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Physical Science Syllabus

Course Introduction:
Science is a way of identifying and answering questions about the world around you. This class will
be studying one branch of science called physical science. Physical Science examines all the sections of
science that have to deal with things that are non-living. This course is designed to serve as a foundation for
other high school science courses. It will emphasize the basic laws of chemistry and physics.  Physics studies
the different forms of energy, how things work and their relationships to each other. Chemistry studies the
general properties of matter and how different forms of matter interact with one another. Each student will
participate in hands-on experiments and projects, as well as group and individual discovery learning
activities. Support from family and friends is very important to the success of your child in science and there
will be homework assignments for them to complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free
to call me at the school and leave a message at _________, and I will get back you as soon as possible.

Course Outline

This Course follows the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III and Benchmark maps. (Pacing guides
on request)

Intro to Physical Science Structured Energy

1. Safety Procedure 13. Electricity
2. Scientific Method 14. Magnetism
3. Properties of Matter
The nature of Matter
Energy – Matter in Motion 15. Structure of Matter
4. Force and Acceleration 16. Periodic Table
5. Motion 17. Metals and Nonmetals
6. Work 18. Radioactivity
7. Energy
Changes In Matter
Waves – Energy in Motion 19. Interaction of Matter
8. Waves 20. Bonding and Chemical Reactions
9. Sound 21. Acids, Bases, and Salts
10. Light and Lenses 22. Carbon Compounds
11. Color Spectrum 23. Chemistry of Living Things
12. Uses for light
Uses of Matter and Energy
24. Energy uses Today
25. Alternative Energy

Materials Required
You will need the following materials EVERY DAY for success in Physical Science class. These
material listed are required for the daily class assignments.

1. Pencils and/or Pens (something to write 3. Ruler

with) 4. Binder Paper
2. Colored Pencils or markers 5. Basic Calculator
6. Composition Tablet for science notes (A whole year.
Binder or Tablet, which will last you the
The students are consistently doing hands-on projects and labs, which require a lot of materials and supplies.
Students are not required to bring the items below, but it is greatly needed to bring one item from each list

List 1 List 3
1. 1 Roll of paper towel 1. Pack of binder Paper
2. 1 Box of Kleenex 2. 1 Scissor
3. 1 Box gallon Ziploc bags 4. Ruler
4. 1 Roll of Scotch tape 5. Colored Pens

List 2
1. 1 Box of black or blue pens List 4
2. 1 Box of pencils 1. 1 Disinfectant Wipes
3. 1 White eraser 2. 1 Liquid Soap
4. 1 Crayon Box 3. 1 Hand Sanitizer

Grading Policy

Grades will be figured on a total point basis, with the points converted to a percentage/letter grade.

Tests, Projects & Labs = 60% Grading Scale

Classwork/ Homework = 30% A = 90 -100
Quizzes = 10% B = 89 – 80
C = 79 – 70
D = 69 – 60
F = 59 – Below
 Tests, Projects & Labs – These will measure exactly what you have learned about a given topic.
Tests, projects and labs are worth 60% of your grade because they will take the most work and effort.
 Quizzes – Note taking is an important scientific skill, therefore all quizzes will be randomly given in
order to foster the skill. Students will be able to use their notes on these quizzes. (Notes will NOT be
used on tests!)
 Classwork / Homework – Given assignments are expected to be completed in class and/or at home.
Points are awarded on an effort basis. Classwork will not be accepted late, however homework will
be accepted late.

Extra Credit
 What is Extra credit?
o Extra credit is work to help a student better understand a concept.
o Extra Credit is NOT work to add points for unfinished assignments.
 Extra credit is given only upon teacher’s approval. To receive extra credit students cannot have any
unfinished work. Extra credit is for students who have completed all work and need more

Homework Scale
5 pts = Complete & on time
4 pts = Complete next class date
3 pts = Complete and very late
2 pts = Incomplete
0 pts =Missing assignment
Attendance/Tardy/ Missing Assignments

Attendance is very important for the success in this class. Most of the assignments are labs, projects,
demonstrations, and hands-on activities that are difficult to make up without being present in class.

1. Students are expected to be in class with their material and have started daily bell work once the tardy
bell rings.
2. For the amount of time students are late to class without a pass they will make up that same amount
of missing time after class is over. (This mean you will spend recesses making up your class work)

Missing Assignments
1. It is the responsibility of the student to make up ALL missing work, due to absents from class.
2. Test, Projects and Labs must be made up within one week after returning to school.
3. For your success, collect assignment prior to any extended absence.
4. Any exceptions to this must have prior approval from teacher.

Classroom Rules

As you read these rules, know that this is your first warning.

1. Class Time is for Class Activities

2. Respect anyone who is speaking by listening
3. The 4 Ps: Be Present, Prompt, Positive and Prepared to learn
4. Be respectful of yourself, others and your environment
5. No Cell Phones or electrical devices in the classroom (I will take them if I see them)
6. Not eating or drinking in the classroom
7. No dark glasses or hats in the classroom
8. Students are not allowed to use the bathroom the first 15 minutes after the tardy bell rings and the last 15
minutes of class
9. No swearing
10. Any and all contraband items will be confiscated regardless of the excuse
11. Proper Lab clothing must be worn on lab days
12. All other rules of this School and the state of Hawaii also apply in this physical science class (Chapter19)

Consequences For Not Following Rules

1. Verbal warning
2. See teacher after class to solve the problem
3. Contact Parents
4. Referral and/ or Detention
Please detach from syllabus and return to ______________.

Student and Parent Contract

Parents and students please read the classroom information sheet together. Parental support is very
important for insuring an effective learning environment for your student. Please sign and return to
______________ as soon as possible. Students will not be able to participate in labs until they pass the
safety test and this contract is returned. Thank you for your support.

I have read and discussed the class requirements and expectations with parents or guardian. I understand the
expectations of this class in regards to academics and behavior. I also know that if I have concerns about my
academic and behavior expectations I can speak to ______________to solve the issue.

_________________________ ____________ ___________________________

(Student Signature) (Date) (Print student Name)

I/We have read the attached syllabus and have discussed it with my child. I understand the academic and
behavior expectations of this class.

_________________________ ____________ ___________________________

(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date) (Print Parent/Guardian Name)




_______________________________ _______________________________
(Mailing address and home phone number) (Alternate work or cell phone number)

(Email address if you prefer method of contact or updates on student progress)

I want and encourage parent/guardian and student to feel comfortable to contact me at anytime with any
question or concerns at: Phone Number:______________

Please return to ______________within a week of receiving this syllabus.

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