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• Announcements
• Quiz on 16th September 2021
• Minor Exam on 23rd September 2021

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Please note all course content is exclusively for registered IIT-D ELL-201 students (of current
semester only). It is your responsibility to ensure no unauthorized circulation of the course
contents/materials takes place.

ELL 201: Digital Electronics

Lecture 10

Prof. Manan Suri (EE)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Q.) If AND/OR Gate propagation delay = 1ns; XOR gate delay = 2ns
Calculate the full delay time for a 4 bit RCA ?

C3 → 8 C2 → 6 C1 → 4


Txor,2 Txor,2 Txor,2 Txor,2 Ans:

10 ns
6+Tand 4+Tand For
=7 =5
=9 both C
8+Txor 6+Txor 4+Txor and S
= 10 Txor+Txor
=8 =6
Txor+Ta =4
9+Tor 7+Tor 5+Tor
= 10 nd+Tor
=8 =6 =4

S3 →10 S2 → 8 S1 → 6 S0 → 4
C4 → 10 C3 → 8 C2 → 6 C1 → 4
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: How to Overcome Flaws of the Ripple-Carry Adder?
Solution – Build a “Carry-Look Ahead Adder” (CLA) using Half Adders

Pi: Propagate
Gi: Generate
Use this for 4-bit adder

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Carry Look Ahead Adder (CLA)

Hardware to compute the Carry terms? → All in SOP form
So just 2 Gate levels → 1 And, 1 OR

called as

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Commercial LAG – SN74182

C4 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 + P3P2P1P0C0 GI ; PI

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: 4-bit Carry Lookahead Adder
If AND, OR gate propogation delay = 1ns; XOR gate delay = 2ns

Start with 4
2 ns HA
2 ns
= max(Pi=2,Gi=1)

Feed their Pi
1 + 1 ns and Gi to
LAG block

LAG block
will give Ci
2 ns
Use XOR with Ci
Terms to get S
Compare with 4-bit RCA…
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: 16-bit CLA
Design a 16-bit CLA using HAs, LAGs and perform a delay analysis

C4 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 + P3P2P1P0C0


C4 = GI + PIC0

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: 16-bit CLA (Timing Analysis) max(PI=2+1
A12B12 A8B8 A4B4 A0B0

2 ns 2 ns 2 ns P3G3 P0G0 2 ns
C12 C8 C4
LA Gen LA Gen LA Gen LA Gen
6 ns 6 ns 5 ns
4 ns 4 ns 4 ns 4 ns
C11C10C9 C7C6C5 C3 C2 C1
8 ns 4 ns

LA Gen C0

Is 8 ns the answer?
What about Si ?
Si = Ci XOR Pi
So Total delay = 10 ns
Now compare with 16 – bit RCA?
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: 16-bit CLA (Timing Analysis Summary)

1. First layer of Half Adders → Pi and Gi → 2 ns

2. First Layer of Look Ahead Generators → PI, GI → 4 ns

3. Second Layer of LAG → C8, C12 → 6 ns

4. Back to First Layer of LAG → C9, C10, C11… → 8 ns

5. Final Half Adder (Sum) → Si → 10 ns

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Design a 64-bit CLA ? Using Standard blocks!
What is the most recent standard block you learnt?
→ 16 bit - CLA

Px, gx

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Design a 64-bit CLAUsing
? Standard blocks!
What is the most recent standard
block you learnt? → 16 bit - CLA

16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit


LAG Block

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Design a 64-bit CLA ?

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: 64-bit CLA Design ?
C =G +PC 4 I I 0
What is the first step? C8 = GII + PIIGI + PIIPIC0
Find expression for carry terms C12 = GIII + PIIIGII + PIIIPIIGI + PIIIPIIPIC0
C16 , C32 , C48…, C60 → ?



C16 = GI2 + PI2C0
C32 =

C48 =

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Recap: Cost/trade-offs of using CLAs ??
1. Layer-1 of HA → Pi and Gi → 2 ns

2. Layer-1 of LAG→ PI, GI → 4 ns → 16 extra LAG units

= max (PI=3, GI=4)

3. Layer-2 of LAG → PI2, GI2 → 6 ns → 4 extra LAG units

= max (PI2=3+1=4, GI2=4+2=6)
4. Layer-3 of LAG → C32, C48 → 8 ns → 1 extra LAG (21!!)

5. Layer-2 of LAG → C36, C40, C44, C52, C56, … → 10 ns

6. Layer-1 of LAG → C37, C38, C39, C41, C42, C43… → 12 ns

7. Sum → 14 ns
Compare with 64-bit RCA ?

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Tentative Timeline
(Note: timeline may change during the semester without any prior notice → details are only of indicative nature)

Lec. No Date Content

1 Intro + Logistics + Course Policy + Motivation etc
2 Why digital, Number Systems + Conversions etc.
3 Fractional, Complements, Addn, Subtraction
4 Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Minterm, Maxterm, SOP, POS
KMaps, Minimization, XoR Gate
7 XOR Gate, Adders (half/full) + Parity bit circuits + 4-bit adder + subtraction +
8 overflow detection + BCD adder, Ripple Carry, CLA, 4-bit, 16-bit, 64-bit, Timing
9 Analysis, etc.
Mux + Decoder + Encoder-1
12 Quiz-1 - 16th September
Minor week - 23 september 201 minor exam
Sequential Logic - Latches. Flip flops, varieties, counters, registers, digital CMOS,
Verilog intro
18 PB Set/Assignment or as per need
Mid Sem Break
20 FSM intro, Moore, Mealy, Examples, Conversions etc.
Memory, Advanced topics, etc.
24 Extra/Buffer/Cover-up class/As per need
Major Exam Week
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Going Beyond Adders →

Mux, Encoder, Decoder, DeMux etc.

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux


M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux


M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
2 to 1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
4 to 1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
4 to 1 line Mux → 2 select lines

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
4 to 1 line Mux → 2 select lines

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux)
4 to 1 line Mux → 2 select lines

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Design a Quadruple 2-to-1 line Mux

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Quadruple 2-to-1 line
Circuit with Enable

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Quadruple 2-to-1 line
Circuit with Enable

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Multiplexer (Mux) – Multiple bit selection
Quadruple 2-to-1 line
Circuit with Enable

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
What’s the Mux Advantage?
What is common in all Mux hardware?

- All have SOP form

- All minterms are covered!

2 to 1 mux

4 to 1 mux

4-bit 2 to 1 mux
M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for
Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – Advantage - any Logic function can be realized
1. A very efficient method: For N variable function → use Mux with N-1 lines
2. Connect first n-1 variables to selection inputs of the Mux
3. Last variable of function is used for data inputs of the mux
4. Express all data inputs in terms of last variable, its complement, 0 & 1

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Mux – To realize any Logic function

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"
Thank you
• Announcements
• Quiz on 16th September 2021
• Minor Exam on 23rd September 2021

M. Suri, ELL201, (copyright IITD) "Intended for

Academic Fair Use Only"

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