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Elemental and Magic – Syllabus

Class-Term: Sept 21 – Dec 13 2021

Class-Time: Tuesdays, 9:00 pm CEST (UTC + 1:00)
Teacher Information:
You may call me Affaraon or just Affa/Affy (@Affaraon on Discord)
If you ever need help or have questions don‘t hesitate to ask in the #class or #ask-the-
teachers channels.
I will try my best to answer them as soon as possible!
Course Description:
In this course we will talk about the elements and how to incorporate them into once magical
We will discuss associations, symbols, and ways to direct elemental energies for the use in
We will not talk about summoning/ working with elemental beings, nor will we talk about
baneful magic!
Attendance and Homework Policy:
There will be a weekly class via Google Meetings. Attendance is not required but highly
recommended. A significant chunk of this course will be discussion-based so attendance and
participation would be highly appreciated. There will be weekly homework assignments.
Some assignments will be practical in nature (e.g., meditation, simple spellwork, etc.*) others
will be purely theoretical (research, preparation).
(* if there are any reasons why you can’t do any of the practical assignments, please send me
a DM, so we can work out a suitable alternative.)
Final Assignment:
At the end of the term, you will be given a random topic around which you will design a
element-based spell/ ritual (details will follow on time).
Grading and Passing this Class:
A: 50% homework assignments (5 points per assignment).
B: 50% final assignment (50 points).
You will pass this class with at least 26 points from each section, so 52 points in total.
This course requires that one of the following criteria is met:
1) You have taken and passed Witchcraft Basics & Homeroom.
2) You have passed one of the above mentions classes and are taking the other one this
3) You are currently taking both Witchcraft Basics & Homeroom.
4) You have an exemption from Dean Sunshine or Headmaster Thantose.

Week 1: What are the elements?

- 4 classical elements (our classes focus)
- 5 traditional Chinese elements.
- 3 elements in druidic revivalism

Week 2: Water Magic I

- Ways to connect to the Element of Water
- Associations
- Areas of influence
Week 3: no class (but maybe some kind of workshop thingy)

Week 4: Water Magic II

- How to create an elemental working: A step-by-step guide
- Examples for Water Magic
- Excursion: Sea and Ocean Magic
- Group discussion

Week 5: Air Magic I

- Ways to connect to the Element of Air
- Associations
- Areas of influence

Week 6: Air Magic II

- Examples for Air Magic
- Excursion: Storm Magic
- Group discussion

Week 7: Fire Magic I

- Ways to connect to the Element of Fire
- Associations
- Areas of influence

Week 8: Fire Magic II

- Examples for Fire Magic
- Excursion: Candle Magic
- Group discussion

Week 9: Earth Magic I

- Ways to connect to the Element of Earth
- Associations
- Areas of influence

Week 10: Earth Magic II

- Examples for Earth Magic
- Excursion: Metal and Rock Magic
- Group discussion

Week 11: Miscellaneous

- Ice and Snow Magic
- Mirror Magic
- Weather Magic

Week 12: no class

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