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Pathanatomy and Pathphysiology : https://t.


Other than Pathanatomy and pathophysiology subjects being crucial subjects for the
Krok exam and acing them means you aced 40-60% of the Krok exam already, they
serve as the base for many important clinical subjects that will shape you as a
qualified doctor like Internal medicine, surgery…etc.

Why it is not easy to study them?

Unlike international curriculums, which teach Pathology as one subject, ukrainian

curriculum divides it into two subjects: Pathanatomy and Pathophysiology, which
makes it a bit challenging to study those subjects from international sources

So how to prepare

Pathanatomy and Pathophysiology will be studied along two semesters.

• 1st semester: General Pathanatomy and Pathophysiology (Dystrophy, necrosis,
• 2nd semester: Special Pathanatomy and Pathophysiology (Systems pathology:
nervous system, endocrine system… etc.)

✅ The Best way to approach the 1st semester is to follow university lectures and
books, online videos unfortunately do not cover all topics, but there are some good
ones that I will recommend. Do not worry if you feel lost or confused, it is normal
during the first period in getting to know these new subjects.

NB Understanding 1st semester pathology is essential to be familiar with second

semester topics! Do your best in the beginning and you will enjoy studying the 2nd
semester, believe me!

In the 2nd semester you will start special pathology, which deals with the specific
pathology of each system in the body.
This semester is more exciting in my opinion and fortunately it is very similar to what
is taught internationally so it is widely covered online (YouTube videos, Dr.Najeeb,
ninja nerd YouTube channel…my absolute favorites) which makes preparing for
these lessons very exciting and rewarding!

Can you recommend any good sources ?

Of course!

• Krok 1 pathanatomy university base:

Very important question bank that according to our observations in past papers the
test center brings questions directly from it in Krok so I recommend it strongly to
my students

• Pathomorpohlogy by I.V. SOROKINA: A Book based on the Ukrainian

curriculum, helpful to read from it ONLY after you study the lesson from
international sources.

• Pathophysiology by N.K. Simeonova: A pathophysiology book based on

Ukrainian curriculum, helpful to refer to it after you study from online sources.

• YouTube videos: Dr.Najeeb lectures, Ninja nerd.

For Arabic speakers: Dr. Sameeh Ghazy pathology lectures.

Khalil Azrak 0993802829

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