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HSE Report Action Plan Appendix A

No. Recommendation Action Lead Status

• Develop new Internal Audit Policy

The Health and Safety (H&S) and Procedures
Policy Document should be • Re-issue H&S policy to reflect Risk
1 updated to reflect current changes to include new CFA Chair; Reduction • Policy updated Complete
arrangements with particular documents detailed above and new Manager
reference to audit and review. risk assessment Policy and

The Service should ensure that

• Section heads to seek approval from
non operational activities which
Operations Manager prior to Operations
2 impact on the delivery of Core • Section Heads notified of procedure Complete
delivering training/awareness on RDS Manager
skills training in particular to RDS
stations on drill nights
staff are kept to a minimum
The Service should independently
audit the Core Skills training • Quality Assurance policy has been
delivered by Crew and Watch issued; Learning &Development L&D Manager • L&D, Operations and the Risk Reduction
(see No 9
3 managers to assure that a (L&D) and District Trainers to Operations Manager monitoring the implementation
consistent quality of training in implement their individual Section Manager of Work place Assessment protocols
Core Skills is being delivered responsibilities.
across the Service.
• Log of Rapid Deployment incidents
• Recording log of all ‘rapid
The Service should actively deployment’ incidents to be • Risk Reduction internal procedure for
monitor the use of the BA entry established by Risk Reduction Risk Audit action to take on notification of use of
4 procedures to ensure that its own Manager Rapid Deployment now in place Complete
• All instances of ‘rapid deployment’ to
procedures for rapid deployment be investigated by Risk Audit L&D Manager • The use of Rapid Deployment included
are followed Manager with a report presented to in Incident Command Support (ICS)
Operational Improvement Team training using Hydra Minerva suite .

Program on schedule, All existing whole-
time (WT) supervisory managers currently
in post have been through the ICS
programme. As people move into Crew
Manager (CM) roles this will be an ongoing
process – but it is now well embedded.
The Service should ensure that all Retained Duty System (RDS) temporary
Crew Managers receive the new CM’s receive a ‘Competent to Ride’
Incident Command • Ensure ICS development program is assessment before being allowed to take
5 assessment/training package to completed
L&D Manager
charge of a front line appliance. It is
help ensure consistency across the estimated that all those who require such
Service ICS assessment will have had such by Oct
• Following this, the programme will move to
on of maintenance for all WT and RDS
CM’s – due to start in Jan 2011.

• New process has been developed. A

The Driving Improvement Quarterly Project Monitoring Report is
Document should be reviewed to Corporate
• New recording and reporting process presented to Service Management Team
give clear detailed timescales and Planning and (Performance) (SMT) (P); this provides
6 include procedures included for
to be introduced to replace Driving
Improvement process. details of progress against all section plan
evaluation of the measures Manager projects.

• Ensure new Site Specific Risk

Information (SSRI) and Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) Policy Risk and
and Procedures are fully embedded Resilience
into the Service. Manger • WM in RR with responsibility for SOP’s
Consideration should be given as to appointed. Terms of reference for SOP
how the risk information held on the • Reference for production and review group revised.
CMS database is to be maintained maintenance of SOP’s to be a Risk Reduction
7 and managed on an ongoing basis, reference of Risk Reduction (RR) with • Internal Audit of SSRI process has been Complete
in order to ensure that the the Watch Manager (WM) having carried out. No major non-conformities
information held is relevant and specific responsibility for maintenance identified; action plan produced to address
current of documents. Risk Reduction minor non-conformities and
Manager recommendations.
• To ensure risk information process is
embedded into the Service an internal
audit of risk information provision is to
be carried out.

• An Aide Memoir / training manual is to • Training information note has been
CDDFRS should ensure that crew be produced and circulated to all produced and issued
managers and others who may be Stations
• MDT usage has been audited by monitoring
expected to access Risk Information • On completion of training manual, use of Risk and officers over Jan/Feb. feedback taken to
8 at Incidents are able to do so in an Mobile Data Terminal’s(MDT’s) to be a Resilience SMT ‘P’ Complete
efficient and timely manner and that ‘themed’ action area for monitoring Manger
the information provided is suitable for • New MDT1A’s being introduced into the
officers at operational incidents. Report
their needs. Service in May 2010
to be taken to SMT (P) on results of

External auditors evaluate the Integrated

Personal Development System (IPDS) and
National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) quality
assurance (QA) systems already. Accreditation
is through edexel; with DDFRS being looked on
as best practice for its competence QA system
To compliment this, a practical assessment and
QA of station based training being given by WM
and CM’s has been produced. It will be piloted
at Station 06 in June 2010 then revaluated prior
to rollout across the service. The roll of the L&D
Central and District trainers will be adapted to
• Develop Operational Monitoring Policy
Risk Reduction include this QA role. Agreement has been
Where the Service relies on line • L&D District Trainers to focus their role Manager reached with Operations managers to allow for
managers affirming that staff are on QA in order to provide independent targeted training in the event of standards being
9 Operations
competent, these competencies assessment in training environment found wanting.
Manager On-going
should be independently audited to and link to work place assessments
All station based WM and CM’s will be given a
help ensure a consistent standard Learning and
• Programme of skills audits to be Development
Basic Instructor course to build in a consistent
throughout the Service.
continued as part of new internal Audit approach built around recognised basic teaching
policy. (BA already completed). skills. The expected timescale for roll out is 3rd
quarter 2010.
An Operational Incident Monitoring Procedure
has been introduced with the Risk Audit
Manager collating returns, reporting
trends/issues and subsequent corrective action
to the SMT (P) group on a 6 weekly basis.
Both aspects are seen a as way of balancing
electronic QA and the recording of competence
with a practical QA system used to identify and
rectify any slip in consistency and quality where
station based training is concerned.

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