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The Growth

Principles of an
Genesis 26:12 -13, 15-22. Proverbs 28:19 - 20

One of the essential traits of life is GROWTH. The absence of growth is often an
evidence of death or lifelessness. As professionals or entrepreneurs in business,
gradual but steady growth is essential if we would experience notable
accomplishments in our chosen enterprises. The big business brands we admire
today on advertisement billboards and various media were once little business
ventures that started with little effort and capital but grew overtime with massive
profits to the Zenith of success.

Isaac from our text though confronted with challenges didn't give up on his vision
to succeed while digging for a massive harvest. He was resilient until he grew to
become great, advanced, and very great.

The success of an enterprise depends largely on the overall growth and

development of the entrepreneur. A stagnant and retarded person will reflect his
status in whatever he handles. Giving up too soon on a business decisions in the
face of unstable environmental variables will result in failure and ultimately in
poverty (Proverbs 10:4).

Question 1: What are the ingredients of steady growth in an enterprise?

Vision is a strong factor for both personal and business growth (Proverbs 29:18).
Notable and accomplished brands in various fields of business, over decades,
have thrived successfully through visionary leadership. Vision propels a man and
makes him restless (positively) until he sees his picture become a reality. Those
who lack vision will not see a reason to stretch themselves or take steps for growth.

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Integrity as someone quoted is the currency of business. This is one of the most
important ingredients of business - Be a man of your word. Let your word be your
bond (Psalms 25:21). An entrepreneur who cannot be trusted by his clients will lose
his customers to his competitors.

Courage is another important ingredients of steady growth in any successful

enterprise. Without courage, an entrepreneur will take no risks, and without
healthy risks, increase and multiplication would remain a mirage in his endeavour.
(Joshua 1:6)

How do you as entrepreneur leverage technology to expand your business? For

example, setting up an Instagram page and posting images of your products to
sell before your prospects will enable you reach more people. According to the
Co-founder/CEO, Flutterwave "To run a successful business in the tech space an
entrepreneur must have a value proposition that you're trying to push with your
engagement with technology?"

Partnership or networking with a team of savvy professionals is also a key factor in

building a profitable business ventures. Some biggest brands are jointly owned by
people who pulled their resources in form of technical expertise, financial strength
and innovative skills together to achieve a common goal. Hence, we need to
partner with people whose involvement with our enterprise will add value and
enable us to grow our business successfully (Luke 5:7)

Question 2: Why DON’T some entrepreneurs grow?

Despite their desire for entrepreneurial success, some entrepreneurs don’t grow,
due to lack of vision, laziness, distraction, fear and lack of collaboration etc. It takes
diligence to grow. Lazy folks will almost always remain stuck. Focus, on the other
hand, will help to ensure that you are not merely making frantic efforts in scattered
directions. Entrepreneurs that are easily distracted cannot maintain consistency in
a course of action, and that will in turn make steady growth nearly impossible.

Question 3: What are the various dimensions of growth possible for an

accomplished entrepreneur?
Growth has patterns and dimensions. You should be able to measure your growth
over a period of time and make adjustments where necessary if it is discovered
that your vision isn't playing out as expected.

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Accomplished entrepreneurs manifest commendable growth in their skills of
financial management, decision making and interpersonal relations among others.
One poor financial decision, for instance, can cause monumental damage to the
cause of a business or enterprise. Developing yourself in this regard, therefore, is
a blessing to both you and the enterprise in your hand.

Always remember that your commitment to personal growth is important if you

must see the fulfilment of your entrepreneurship goals.

In conclusion, just as Isaac grew and advanced consequent on his obedience to

God and prospered in the text under consideration, your growth in relationship with
God is non-negotiable if you must succeed here and hereafter.

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