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“In Greek mythology, ichor is the ethereal fluid that is the blood of

the gods and immortals. Ichor is described as toxic to humans, killing

them instantly if they came in contact with it.”

White Ichor was invented by the prodigal rogue health deterioration will make long-time users frail
chemist, Radim Maliki, when he isolated the active and prone to infections and illnesses due to the com-
component from android blood and managed to promising of the immune system.
refine it into a drug with highly addictive properties. Users will experience euphoric sensations and
White Ichor is a hydrochloric powder and a central hyperactivity. The improved oxygen uptake caused
nervous system (CNS) stimulant that turns into a by the drug results in significant general perfor-
milky white substance when mixed with water, hence mance increase and an overwhelming feeling of
the nickname Milk. invulnerability over an extended period of time.
Snorting the powder is the quickest way to achieve This makes it very suitable as a combat enhancer.
the desired effect but it is also suitable for injecting The comedown symptoms include extreme exhaus-
directly into the veins if dissolved in water. Onset of tion and lethargy lasting up to 24 hours, as well
the effects is slightly slower when injecting. as increased levels of stress. Symptoms may be
Although being highly addictive it has relatively mild mitigated through additional drug usage.
(depending on grade) adverse health effects com- Price per dose: 500 - 1.500cr (depending on grade).
pared to other drugs. However, over time general

Android Cow Producer Dairy farm, Dairy queen, Farmer
White Ichor Ambrosia, Dairy, God blood, Ichor, Dealer Milkman
Milk, Nectar Dealing laced Ice-cream man
Pure Lean, Low fat Looking to score Got milk?
Cut Creamy Being hooked Suckling the teats
Laced Ice cream, Popsicle Large delivery The milkman cometh!

Effect: All Stats and Saves [+] for one day then roll on the effect table below.
Comedown: Exhaustion and lethargy for one day. 1d10[-] Stress.
For less granularity you may disregard the effect table and instead permanently lower Body by 2 each time
using the drug.

Grade Critical success Success Failure Critical failure

Pure - Body Save[+] Body -1 Body -2 Body -4
No effect
Body -1 Body -2
Cut - Body Save 1d10[+] DMG 2d10 DMG
Body -1 Body -2
Laced - Body Save[-] 1d10 DMG 1d10[-] DMG
Death Check

NOTE: Body -X means that you permanently lower your Body Stat by X amount.
Written, edited, art & Layout by: Håkan Lundgren
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tueday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP®
is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information,
visit or contact

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