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level test

please answer me- te da pa seyo.

please speak in english-young oh ruh ma
h rah seyo.
i don't speak korean- san sing nee mun,
han gu ma ruh mo la yo.

guide questions (according to age)

i. 10뭩
a. what is your favorite food?

b. what is your favorite color?

c. do you have a brother? how many? how old is he?

d. do you have a sister? how many? how old is she?

e. what do you study in your school?

f. do you have a favorite place in korea?/ your hometown?

g. who is your favorite actor/actress/talent? (korean/international)

h. who is your favorite singer? ( korean/ international)

i. what is your favorite song? (korean/international)

j. how many people are there in your house?

k. how many friends do you have?

l. what do you like to do every saturday and sunday?

m. where do you usually go every saturday and sunday?

n. what time do you usually get up on weekdays?

o. how about on weekends?

p. do you like summer? winter? spring? autumn? why?

q. do you like going to school?

r. do you like english?

ii. 20뭩
a. how did you get your english name?

b. do you like english?

c. do you speak other language? chinese? french? japanese?

d. how many are you in the family?

e. what does your father do?

f. what does your mother do?

g. what do you want to study in university? what major?

h. where do you want to study in university? why?

i. what do you usually do on your spare time? free time?

j. do you always like to go out with your friends?

k. where do you usually go?

l. what do you like about your hometown/ korea?

m. do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

n. have you been abroad? where?

o. what do you like about that country?

p. until what time are you up on weekends?

q. how do you go to school?

iii. 30뭩
a. what do you do?

b. what was your major?

c. where did you graduate from?

d. how was your grade/score when you were still studying?

e. did you have a part 뻯ime job? (albeit)

f. what did you do with the money you earned from it?

g. did you go abroad? where?

h. did you like it?

i. what do you like about that country?

j. do you plan to travel more? where would you go first?

k. what is your plan after studying english?

l. what are your interests?

m. do you have any hobbies?

n. where do you usually spend your holidays?

o. what is your dream job?

p. where do you plan to work?

q. which would you rather be? a man? or a woman?

r. what was your favorite subject when you were in university?

iv. 40뭩
a. how do you deal with stress?

b. do you have any hobbies?

c. what is your dream job?

d. what is your ideal woman/man?

e. where would you like to work? why?

f. what was the most exciting thing in your life?

g. who brings home the bacon in your house?

h. how long do you plan to work? when do you plan to retire?

i. where do you usually stay on holidays?

j. what do you like doing on your spare time?

k. what do you like about your life now?

l. what do you think about women smoking?

m. what do you think is the best way to learn english?

n. when do you plan to get married? when did you tie the knot?

o. what is the economic status in korea now?

p. what do you know about the u.s?

q. which do you prefer? english or chinese language? why?

v. 50뭩
a. what did you do when you were younger?

b. what do you enjoy doing nowadays?

c. what other things do you want to learn more?

d. where do you spend your holidays?

e. how many are you in the family?

f. where do you work?

g. how was the compensation?

h. are you satisfied with your government?

i. are you interested in politics? arts? society?

j. what did you enjoy doing when you were still a teenager that you

still enjoy now?

k. what kind of books do you like to read?

l. who is your favorite author?

m. do you like classical music? movies?

n. how often do you travel? with whom?

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