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Means of transport

vocabulary exercise
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Campus Santa Fe

Maite Perez Trejo

Ingles II
Mariana Silva Calderon
Exercise week 11
Means of transportation
Exercise 1. Name the means of transport. Write the vowels missing.
1. Motor bike 10. Rocket
2. Plane 11. Car
3. Tractor 12. Bus
4. Lorry 13. Boat
5. Train 14. Bicycle
6. Van 15. Taxi
7. Ambulance
8. Fire Machine
9. Helicopter
Exercise 2. Name the means of transport shown in the pictures


2. plane
3. rocket
4. fire engine
5. Bicycle
Exercise 3. Make a sentence using the means of transport from the
previous exercise.
1. Yesterday a lorry passed by my house.
2. I have never traveled by plane.
3. The rocket is the only transport go to space.
4. Call the fire engine because the house is on fire.
5. At the age of 6 I learned to ride a bicycle.
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