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My favorite things in life

don't cost any maney.

Complete (he crossword .
Clues across-+ C lu es clown '"


• T




2 GRAMMAR a / an, plurals; this / that / e Complete the sentences with tltis, that. these. or tltose.
these / those
1 Tluu's a French news paper.
a Write /t's + a! an or Tltey 're.
1 les a change purse.
2 They're pens.
It´s a
3 dictionary. 2 _This
_ _ _ _ _ _ watch
4 _It´s
__ an_ _ _ _ umbrella. is American.
5 __ _ _ _ _ _ stamps.
6 _ _ _ _ _~ keys.
7 __It´s_an
_ _ _ _ lDcard. 3 _Those
_ _ _ _ _ _ aremy
It´s a
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ penciL headphones!
b Write each word in ¡ts plu ra l form in rhe correct colurnn.

pencil city coin ticket nationality watch window That

4 _-----, _ _ _ _ book
address sandwich country class dictionary
is good.

-s -es ~ ie s

COlltS pencils, addresses cities

nationalities, 5 _These
_ _ _ _ _ _ are
tickets, countries, yaur keys.
windows dictionaries
d Co mplete rh e cha rt. 4 REAOING
Singular Plural Read the text and label the pictures.
Woman women
The top five things
people in people's bags
child Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys.
e Complete t he semences with a word from the charr in d. car keys. or office keys. Next are pens, to write down na mes,
numbers, and email addresses. Number three on the list is
1 Her mather is a very nice persan
a package of tissues. These can be white or different co lors.
2 My English teacher is a man . Hi s name's like pink or yellow. Next is medicine. for example aspirin for
William. abad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These are
3 1 have r\Vo children
_ _ _ _ My first _
o child
_ _ _ I S SIX small pieces of paper from stores.
years old.
4 Many Ameri can people drink caffee. Pens medicine
S Nor rhar resrroom , Mr. D avis! Ir's for
_ _ _ _ , not _men
women _ _ __ receipt

3 PRONUNCIATION final-s and -es; th

a ~th e \Vord thar end s in hz/o
,---- -

4 tissues 5 keys

b ~! jt!t!! m Li sten and check. T hen li sren again and 5 L1STENING

• repeat rh e \Vord s. ,!.t49m Listen ro four pea pie talking about things
8- they have in rhe ir bags. Which person ... ?
c ~~the \Vord \Vith a differe nt sound.
1 has a book in his I her bag that helps him I her spea k

to peo ple
, 2 ha s somethin g to listen to music
1 that they thanks
mother 3 changes bags every day
4 ha s a comp uter in his I her bag

2 thing thirty these



3 three this the
Learn these words and phrases.
lamp /hemp/
r 00111 /rum l

4 Thursday those thirteen
near Init/
messy l' mEsi/
\Vhat's this in English? /wats Ó¡S In '1l)ghSI

d 51'j1jtiI m Listen and check . Then listen again and

repear the words.
Not me rely a nation, but a nation of nation s .
Lyndon B Johnson, American president

1 GRAMMAR adjectives b Com plete rhe cross\Vo rd . \Vr ire rh e op pos ite adjectives.
a ~~th e correct \Vords.
1 T hey're jeans blue I blue jeans. 'F A S T
2 Ir'5 a nice day I day nice. ,D
3 My sisters are very taH ! very taUs . , , ,
4 T hat's a car fase I fase caro E IX P E N S I V E
S T hese are goods photos I good photos. E ¡-- M
F - ¡--
6 T hose booes are realIy cheap I realIy cheaps. A
, F P
7 lt's a big house I house higo rr- ¡-- ¡-- r¡¡¡-

8 Her children aren'tvery olds I very oId.

B l' P O O R I T W
¡-- ¡-- ¡-- ¡--
b O rder ch e words ro make sentences. , ¡--
U u
1 blue 1T his 1is 1a 1pen G OI O D ¡--
T his is a bluepen
2 ex pensive I an fT har's I watch "S T R O N G
That´s an expensive watch.
3 very 1My I long 1hair 1is H -

My hair is very long. O

4 [ ieh I very I is I \Yoman I T hat "D I R T Y
That woman is very rich. T
5 boots 1really 1Your 1dirty 1are -
Your boots are really dirty. C lues across -+ C lu es d ow n~
6 city 1T his 1a 1dan gerous 1is 2 slow 12 cold 1 dan gerous 7 small
This is a dangerous city. 4 cheap 13 we ak 3 easy 9 new
7 very 1book 1good 1T hat 1isn't 1a 8 rieh 14 clean 5 far 10 ri ght
11 bad 6 full 13 rall
That isn´t a very good book.
8 big 1ha use 1very 1is 1His
His house is very big. e Match the pi ctures to t he sentences. \Vr ite the letter in t he box.

2 VOCABULARY colors,
adjectives, modifiers:
very / really
a W rite rhe colo r5.
1 blue + yello\V = _weell
2 bl ack + whire o gray
3 red + yeLlow o orange
4 whire + red o pink
5 red + green o
1 She's rhin , wit h long hair. lID 4 She's young, \Virh blond hair. C
2 He's ta l! , \Vith short lu ir. OD 5 He's short, \Vith dark hai r. O
3 He's old , and good- 6 She's far , and she's
looking. O
A beauti ful. O
d Look at the info rm atio n and write sen tences with is 4 REAOING
very (adjective) iSlt't very (adjective), or (adjective).
Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).
Rob Neil Jim F
1 The \Valk ofFame is in the UK.
Age 15 65 85 F
2 It's a short st reet.
Height 6 feet , 5 feet, 5 feet, 3 Every year there are more stars. T
5 inches 2inches 9 inches 4 The stars are for famous acrors. F
Weight 300 pounds 250 pounds 121 pounds S M ichael Jackson ha s more rh an one srar. T
6 Only real people ca n have a star. F
Age (old{young)
1 Rob is veryyollrtBlisn't very old.
2 Neil tidd.
3 Jim _____________
is very old/ isn´t very young._
Height (taH { short)
is very tall/ isn´t very short. _
4 Rob _______________________
Hollywood is an area of Los Angeles in California in the USo The
5 Neil _______________________
is very short/ isn´t very tall _ Walk of Fame is in the center of the area on Hollywood Boulevard
is tall
6 Jim ______________________ _ and Vine is over 1.2 miles long, and has more than 2,400
Weight (fat {thin) stars. There are more than 20 new stars every year.
7 Rob _______________________
is very fat/ isn´t very thin. _ The stars are in five different types: movies, TV, music, radio,
8 Neil _ is_fat.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ and theater. Sorne famous people have more than one star, for
9 Jim _is_ _ _thin/
very _ _isn´t
_ _ very
___ _ ___
fat. example, Michael Jackson. He has two stars: one as a solo artist,
and one as a member of the Jackson Five. But the Walk of Fame
isn't only for real people. Mickey Mouse has a star and more
3 PRONUNCIATION long and short recently, Shrek.
vowel sounds
a Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with th e
same vowel sou nd. Write the phrases in the chart. Use 5 L1STENING
al an with singu lar nouns.
"",B;m Li sten ro ove speakers d escribing celebrities
Adjectives with Hollywood sta rs. Which speaker describes ... ?
blue dean good long big stop A a short sin ger \Vith blond or brown hair 2
Nouns B an old Amer ican actor wirh dark eyes 3
book city watch jeans shoes song
e a tall, good-Iook ing man \V ilh bro\Vn eyes 1
D an actor and musician wirh blue eyes 5

f ish
1 a /2iB Ót;}! c::O
4 a long song.
E a Brirish woman w ith green eyes 4

2 Clean jeans ~b 5 a good book.
Learn these words and phrases.
tree bull
actor I'rektdrl

d ock
3 a stop watch d!r
6 blue shoes. actress I'rektrds l
eyes lalzl
hair IhErl
b "Sl';mm Listen and check. Then li sten again and musician Imyu'zlJnl
repeat th e word s. politician l,pald'tIJnl
spo rtsman /'sp:Jrtsmdnl
sportswoman l'spJrts, wumdnl
singer I'Sll)drl
about (50) I,' bautl
famous l 'fem1dsl
W hat color is it? Iwat 'kAl dr IZ It l
Don't worry, be happy.
Bobby McFerrin, American musician

1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let's 2 VOCABULARY feelings

a Co mpl ete rhe sentences \V irh a verb in the box. Write a sentence fro m rhe box.
Use a r±J or a El im perative.
l'm angr-y. I'm bared. l'm cald o I'm happy.
be clase come drink park slow speak turn worry l'm hato I'm hungry. l'm sad . l'm stressed.
I'm tired . I'm thirsty. I'm worried.
1 The city is dangerous ar night. Please b< careful.
2 Ir 's cold in heteo Please close rhe w ind ow. I My friend is lare. I'mallB'Y'
2 It 's 37° F. I´m cold.
3 Ir isn't a probJem. Please don´t worry abour it.
3 It 's my birrhday! I´m happy.
4 T hi s is an Engli sh class . Pleasedon´t speak Span ish.
4 My mother is in the hospita l. I'm worried.
5 T heir house is on rh is srreet. Please slow clown.
6 Come c n ! We're late! 5 It 's rime for dinner. I´m hungry.
6 I don'r kno\V what ro do. I´m bored.
7 T hi s is a bus stop. Please don´t park heteo
7 It 's 100° F. I´m hot.
8 Don´t drink rhar water - it's ditty.
8 I[,s very lare. I´m tired.
9 T hi s music is terrible. Please turn ir off.
9 My hu sband is very far away. I´m sad.
b Match rhe senten ces ro rhe pic ru res. I´m thirsty.
10 r wa nt water.
A Let's park here. o Let's cross the road here. II 1 have a lot of work. I´m stressed.
B-l:etls-go home. E Let's go te a hotel.
e Let's eat lunch there. F Let's turn on the air conditioning.
3 PRONUNCIATION understanding
connected speech
, ,,
a Practice say ing the se n ten ces.
.' '.
, ,
Look ar rhose children .
, 2 Turn off the T Y.

E 3 Let's ask that man o


4 Don't open (he w ind ow.


5 Let's ear at home.

~ ~

F D 6 Sit on this chaie.


b S",(:t ! m Listen and check. Then listen

again and repeat the sentences.

c Complete rhe cha n with rhe word s in the box. 5 LlSTENING
angry fat happy have hungry matter Monday one ,!n;m Listen to the dialogues and choo se
sad ugly does young a, b, or c.

Where are (hey?
a ar an airporr
~ b ar home
e in a restaurant
ca! up
2 \Vhere are they?
ªllgr;l1 does a in a horel
fat hungry b inaear
happy Monday e in a resraurant
have one 3 \Vhere are (hey?
matter ugly a in aplane
sad young b in a hotel
e In acar
d .:t,.mmLisren and check. Then listen again and repear 4 \Vhere are they?
(he \Vords. a in a resraurant
b ar horne
e III a car
4 READING 5 Where are they?
a Read rhe anide abollr rips for a long car trip . Match rhe a in a hotel
headings ro rhe paragraphs. b at an airport
e ar horne
Have fun! Is your car ready? Plan your trip.
Make sure everything is in the caro Keep awake!


Learn these words and phrases.
• A Plafl;l1our trip. jacket I'd3rekotl
Look at a map befo re you go. Think about the time you need pants /prents/
to arrive at your destination and places where perhaps there sign Isam l
is a lot of traffie.
skirr /sbrtl
o Is your car ready?
B ________________________________________ __ uniform / 'yun~.fJrm /
Accidents sometimes happen because cars are in bad grear (opposite terrible) /grelt/
condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels.
left (appasi'e right) Ilcft!
Take the car to the garage if necessary.
park (verb) Iparkl
o e ________________________________________
Make sure everything is in the car. __
stop /stop/
Put your bags and everything you want to take with you
in the hall the night before. Don't forget essential documents
trip /tnp/
like passports or ID cards, and of course your driver's license. wirh /wISI
o Keep awake!
D ________________________________________ __ Be quiet! /bi 'kwal~t l

Being tired is very dangerous for drivers. If you are tired, stop Don't worry. /'dount 'wACil
at a service station. Have a coffee or sleep for 15 minutes. Slow down. /sloo 'daoo/
In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on. turn on (opposite turn off) /' t~rn an/
o E ________________________________________
Have fun! __
Children are often difficult during long trips. Take games, for
example, computer games or word games, and iPods to listen
to music. And don't forget things to eat and drink.

b Underline five words yOll don't kno\V. Use yOllr dicrionary

ro look up rheir mea ning and pronunciarion.

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