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Chest X- Ray can be processed in digital form with photo editing applications. Various kinds of photo
editing applications that can be used, especially in today's era that has been widely used android
gadget technology. From some of the applications used there are several applications that have the
facility to help process the photo so that it helps improve reading on the photo thorax TB disease.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the presence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis germs

that enter the body through breathing. The Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is based on the
symptoms of a chronic cough that can be accompanied by bloody sputum, weight loss, night sweats,
tightness, and fever. In addition, supporting examinations such as chest X-rays can also be carried
out to support the diagnosis. CT scan equipment is not widely owned hospitals in Indonesia.
Radiology diagnostic aids that many hospitals have are just plain photos of thorak so that the use of
gadget Technology will be very useful for supporting.

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