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SCHOOL YEAR 2021 – 2022


Name: Martin Robayo ____________________ Grade: 3rd Bacc A - ____

Date: Teacher: Ma. Isabel Gómez

You have 35 minutes to complete the test.
Read carefully before answering.
Double check your answers.

OC. I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings and deduce the
meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words in familiar contexts where speech is clear and visuals help
support meaning.

1. Read all the questions before playing the recording. Listen to the
recording and choose the correct option. (3 points)

a. When farmers grow big amounts of fruit, vegetables or grains, we call

these pollen / crops / bumblebees.
b. A big bee that is covered with short hairs is called a queen bee /
bumblebee / honeybee.
c. When insects, animals or birds eat something, we say that they nectar
/ feed / seed.
d. A sweet liquid that is made by flowers is called honey / seed / nectar.
e. A dry powder that is made by flowers is called crops / seed / pollen.
f. A small object that makes a new plant grow is called a seed / nectar /
W. I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.

2. Taking into account the previous recording, write a formal letter to the
school principal proposing ways to protect bees at school. (80-90
words) (3 points).

cohesion/coherence 1 - vocabulary/grammar 1 - spelling/punctuation/capitalization 1

Martin Robayo 3RD A

January 31, 2022

Principal Ramiro Jaramillo

Fráncico cruz miranda anda granda centeno

Dear Ramiro Jaramillo

doing an investigation of the bees, he came to the conclusion that the bees are very

important for us and the world, for this reason he wanted to invite him to carry out a

project for the care of the bees. This project is about you lending us the school

greenhouse to make a shelter for the bees. This refuge would have a wide variety of

plants and fruits so that they are safe as well as honeycombs so that they can insert

their honey.


Martin Robayo
3. In which contexts is it useful to know how to write a formal letter? (2

a formal letter has to be written in a formal language either because of the

topic being discussed or because of the person the letter is addressed to and
they are almost always addressed to important people.

4. Lee y señala donde corresponda (2 points)
Lo hago bien Lo hago a veces y Necesito ayuda
puedo mejorar para hacerlo

Identifico vocabulario sobre abejas y su hábitat de X

forma oral y reconozco sus ideas principales y

Construyo una carta formal utilizando su estructura X

usando la gramática apropiada y argumentando
con base en un audio.

Created by: Teacher Approved by: Area Approved by: Vicerrectorado Rectorado:
María Isabel Gómez Consuelo Páez MSC. Soraya Vela Dr. Ramiro Jaramillo

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