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Syllabus of course
«Biological and bioorganic Chemistry»

Specialty 222 “Medicine”

Branch of knowledge 22 «Health care»
Level of higher education Second
Degree of higher education Master
Status of the course Compulsory course
Year of studying 2-nd year /III-IY semestrs
Language of instruction English
Number of ECTS credits 6,5
Division by types of classes Lections – 40 hour.
and hours of study Training sessions – 90 hour
Student’s independent work – 65 hour
Type of assessment Exam
Information about the course Lecturer: MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Higher
leader / teachers Education Institution , Oksana Ostrivka,

Teachers for training sessions : MD, PhD, Associate

Professor of Higher Education Institution , Oksana
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Higher Education
Institution, Alla Mudra,
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Higher Education
Institution, Iryna Kuzmak;
DSc, Professor Olga Yaremchuk;
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Higher Education
Institution Iryna Bandas;
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Higher Education
Institution Lillya Palytsia,
assistant Professor Olexandr Tokarsky;
Location of the department Department of Medical Biochemistry; 1 Maidan Voli,
and course Ternopil;
46001 phone (0352)254784;
E-mail –
Class days: according to the According to the current schedule of classes
current schedule of lectures
and training sessions
Consultations Consultations (face-to-face and/or on-line, individual and/or
group) are held at the department daily from 15.30 to 20.00,
by arrangement and/or by appointment

Placing Moodle system
2. Description of the course
The syllabus of the course "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" is designed for students studying in
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine under the Training
program GENERAL MEDICINE, branch of knowledge 22 “Health Care”, specialty 222”Medicine” (second
Master’s degree of higher education). Qualification “Master’s degree in Medicine. Physician”
Biological and bioorganic chemistry is a chemistry that deals with the chemical compounds and processes
occurring in organisms. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes. t is based on the study
of students of medical biology, biophysics, medical chemistry, morphological disciplines and integrates with
these disciplines.
Lays the foundations for students to study molecular biology, genetics, physiology, pathology, general and
molecular pharmacology, toxicology and propaedeutics of medical disciplines, which integrates teaching with
these disciplines and the formation of skills to apply knowledge of biological and bioorganic chemistry, especially
biochemical processes. the body of a healthy and sick person, in the process of further training and professional
According to the curriculum, the study of "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" is carried out in the 1st
and 2nd courses during the II-IV semesters.
The Master’s degree in Medicine. Physician, regardless of specialization, must know the basics of biological
and bioorganic chemistry, so the training of a qualified doctor is impossible without an in-depth and at the same
time specific study of the discipline.
As a result of studying the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" the student must master the
skills: a) to determine the biological role and features of metabolism of the main classes of biopolymers in the
human body, biochemical parameters of basic biochemical processes, biochemical constellations; b) explain the
molecular basis and biochemical features of enzymology, substantiate the most informative latest methods of
enzymology; c) independently select and analyze modern biological scientific information, display and present
the results of their research in writing; d) practically apply theoretical knowledge in solving problems of modern

3. Purpose of the course

PURPOSE of the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry": to form students' knowledge, skills and
abilities in the field of biochemical, molecular-biological mechanisms of the human body, to master modern,
latest methods of biochemical research.


- to teach students to laboratory research and to identify certain classes of bioorganic compounds on the
properties of the functional groups ;
- to conduct quality assessment and response indicators in laboratory studies of solutions;
- investigate the function of organs and tissues and the whole organism in experiments on animals, isolated
organs, cells , and on models or on the basis of experiments recorded in video, films, presented in computer
programs and other educational technologies;
- to investigate the clinical and biochemical indices of intermediate intermediates and end products of
metabolism in the main body fluids in normal and pathological processes for development ;
- solve situational problems (assessment of clinical and biochemical parameters characterizing the features
and options of homeostasis and establishing mechanisms of metabolic regulation , etc.) that are experimental or
clinical and biochemical areas.

4. Prerequisites and postrequisites of the course

Prerequisites of the discipline. The study of the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" involves
the prior mastering of disciplines in medical biology, biophysics, medical chemistry, biological chemistry, which
are a source of methods for identifying and quantifying the components of biological fluids; close interaction
with clinical medicine makes it possible to test in practice the real prognostic value of theoretical ideas and
analytical quality of laboratory research methods.
Post-requisites of the discipline. As a result of studying the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic
Chemistry" students of the second (master's) educational and scientific level of higher education can use the
results of training in the study of physiology, valeology, biophysics, biotechnology and ecology. This discipline
forms the modern worldview of the applicant on general biological phenomena and provides a comprehensive
approach to solving modern general biological problems associated with the development and growth of
organisms at different levels of organization.
Applicants for the second (master's) educational and scientific level of higher education can also use learning
outcomes when writing abstracts for student scientific forums, scientific and methodological articles, scientific
publications in Ukrainian and foreign publications, as well as in further research. Study and internship abroad
(participation in research grants and scholarships). Postgraduate studies.


Section 1. General principle of metabolism

Topic 1. Biochemistry: subject, main objectives, and current directions of development. Structure, physical and
chemical properties of enzymes. Kinetic of enzymatic reactions.
Topic 2. Mechanism of the enzymatic processes depending on the type of reaction; classification of enzymes.
Topic 3. Enzyme units, regulation of enzymatic processes, enzyme deficiencies and mechanism their
development. Enzymes in diagnostics and treatment.
Topic 4. Basic principles of metabolism; catabolism, anabolism. Stages of catabolism of proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids.
Topic 5. Common metabolic pathways of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The Krebs cycle (Citric Acid cycle,
TCA cycle), its steps, metabolites and role.

Topic 6. Bioenergetics processes: biological oxidation, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis. Molecular
organization of mithochondrial respiratory chain.
Topic 7. Chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation. Inhibitors and uncouplers of oxidative
Topic 8. Enzymes. Basic principles of metabolism. Bioenergetics.

Section 2. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and its regulation.

Topic 9. Specific catabolic pathways of carbohydrates. Digestion, absorption. Glucose transport. Glycolysis in
the erythrocytes.
Topic 10. Aerobic oxidation of glucose. Metabolism of galactose, fructose and their violation. Hexose
Monophosphate Shunt.
Topic 11. Biosynthesis and catabolism of glycogen. Regulation of glycogen metabolism. Glycogen Storage
Diseases. Biosynthesis of glucose – gluconeogenesis.
Topic 12. Mechanisms of hormonal regulation and pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes mellitus.
Topic 13. “Carbohydrate Metabolism".
Topic 14. Lipid metabolism: digestion, absorption, role of bile acids. Synthesis of fats in the intestinal wall.
Topic 15. Tissue lipolysis, its regulation. Oxidation of glycerol and fatty acids. Genetic deficiencies enzymes of
fatty acid oxidation. Bioenergetics of this processes.
Topic 16. Biosynthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides and phospholipids. Biosynthesis and biotransformation of
Topic 17. Ketone body metabolism. Regulation and disorders of lipid metabolism. Types of hyperlipidemias,
ketoacidosis, sphingolipidosis, their clanical-biochemical characteristic.
Topic 18. Lipid Metabolism.
Topic 19. Catabolism of simple proteins. Digestion of proteins, chemical composition of gastric juice, absorption.
Protein metabolism disorders.
Topic 20. General pathways of amino acids transformation, transamination, and decarboxylation. The role of
enzymes and coenzymes.
Topic 21. Detoxification of ammonia and biosynthesis of urea. Specific pathways of amino acid metabolism.
Mechanisms of hormonal regulation and pathologies of protein metabolism.
Topic 22. Biosynthesis and catabolism of purine nucleotides. Determination of the end products of their
metabolism. Biosynthesis and catabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides. Disorders of nucleotides metabolism.
Topic 23. Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication. Transcription. Biosynthesis of proteins on ribosomes.
Stages and mechanisms of translation, regulation of translation. Antibiotics – inhibitors of transcription and
Topic 24. Simple Proteins and Nucleoprotein Metabolism.

Section 3. Molecular mechanisms of action of hormones on target cells and vitamins as food components.

Topic 25. Molecular mechanisms of the effect of protein-peptide hormones on the target cells. Molecular
mechanisms of the effect of wather soluble and fat soluble hormones. Types and characteristic of signal
Topic 26. The role of thyroid hormones in metabolic regulation. Endocrine control of calcium and phosphate
Topic 27. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of adrenal and sex hormone action. Eicosanoids: prostaglandins,
thromboxans, leukotrienes.
Topic 28. Vitamins as nutritional components: exogenic and endogenic hypovitaminosis. Water soluble
(coenzyme) vitamins.
Topic 29. Ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids: structure, properties, biological functions. Vitaminlike compounds.
Topic 30. Fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins as antioxidants. Specific mechanism of action of vitamins - А, E, D, К.
Topic 31. Biochemistry of Hormones and Vitamins.

Section 4. Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of blood.

Topic 32. Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of blood. Respiratory function of erythrocytes, syntheses of hem,
types and derivatives of hemoglobin. Hemoglobinopathys and Porphyrias. Hemolitic anemias. Pathological forms
of hemoglobin.
Topic 33. Biochemical composition of blood plasma: total proteins, fractions of blood proteins, their
characteristics and biological function. Enzymes of blood plasma, acute phase proteins.
Topic 34. Blood plasma lipoproteins : types, structure, functions. Atherogenic and antiatherogenic lipoproteins
Topic 35. Residual nitrogen and nonprotein nitrogenous substances of the blood. Blood components of the
immune system.
Topic 36. Biochemistry of the Blood.

Section 5. Functional and clinical biochemistry of organs and tissues.

Topic 37. Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and vitamins in liver. Liver as primary regulator of
Topic 38. Biochemical functions of the liver. Porphyrin metabolism: metabolism of bile pigments, biochemistry
of jaundice.
Topic 39. Biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogenous toxins in the liver: microsomal oxidation,
cytochrome Р450. Detoxification function of the liver; biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogenous toxins.
Topic 40. Summary lesson on Liver Biochemistry.
Topic 41. Role of the kidneys in the production of urine. Physical and chemical properties and chemical
composition of normal urine.

Topic 42. Biochemistry of kidney diseases. Pathological constituents of urine.

Topic 43. Summary lesson on urine formation; functions of the kidneys. Biochemistry of kidney diseases.
Topic 44. Biochemistry of muscle and muscle contraction.
Topic 45. Biochemistry of connective tissue

6. Materials and technology (software) for the course

The following equipment is used when studying the course "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" at the
Department of Medical Biochemistry:
1. Test sets of reagents for:
a) determination of enzyme activity;
b) conducting ELISA methods. c) sets of chemical reagents for determination
intermediate and final products of metabolism.
2. Spectrophotometers, photoelectrocolorimeters, drying cabinets, thermostats, centrifuges, chemical utensils
(measuring and centrifuge tubes, tripods, dispensers of variable volumes).
3. Interactive whiteboards.
4. Software for statistical calculations of the obtained results. 5. Multimedia equipment.
6. Training tables.

7. Learning materials and resources

1. Korda M, O.Ostrivka, A.Mudra, I.Kuzmak, I.Birchenko, Workbook for practical classes in Biological and
Bioorganic chemistry (for 2-nd year International students faculty, speciality 222 Medicine), Ternopil,
Ukrmedknyga, 2018. – 150 p.
2. M.Lieberman, A.Peet. Basic Medical Biochemistry. – New York –London, 2021. – 997 p.
3. Emine Abali, S.Cline, D.Franclin. Biochemistry (eighth edition). – New York –London, 2021. – 690 p.
4. Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet, Charlotte W.Pratt. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. – New York – Toronto, 2019.
– 931 p.
5. N.V.Bhagavan. Medical Biochemistry. – San Diego – Tokyo, 2019. – 938 p.
6. Reginald H Garret, Charles M. Grisham. Biochemistry with a Human Focus. – Australia – United States, 2020.
– 893 p.


1. Geoffrey Beckett, Simon Walker, Peter Rae, Peter Ashby Clinical biochemistry (Lecture notes). – Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020.- 319 p.
2. Michael L. Bishop, Edward P. Fody, Larry E. Schoeff Clinical chemistry: principles, procedures, correlations.
– USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2019.- 730 p.
3. Robert K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner. Harper’s illustrated Biochemistry. – India: International Education, 2018.-
693 p.

Information resources
Official web resources of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ministry of
Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and other central authorities of Ukraine, web resource of I.
Horbachevsky TNMU), website of the Department of Medical Biochemistry of I. Horbachevsky TNMU,
educational portals of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine.

8. Evaluation system
Information on current control, assessment for practical class, of practical skills
included in the matricula, assessment of individual work is provided.
Minimum and maximum points number received by the applicant in mastering the
discipline should be reflected, separately for current activities, including individual work, and
the results of the final control. The conditions of admission to the final control are indicated.
The scale of assessment and transfer of grades from the 12-point rating to the 200-point,
traditiona l 4-point scale and ECTS assessment scale are presented in the REGULATION on the
organization of educational process in TNMU
The ongoing current control is carried out during practical classes to check the level
of preparation of the student to perform a particular job. Form of current control: oral
discussion evaluation, solving clinical practical cases, test control. Input (primary), intermediate
and final level of knowledge of the student is estimated. The evaluation results are reflected in
the journal.
The student progress is assessed on a 12-points scale.
10-12 points (“excellent”) are given to the student who mastered theoretical knowledge
according tothe program and demonstrated an ability to use it in solving practical problems.
7-9 points (“good”) are given to the students who mastered theoretical knowledge according
to theprogram but made insignificant, non-principal errors in practical implementation.
4-6 points (“fair”) are given to the student who mastered theoretical knowledge but made
significanterrors or gaps in some areas.
1-3 points (“poor”) are given to the student who failed in mastering the program, his
knowledge andskills should be further improved in the hours allotted for independent work of
the student.
The score for the practical class considered positive if it is 4.0 points and more. It includes all
types ofwork offered in the methodical instructions ’guideline.
Final Assessment After Complete of Subject Study.
The grade in the discipline is defined as the number of points of the current control,
which is60% of the total grade in the discipline, and the grade obtained in the exam, which is
40% of the total grade in the discipline. The maximum number of points that a student can
count while studying the discipline is 200 points, including for the current educational activity
of adding points for student individual work (SIW) - 120 points, for examination control (exam)
- 80 points.
The grade for the exam is calculated taking into account the proportion of the points
number of obtained by the student for the test control (75%) and the proportion of the points
number obtained during the oral interview with the examiner (25%). The exam is
considered passed if the studentscored at least 51 points. If a student has not passed one of the
components of the exam, he is considered the one who has not passed the final examination in
general. The student has to pass again only the part that he failed.
A student who has not scored the minimum number of points in the discipline during the semester
cannot be admitted to the final semester control. This category of students is entitled to additional study of the
discipline during the holidays and must pass it before the beginning of the next semester.

7. Course policies

Academic Integrity Policy:

The policy of the academic component is based on the principles of academic integrity (on University
polozhennia_pro_academich_dobroches.pdf )and is determined by requirements imposed by the teacher on the
student in studying the academic component: compliance with safety rules in the classroom; prevention of
academic plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, write-off, prohibition of use of additional sources of information
in knowledge assessment (as well as electronic communication devices), when using Internet resources and other
sources of information, the applicant must indicate the source used performing the task.

Attendance policy:
The student is obliged to follow the University
content/uploads/2019/12/Pravyla-vnutrishnogo-rozporyadku.pdf Code of Conduct, to attend classes according to
the schedule, and to adhere to the Code of Students’ Ethics.
Attendance is a mandatory component of assessment. For objective reasons (for example: illness,
business trip, internship, quarantine, etc.) training may take place online by agreement with the teacher. There
is a separate day for consultations, individual lessons.

Retaking policy:
If the student was absent during classes for any reason, the retaking is carried out within the terms set by
the teacher. According to the Regulations on the Organization of the Learning Process in TNMU All tasks
provided in the program must be completed within the terms set by the teacher.

Appeals policy:
Students have the right to appeal the assessment grade for the course got during the assessment. The appeal is
carried out according to the “Regulations on the organization, carrying out of formative and summative
assessment and the procedure for its appeal”. .

Conflict policy:
Communication of the participants of the learning process (teachers, applicants) is based on partnerships,
mutual support, mutual assistance, tolerance and respect for the individual, the focus on the acquisition of true
scientific knowledge. Conflict resolution is carried out according to the Regulations on Conflict Resolution at the

Syllabus is approved at General Chemistry Department Meeting

Minutes № 5, «22» of June, 2022

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