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Firstly, thank you, for inviting me to the job interview. I come from Hungary.

I successfully graduated from the University of Sopron in 2021, with a degree in management. I am
very happy with the path my life and work have followed.

After my first Bachelor I chose _________________ because of its competitive atmosphere and the
good reputation of the _____________ School. My education gave me the tools to succeed, and my
training taught me how to do the job properly. I know education is important. When we stop
learning, we stop growing and achieving.

"Now, I'm looking for a role where I'll have more responsibility for making marketing decisions, and
where I'll be able to find creative solutions to increasingly challenging problems.

I worked as a Back Office manager for ASSA ABLOY, specializing in retail, and I’ve been in the industry
for 1 year. My goal is to do everything possible to keep learning and improving.

My first full-time job was with _________________, initially, I didn’t know much about
_________________ when I started, but I managed

That got me a promotion to head office as an assistant marketing manager, working in the

The job you’re offering is the next logical career move. I enjoy working in detergent marketing, and I
think I’d be a good fit here. I always knew ____________________ (business management/electrical
engineering) was where I had the most potential, and I’ve remained with it because I turned out to
be right.

Outside work, I enjoy outdoor pursuits. I like _________________ especially.

Is there anything else you’d like to know?

The people who have worked for me will tell you that I am fair and that I have a balanced approach
to managing, one that considers both the business and people side of every issue. They know I don’t
make hasty decisions that everyone will repent at leisure. And working for me usually means being
on a winning team with a coach who expects everyone to give 110 percent. I ask a lot, but they love

What might be perceived by some as weaknesses are really my strengths. I expect a lot from my
staff, but no more than I expect from myself. I look for and reward people who show initiative and
creativity. People I’ve supervised in the past will tell you that they worked harder in my department
than in any other job. They’ll also tell you they enjoyed it more, because they were accomplishing

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