gluons should expe-
plaquettes in the presence of the mirror plates S. An rience the asymptotic freedom and the Casimir interac-
additive divergent contribution to the expectation values tions should reduce to the one of a free massless vector
of plaquettes, arising from zero-point ultraviolet fluctu- field with a color degeneracy factor.
ations, cancels exactly in Eq. (6). The Casimir energy At large inter-plate separations R, the Casimir energy
density (6) is a finite physical quantity that depends only expectedly vanishes. In theories with a free massless field,
on the distance between R the mirrors and vanishes in the Casimir energy density per unit plate area drops as
their absence (or, at R → ∞). an inverse power R−3 of the distance R, while in field the-

ories with a mass m 6= 0, one expects that the Casimir the presence of a boundary. We call this boundary state
energy density vanishes exponentially, E(R) ∼ e−2mR . “glueton” interpreting it as a nonperturbative colorless
The factor 2 implies that the particle has to travel from state of gluons bound to their negatively colored images
one mirror plate to another, then get reflected to close the in the chromometallic mirror.
path, thus propagating the distance 2R in total. There-
The states localized at the boundaries of a system (of-
fore, it is crucial to determine how rapidly the energy
ten called the edge states) can have lower masses than
diminishes in the large–R limit, as this behavior should
the mass gap in the bulk of the same system. In the
uncover the mass spectrum of excitations in the gluonic
condensed matter context, this effect appears at the con-
vacuum between the chromometallic mirrors.
tacts of semiconductor structures (the Volkov-Pankratov
In (2+1) dimensional confining theories, closely spaced
states [39]) and the boundaries of topological insula-
chromometallic boundaries are known to affect the vac-
tors (massless edge modes featuring the spin Hall ef-
uum structure between them [15, 34]. In SU(2) Yang-
fect [40, 41]). However, contrary to the mentioned bound-
Mills theory, the lowest excitation between the plates
ary modes, the glueton has a non-topological origin.
corresponds to a “Casimir particle” with a mass substan-
tially lower than the lowest glueball mass in the same The glueton is a non-Abelian analog of a surface ex-
theory [16]. The Casimir mass is related to the magnetic citon that emerges in electronic systems. The surface
mass in 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory [35]. exciton is an electrically neutral quasiparticle that exists
The nonperturbative Casimir energy in (2 + 1)d non- in semiconductors and insulators close to their bound-
Abelian gauge theory can successfully be described as the aries: an electron (or a hole) in the bulk of the material
Casimir energy of a massive scalar particle [35]. Applying couples to its image hole (electron) state in the reflective
the same idea in (3 + 1) dimensions, we fit our numerical boundary and forms a neutral quasiparticle [42]. These
results with the Casimir energy of a scalar field [36–38] electron-hole states can only move along the boundary of
with certain mass mgt : the material. The physics of surface excitons constitutes
a vast area of research in solid-state physics [43–46].

2(Nc2 − 1)m2gt X K2 (2nmgt R)
ECas = −C0 2
. (7) The glueton should be distinguished from another
8π R n=1
n2 gluonic excitation, so-called “gluelump” [47–50]. The
gluelump is a purely gluonic system consisting of a va-
The prefactor takes into account the (Nc2 − 1)-fold color
lence gluon connected by an adjoint string to a static
degeneracy (with Nc = 3 in our case) as well as two spin
adjoint source which can be associated with an infinitely
polarization of (massless) gluons. The mass gap could af-
heavy gluon. Although the gluelump is not a physical ob-
fect this factor, thus forcing us to include a phenomeno-
ject that cannot be directly measured in an experiment,
logical parameter C0 . The sum in Eq. (7) is performed
its theoretical investigation provides valuable insight into
over a quickly converging series of modified Bessel func-
the nonperturbative confining properties of QCD [51].
tions of the second kind K2 (x).
Furthermore, contrary to the gluelump, the glueton can
The best fit of the Casimir energy by function (7) is
propagate along a reflective domain wall in QCD (for ex-
shown in Fig. 1 by the red line. The fit (with χ2 /d.o.f. '
ample, along the vacuum-hadronic interface in an MIT
0.6 highlighting its good quality) provides us with the
bag model [22, 23]) and thus can potentially contribute
following best-fit parameters: C0 = 5.60(7) and
to the stability of such states and associated physically

mgt = 1.0(1) σ = 0.49(5) GeV . (8) measurable quantities.
For completeness of our description, we also mention
Strikingly, the mass of the exchange particle (8) is sub-
that Yang-Mills theory possesses yet another, “torelon”,
stantially smaller than √the mass of the groundstate glue-
excitation which appears in systems with a compact spa-
ball M0++ = 3.405(21) σ = 1.653(26) GeV [31]. More-
tial dimension [52]. The torelon corresponds to a con-
over, the result (8) is surprising because the groundstate
fining flux tube that winds around a spatial torus and
glueball mass M0++ , by its very definition, is identified
has no fixed color sources. It has a numerically calcu-
with the lowest possible mass in the system. The same
lable spectrum corresponding to the eigenstates of the
phenomenon has been found for an effective particle that
stretched confining string, which cannot collapse due to
governs the long-distance limit of the Casimir effect in
geometrical topological reasons [53, 54]. Recently it has
two spatial dimensions [16]. Nevertheless, we found an
been revealed that the ground state of the torelon corre-
excitation with the nonzero mass (8), which is substan-
sponds to an axion-type excitation on the world sheet of
tially lower than the lowest groundstate mass.
the closed flux tube [54, 55].
The apparent contradiction is resolved by noticing that
the groundstate glueball mass M0++ determines the mass The glueton (a surface state) is yet another gluonic
gap in the bulk of the system (far from eventual bound- excitation in addition to the glueball (a bulk state),
aries) while the mass (8) is associated with a new excita- the gluelump (a heavy-light gluon-bound state), and the
tion in Yang-Mills theory that emerges exclusively due to torelon (a stretched-string state).

The quarkiton: a quark bound by a mirror. We In the thermodynamic limit at zero temperature,
argued above that the chromometallic Casimir plate, act- LT → ∞, the Polyakov loop observable vanishes identi-
ing as a mirror for gluons, facilitates the creation of a cally, making it practically impossible to calculate the po-
colorless (glueton) state bound of gluons to their mirror tential (10) of the heavy quark at large LT . This property
images. One can question whether a quark can form a is of a kinematic rather than dynamical origin, shared by
colorless bound state with its negative image in a chro- any (even unconfined) massive particle with a finite free
mometallic mirror, a “quarkiton”? energy F > 0. Therefore, to prove qualitatively the exis-
This “quark–chromometallic mirror” bound state is ex- tence of an attractive interaction between a single quark
pected to be strengthened by the color confinement phe- and the mirror, we consider rather a small lattice with
nomenon. Indeed, in the bulk of the confinement phase, the temporal extension LT = 12a, in which the spatial
the chromoelectric field of a quark is squeezed into the correlator is limited to a few lattice steps due to finite-
confining string, which terminates, in a meson, on an volume effects.
anti-quark. If we place a quark near the non-Abelian mir- The expectation value (9) contains unphysical
ror, the confining string should terminate on the mirror, distance-independent contributions, usually subtracted
thus attracting the quark to its negative image. There- via a renormalization procedure. Due to the small vol-
fore, we expect to observe the confinement of a quark ume of the lattice, it is challenging to renormalize the
with a neutral chromometallic mirror via the formation quark-free energy via its short-distance behavior, as it
of the confining QCD string. is usually done at finite temperature [56]. We notice,
Since the mirror is a globally color-neutral object, the however, that the free energy should flatten at the point
induced color charge, which mimics the image anti-quark d = 6a at the middle of the lattice due to the period-
at the mirror, should lead to a re-distribution of the color icity of the lattice. The flattening at this point is a
charge over the surface of an (infinite) mirror. In a confin- β-independent feature, which we use as a renormaliza-
ing system, the redistributed charge can contribute posi- tion requirement to calculate the renormalized free en-
tively to the total free energy of the quark-mirror system, ergy FQ| (l) = FQ| (l, β) − F0 (β) near the mirror. The
and it can, in principle, outweigh the negative contribu- distance-independent subtraction term is described by
tion of the quarkiton bound state. remarkably simple linear dependence: F0 (β) = −15.5 +
As we study a purely gluonic system, we cannot check 2.9β.
the formation of the quarkiton state by calculating the
mass spectrum with quark degrees of freedom near the
mirror. However, we can calculate the potential VQ|
(which is given by the free energy VQ| ≡ FQ| (d)) pro-
duced by the mirror “|” on the heavy quark “Q” separated
by the distance d. Moreover, the slope of the potential
allows us to estimate whether (and how strongly) the
quark is attracted to (or repelled by) the mirror. Q Q̄′
Associating the potential of the static quark with its
free energy FQ| (d), we use the Polyakov loop operator,
which places a static heavy quark at the spatial point x:

t −1
Px = Re Tr Ux,x4 , (9)
3 x =0 Figure 2. The renormalized free heavy-quark energy FQ| ren
at a distance l from the chromometallic mirror, plotted in
where the product over the time-like oriented non- physical units, for various lattice coupling constants β at 123
Abelian Ux,x4 matrices is closed via the periodic bound- lattice. The inset visualizes a quarkiton with the quark Q
ary conditions. The effect of the boundary mirror is iden- and its negative image in the chromometallic mirror, the anti-

tified via the expectation value of the Polyakov loop: quark Q̄0 , connected by a confining string (the “mirror” part
of the string is shown in blue).

hPx i| (d) = exp −LT FQ| (d) , (10)
The renormalized free energy of heavy quark near the
placed at the point x = (x1 , x2 , d) in the presence of a mirror, shown in Fig. 2, exhibits reasonable physical
single mirror (with fixed x3 = 0) and averaged over the scaling because the points with different lattice cutoffs
tangential coordinates x1 and x2 . In Eq. (10), LT is the a = a(β) collapse to the same smooth curve. We ob-
lattice length in the imaginary time direction which also serve that the flat mirror attracts the quark along the
serves as an infrared regulator. At finite temperature T , normal direction, thus supporting the formation of the
the length LT is fixed, LT = 1/T , and the term in the quarkiton bound state. The flattening of the free en-
exponent of Eq. (10) reduces to the familiar ratio F/T . ergy at larger distances l is due to a finite volume effect

which should disappear at larger volumes. At shorter energy of quarks does not depend on their separation
distances, FQ| (l) shows qualitative signs of the expected l. This physical picture is perfectly consistent with the
linear behavior. Since the system resides far from the formation of the quarkiton: the quark and the antiquark
thermodynamic limit, all conclusions drawn from Fig. 2 attract to their images in the mirror. Moreover, again ex-
should be considered qualitative statements. pectedly, the plateau at d = 1a is higher than at d = 2a,
Quarkiton and color confinement. The color in agreement with the fact that the string between the
confinement property of the low-temperature (hadronic) (anti)quark and its image in the mirror is shorter for the
phase requires that the asymptotic physical states of quark which is located closer to the mirror. At short
QCD must be colorless states of quarks and gluons. It distances, the perturbative Coulomb interaction prevails
is always concluded that the quark confinement implies over the string effects [62], but this fact does not change
that an isolated quark possesses infinite free energy and, our conclusions given the monotonic nature of the attrac-
therefore, cannot exist in the hadronic phase [57]. tive QQ̄ potential.
Strikingly similar physical properties are shared by
fractional vortices in interacting multi-component Bose-
Einstein condensates in two spatial dimensions as domain
walls (strings in 2d) linearly confine the vortices in bound
states that resemble hadrons in QCD [58]. Consequently,
an isolated vortex, similarly to an isolated quark, cannot chromometallic mirror

exist in the bulk of the condensate as a long domain wall d d

attached to the vortex makes its energy infinite. How- Q Q̄
ever, single fractional vortices can still survive near the
edge of the system, forming a bound state with its bound-
ary (for fractionally charged vortices in superconductors
with multi-band condensates and the boundary bound
states, see Refs. [59–61]).
Quarkiton interactions. Our interpretation of the Figure 3. Correlator of the Polyakov loops Cd (l) for a quark
quarkiton boundary states can also be qualitatively sup- and an antiquark located at the fixed distance d from the
ported by investigating the interactions of two quarki- chromometallic mirror and separated by the distance
√ l from
tons near the mirror. Let us consider a quark Q and each other on the lattice 124 at β = 5.6924 (a σ ' 0.4 [31]).
The correlator at d = 1a is scaled by the factor 1/4. The
an antiquark Q̄ located at the same distance d from the correlator in the absence of the plates is also shown.
boundary and at a distance l as shown in the inset of
Fig. 3. Neglecting the short-distance Coulomb interac-
tion via perturbative gluons, we consider the simplest The boundary (glueton and quarkiton) states can also
confining string model, which implies that the energy of interact with the bulk (glueball and meson) states. Also,
a mesonic, quark-antiquark QQ̄ state is E1 = σl. How- two quarkiton states, confined to the boundary, can com-
ever, if Q and Q̄ form quarkiton states with, respectively, bine by producing a colorless meson state which can then
their mirror images Q̄0 and Q0 , then the total energy of propagate into the bulk of the system.
this system is E2 = 2Egl = 2σd (we neglect the interac- A heavy quark between non-Abelian mirrors.
tion of the string with the mirror as well as perturbative Finally, we address the nature of the vacuum between
gluonic exchanges). Therefore, energy arguments sug- two chromometallic mirrors. In Ref. [16], the same ques-
gest that at short QQ̄ separation, l < 2d, the common tion has been raised in two spatial dimensions for the
mesonic QQ̄ state gets formed. As the separation in- vacuum of SU(2) gauge theory in between two paral-
creases at l > 2d, the string rearranges, and the meson lel wires (plates in Euclidean spacetime). It was con-
decays into two quarkiton states, QQ̄ → QQ̄0 + Q̄Q0 . cluded that in the confining low-temperature phase, the
The string rearrangement can be seen in Fig. 3, al- approaching plates generate a deconfinement phase in the
though our relatively small (L = 12) lattice does not space between them. The deconfinement mechanism in
allow us to observe it in detail. At large separation, this non-Abelian theory has been related to an identi-
d from the mirror, d = 5a, the correlator of Polyakov cal effect in the 2+1 dimensional compact Abelian gauge
loops, Cd (l) = hP (x)P ∗ (x + l)id as the function of their model [34] where the Casimir-induced deconfinement can
mutual distance l, coincides with the same correlator in be explained analytically [63].
the absence of the mirrors. Thus, no quarkiton states We see no pronounced signatures of a phase transition
are formed (a quark attracts to antiquark). As the dis- in the space between the plates in the behavior of the non-
tance to the mirror diminishes, the correlator increases in Abelian Casimir energy (6) shown in Fig. 1. To quantify
magnitude. At a small distance to the mirror d, the cor- the effect of the chromometallic mirrors on (de)confining
relator reaches the plateaus in l, implying that the free properties of the vacuum, we study another quantity, the

unrenormalized free energy of a heavy quark calculated where ca (with a = 0, 1, 2) are the fitting parameters.
in the space between the plates: Equation (12) implies that at short inter-plate separa-
D X E tions, a heavy quark in the space between the mirrors
LT FQCas (R) = − ln |P |V (R) ≡ − ln Px , (11) possesses a finite free energy which we interpret as a de-

x∈V (R) confinement of color. As the distance between the plates
R increases, the free energy increases, leading to the ex-
where the expectation value of the Polyakov loop |P |V ponential vanishing of the Polyakov loop and the onset
is taken only over the volume V = V (R) between the of the color confinement.
mirrors separated by the distance R.
Conclusions. Using first-principle numerical simu-
5.8 lations, we calculated the nonperturbative non-Abelian
Cornell potential fit Casimir energy generated by two closely spaced chro-
5.6 β = 6.30 mometallic mirror plates in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. We
5.4 L = 32 also revealed the presence of a new gluonic excitation, the
9 glueton, which we interpret as a colorless bound state of

|P| V(R) × 10 3

5.2 7
a gluon with its image in a chromometallic mirror.
6 The glueton is a non-topological excitation that shares
5.0 5
similarities with a surface exciton in a superconductor.
4.8 3
2 4 6 8 10
Unexpectedly, the glueton mass (8) turns out to be lower
R/a than the mass of the groundstate 0++ glueball. This
4.6 property of the glueton (“the edge mode is lighter than
2 4 6 8 10
R/a the mass gap in the bulk”) is shared by its topologi-
cal analogs in the condensed matter such edge modes in
Figure 4. Mean free energy of heavy quark in between the topological insulators [20] or the Volkov-Pankratov states
mirrors (11) as function of the inter-mirror separation R/a at the interfaces of semiconductors [39].
(in lattice units) on the lattice 324 . The red line is the best The presence of boundaries also affects the dynamics
fit by the Cornell potential (12) with the fit parameters c1 = of quarks. We show that similarly to confined fractional
2.03(4), c2 = 0.044(1), and c0 = 5.55(2). The inset shows the vortices in multi-component condensates [58–61], a single
expectation value of the corresponding Polyakov loop (11).
isolated quark can exist in the hadronic phase of QCD
near (and confined to) a large perfect chromometallic
In the inset of Fig. 4, we show the Polyakov loop in mirror, forming a colorless boundary state: the quarki-
between the plates |P |V (R) . This quantity takes a fi- ton. The glueton and quarkiton states can be relevant
nite value at small inter-plate separations R and then near domain walls in QCD and QCD-like theories.
quickly diminishes with increasing distance between the
plates. Such behavior points to an effective deconfine- Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to
ment regime between the closely-spaced plates, which we Julien Garaud for making them aware about Refs. [59–
interpret as a signal of the formation of (a superposi- 61]. The numerical simulations were performed at the
tion of) finite-energy quarkiton states between the test computing cluster Vostok-1 of Far Eastern Federal Uni-
quark and its antiquark image in the mirrors. As the versity. The work of VAG, AVM, and AST was supported
distance between the plates increases, the free energy of by Grant No. 0657-2020-0015 of the Ministry of Science
long-stretched quarkiton states rises, and the Polyakov and Higher Education of Russia.
loop vanishes, thus signaling the onset of the confining
The phenomenological interaction between quarks and
antiquarks is often described by a Cornell-type potential [1] H. B. G. Casimir and D. Polder, “The influence of re-
that combines a linear string behavior at long distances tardation on the london-van der waals forces,” Physical
with a short-distance Coulomb interaction [62]. There- Review 73, 360–372 (1948).
fore, the mean free energy of a quarkiton, in which a [2] Hendrick BG Casimir, “On the attraction between two
quark interacts with its antiquark image in the mirror, perfectly conducting plates,” in Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad.
Wet., Vol. 51 (1948) p. 793.
should follow a similar behavior with the typical quarki-
[3] S. K. Lamoreaux, “Demonstration of the Casimir force
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