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Organizations and Natural disasters

There are many organizations out there that strive with the goal of aiding citizens with handling
natural disasters. Whether it be helping them prior to the disaster, or fixing the consequences post-
crisis, the global community in the form of organizations and charities, will always lend out a helping
hand in a plethora of domains, two of which being medical, and emotional/mental.

A wide range of organizations work with the soul aim of extending medical services to victims of
natural disasters. Organizations such as Direct Relief and Operation USA both work with that exact
objective, to demonstrate further, Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid charity that works in the US and
more than 80 other countries around the globe to bring relief by focusing on equipping medical
professionals with the tools they need to deliver medical aid to families experiencing the aftereffects of
natural disasters, likewise, Operation USA, which has actually delivered aid to 101 countries since 1979,
focuses its efforts on providing families with medical supplies, vitamins, medications, shelter items, first
aid kits, and more, relying on their network of partners to help ship and deliver material supplies needed
by families worldwide.

Other organizations work on the mental well-being of the victims. Save The Children
established the Journey of Hope project, and the organization worked to keep children on track through
education, an important opportunity to support emotional wellbeing, in addition to coping with loss and
anxiety. In the year after the storm, the project helped over 1,600 children. In fact, the aforementioned
Direct Relief provided counselors and medications and hosted a workshop to address mental health needs,
furthermore, In Zimbabwe, UNICEF and Childline Zimbabwe and the Regional Psychosocial Support
Initiative provided counselling to the children Cyclone Idai affected.

At the end of the day, we must recognize the effort and support these organizations are willing to
offer for the sake of humanity, additionally, we have to learn to communicate with such organizations, as
well as donate to help their cause, as these organizations are strictly non-profit, in the event that we
become the ones in need of their generous services.

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