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Chaos erupted as my friends stumbled with their presentations, causing the

audience to lose interest at an alarming rate. I knew I had to step in because the
Inter College Symposium, which was supposed to be a highlight for my friends,
was quickly turning into a nightmare. I stepped forward, and I took charge with
interactive examples and a hands-on demo, igniting a spark in the room. The
energy shifted like the ebb and flow of a tide as lively discussions and valuable
insights were shared. After the workshop, my professor approached me with a
look of appreciation, saying, "Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about
taking charge." That moment marked my journey as a leader, as I went on
organizing and conducting successful events and workshops for college clubs
and associations.
I soon graduated with flying colors and was eagerly preparing for my civil service
exams. I had worked so hard to achieve my dream of making a difference in
people's lives by becoming a civil servant. But then, Covid struck and changed
everything. The community I called home was hit hard, especially those living in
poverty. In the face of this tragedy, I and my friends answered the call to help
our neighbors in need. We joined the local church's food assistance program and
dedicated ourselves to ensuring that no one went hungry.
As we packed boxes of food and made deliveries to those unable to leave their
homes, I came to understand the true impact of the pandemic. It had the power
to take away not just lives, but dreams as well. My own family was struggling to
make ends meet and the exams I had worked so hard for were postponed for a
year. My dream of becoming a civil servant was slipping away.
But I refused to let my circumstances define me. I couldn't bear the thought of
being a burden to my loved ones, so I took a job as a BDT at Byju’s. There, I found
new purpose in helping students prepare for their exams. I used my own
experience to encourage and guide them, reminding them that their dreams
were still within reach, no matter what obstacles they faced.

Growing up, I have seen the financial struggles my family has faced and it has
only fuelled my desire to succeed and make a difference. I have worked hard to
get to where I am today, balancing jobs with my studies. It is my dream to pursue
Masters in Management, but the financial burden of student loans has become
a reality that threatens to shatter my aspirations.
I promise that I will not only excel in my studies but also use my education to
give back to my community and make a real difference in people's lives. This
scholarship would not only alleviate some of the financial stress my family is
facing but also give me the chance to focus on my studies and reach my full
I believe an offering from a Sage and a King is more than silver and gold, it is a
seed of hope, a bud of faith and I hope that you will find it in your heart to invest
in my future.

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