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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

College Magazine


Maj. Gen. Mushtaq Ahmed Faisal, HI(M) (A.S.C.) (Retd.)
Member Admin PAEC

PAEC Education Centre

Chashma Distt. Mianwali

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 1 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Maj.Gen.Mushtaq Ahmed Faisal
(Member Admin PAEC)

Prof. Aziz-ur-Rehman
(Director Education HQ)

Prof. Jamshed Ahmed

(Head Education Centre, Chashma)

Prof. Nargis lrfan
(Principal, PAEC Model College for Girls, Chashma)

Muhammad Azhar Shoaib Shah

(Principal, PAEC Model College for Boys, Chashma)


Editor in Chief:
Muhammad Saleem Fawad Kundi
(Sr. Teacher)

Editors (English):
Muhammad Aleem Awan
(Associate Professor)
Naureen Ashraf
(Associate Professor)
Muhammad Zain Abbas
(HSSC Student)
Abeeha Gull
(HSSC Student)

Published By:
Urdu Sukhan Pakistan
Address: Art Land, Girls College Road, Chowk Azam. Distt. Layyah
Cell# 0302-7844094 Web:


"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 2 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma












"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 3 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Greetings and salutations to the readers of the inaugural publication of PAEC

Education Centre, Chashma's magazine, where we endeavour to impart a well-rounded
education through both academic and non-academic pursuits. Our goal is to offer a
comprehensive education that goes beyond traditional classroom learning and inspires
our students to realize their full potential. We strive to cultivate academic excellence while
simultaneously developing our students' capacity to become prominent leaders in
Pakistani society. In this edition, we have curated several articles and stories that embody
our mission and vision. Our stories show diverse experiences that make our institution
unique, from academic accomplishments to extracurricular activities.
Additionally, we feature a spotlight on our campus's extracurricular activities, which
allow our students to explore their passions and hone their talents. We also emphasize
community service, as we believe it is our duty as true Pakistanis to give back to society.
Our students have participated in numerous community service projects, including
volunteering in scouting and girls guide programs at both domestic and national levels.
These experiences not only provide our students with a sense of purpose but also instil
in them a lifelong commitment to service.
Lastly, we have included a section on personal development, as we believe that
education extends beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge to encompass the skills
and attributes necessary for success in life. Our articles cover topics such as time
management, communication skills, and leadership development.
In conclusion, we take pride in our mission to provide a well-rounded education
through both curricular and co-curricular activities. The articles and stories in this edition
reflect our vision to inspire, support, and develop our students into exceptional leaders
who embody the best of Pakistan. We hope that our readers will find these stories
informative and inspiring and that they will gain a deeper appreciation of what makes our
institution truly unique.

Associate Professor
Boys College, Chashma

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 4 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


A Spanish proverb is: "The belly rules the mind".

Associate Professor

Food plays a crucial role in human life beyond its basic function of providing sustenance. It
also fulfils social and cultural needs, brings people together, and contributes to our sense of
identity. Festivals and religious functions are often celebrated with specific foods, and different
foods become associated with different occasions.
Food holds emotional significance for individuals from the moment they are born.
Breastfeeding, for example, creates a physical and emotional bond between a child and their
mother. People become emotionally attached to their normal diets and may find it difficult to give
up their favourite foods if required to do so.
Food also plays a role in relieving tensions and anxiety. Sharing a meal with someone can
create a sense of connection and intimacy. Dietary changes can affect our brain structure,
chemistry, and physiology, leading to changes in behaviour and mood. Research suggests that
diets abundant in fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods promote lasting happiness. Protein
consumption, particularly from sources like fish, beef, chicken, beans, eggs, and unsweetened
yoghurt, has been linked to higher levels of brain chemicals like dopamine and epinephrine,
which influence mood, motivation, and concentration.
To boost mood with food, it is recommended to eat a balanced breakfast that includes fibre,
nutrients, lean protein, and good fats. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and some plant foods, as
well as selenium-rich foods, can also contribute to mental well-being. Slow and steady weight
loss, if overweight, may help elevate mood. Boosting serotonin levels, the "feel-good"
neurotransmitter, can be achieved through consuming tryptophan-rich foods, carbohydrates, and
folic acid-rich foods.
However, it's important to note that if someone has persistent depression, relying solely on
food to improve mood may not be sufficient. Seeking professional help from psychologists,
psychiatrists, or social workers is recommended.
In summary, food not only satisfies our basic need for survival but also plays a significant
role in our social and emotional well-being. Eating a healthy and balanced diet contributes not
only to happiness but also to overall health and a secure life.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 5 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Associate Professor

According to a study, teenagers are more inclined to text and use social media instead of
reading books. The study found that only 16% of high school seniors report reading a book,
magazine, or newspaper every day. This trend of high school students prioritizing texting,
scrolling, and social media over reading books and periodicals is not surprising to those familiar
with teenagers. The American Psychological Association released data indicating that American
teenagers spend more time engrossed in digital media than in print or long-form media. In 2016,
only one-third of high school seniors in the United States read a book for enjoyment, while 82%
frequented websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram daily.

Psychology professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University, one of the study's
authors, expressed concern over the decline in reading for pleasure. She highlighted a significant
finding in the data: in the 1970s, about 60% of high school seniors reported reading a book,
magazine, or newspaper every day, compared to only 16% in 2016.

Twenge, author of "iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less
Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood - and
What That Means for the Rest of Us," emphasized the importance of reading print media,
particularly books. She explained that reading a long-form essay requires a different skill set and
level of focus compared to reading a text message or a social media update.

Reading lengthy texts, such as books and magazine articles, is crucial for comprehending
complex concepts and honing critical thinking abilities, according to Twenge. Additionally, it
provides valuable practice for college-bound students. The study was conducted by Twenge in
collaboration with Gabrielle Martin and Brian Spitzberg, colleagues from San Diego State
University. The researchers analyzed the reading preferences of over 1 million teenagers in
eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades between 1976 and 2016. They compared high school students'
consumption of "digital media" (internet, cell phone texts, video games, and social media sites) to
their consumption of "legacy media" (books, newspapers, and magazines). The data was
gathered as part of a survey project called Monitoring the Future, which has been ongoing since
1975 and is run by researchers at the University of Michigan with support from the National
Institutes of Health.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 6 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

In the early 1980s, the reading rates of legacy media began to decline, and this decline
accelerated rapidly after the mid-2000s when smartphones and high-speed internet access
became widely accessible. According to the study, screen time among high school students,
including television, started to increase around the same time and nearly tripled between the late
1970s and the middle of 2010.

The study found that in 2016, 12th-grade students reported spending about six hours per
day of their free time on digital media, while eighth-grade students reported four hours, and
tenth-grade students reported five hours. The study's authors, including Jean Twenge, believe
that the changes in reading habits and increased screen time are connected. According to the
findings, if given an hour to themselves, adolescents would choose their smartphones over a

Twenge noted that the survey group's racial and gender distribution roughly matched
national demographics, and the key findings were unaffected by a person's race, gender, or
socioeconomic status. The only minor variation between the sexes was that girls claimed to use
social media more frequently than boys, while boys claimed to spend more time playing video

The study did not differentiate between reading print and electronic versions of books,
periodicals, and newspapers. Twenge acknowledged that this may lead to an overestimation or
underestimation of the time high school students spend reading online. However, she believes
that the findings accurately reflect the reading habits of teenagers, as previous research suggests
that students consider books and e-books to fall under the same category.

Twenge, a mother of three, expressed her concern that the study's findings will worry many
parents. Reading less can lead to worse academic results in college and social media use has
been linked to increased social isolation and mental health problems.

To encourage adolescents to put down their phones and pick up a book, Daniel Willingham,
a psychology professor at the University of Virginia and author of "Raising Kids Who Read,"
suggests a difficult balancing act between force and suggestion. The first step is to get children
away from their devices, but it's important not to directly connect less screen time to mandatory
reading. Instead, when enforcing a temporary device ban, ensure that books are readily available
and appealing to prevent boredom. Dean-Michael Crosby, a teacher in England, advises parents
to scatter eye-catching titles throughout the house, including the living room, kitchen, and even
bathrooms, to make books easily accessible and enticing.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 7 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


"Life is worth living" is a sentence told to a person many times by teachers, parents, elders, and
others. But how? A person who wakes up at 5:00 a.m. necessarily, how can his life be worth living?
Life is a joke for someone who wakes up and has no tension that he woke up 'late'. Not just that, his
life is a continued pitted road, as he needs to do whatever he doesn't want to. I don't say that he is
oppressed. Maybe if he were given a choice, he would choose the same, but being bound to it is
something opposite to a "life worth living". What does a person spend his teenage and childhood on?
Remembering the dates of World War I and World War I I , draining his brain in solving math queries,
stressing the mind to understand Newton's laws, and crafting the bones in the skeleton of humans.
Where is the "life worth living"? Even with all these things, h e might have a better life, but then this
cruel world demands money so that you can live.

If you don't want to live, you can have a "worth living life," but honestly and practically
nobody wants to die. So be ready to get headaches, so you get a fine result, an A+ degree, and
then a 'good job'. This frozen life might have some stars shining on it if a person is given the
freedom to "live" in life. A lively person is tagged, most of the time not always, as a person who
needs to be kept an eye on in childhood, senseless in teenage, and childish in adulthood. How
can one's "life be worth living" when it is calculated by someone else? The fun and joy result in a
smiling face, and a smiling face might be misunderstood.

After all these things, even a lively person is moulded into the same shape as all the others.
Exercise helps your body but not when you are doing it at gunpoint. Even science has declared
that the human psyche plays a major role in one's life. You can die if you think that a snake has
stung you, but in reality, you are just stung by a pointed pin (it's not a joke, it is a real
experiment). Then why doesn't this two-faced and hypocritical society accept real souls? Why do
they continue selling 'panadol' instead of changing the limits set for living in society? Why don't
they allow someone to "live"? And if they can't allow it, why are people told that "life is worth
living"? In short, "life is worth living" is just a sentence, a collection of words, a gold-plated quote,
and that's it. So never believe in "words". This also means that you shouldn't believe in this
article; these are just my useless thoughts.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 8 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Today, when my son shouted at me, my heart shattered into pieces. Although tensions
between us had arisen before, he had never been so cruel to me. As a heart patient, my health
is declining with each passing day. He is my only child and has been privileged with a lavish life.
His cold and indifferent attitude made me feel as though I had lost a part of myself and rendered
all my efforts futile. I vividly recall that gloomy day when the sun was dim and the sky was grey.
My spirit felt imprisoned within my body, yearning for an escape. It marked the end of my
matriculation. My paternal uncle straightforwardly informed me that he would not permit me to
pursue further education due to societal pressures. Witnessing other acquaintances abandoning
their education to work in fields, I was coerced into following the same path. However, I knew I
was different. I possessed an unyielding fire and a dream that burned within my chest, unknown
to me at the time that it was meant to turn me into gold. I was a "Man of Dreams."

On that sombre day, I rested my head in my mother's lap, the only warm and comforting
place where I felt understood and loved. She was a bereaved widow, having lost her husband in
a fight just one month before my birth. A mother's love is so sacred that it finds solutions amidst
uncertainty and brings solace during the most painful moments. Once this refuge is lost, a person
remains perpetually homeless. I confided in her about my dreams and ambitions, which were not
nurtured by others. She attempted to persuade me to surrender to my uncle's demands.
However, her heart melted upon witnessing my tears. She rose to her feet and sold her jewellery,
sacrificing it for my education. Although my uncle scolded her, she endured it. That day
commenced on a despondent note, with damp weather exacerbating our spirits. Against the
wishes of the community, I was sent to the city. There, I began residing in the drawing room of
our kind-hearted headmaster, who graciously provided us with a space filled with life. We were
ten boys, studying diligently by the light of a candle, and during exams, our benevolent master
would bring a battery to illuminate a bulb. At times, I would feel hungry and long for the warm
tortilla my mother used to prepare and her tender kiss on my forehead. I was a small-town boy
lost in this bustling cityscape. These bittersweet memories were enough to bring tears streaming
down my face.

On a dull and sorrowful day in December, I lost my mother. I lost my sanctuary and the
source of my strength. I became homeless, and the refuge for my restless heart was taken away.
Nevertheless, I persevered in my studies, aspiring to become the "Bada Aadmi" (a person of
significance) my mother had dreamed of. Days turned into months, and months into years. I

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 9 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

completed my MSc and became a teacher. Subsequently, I received a job offer as a scientist.
Through my hard work and determination, I climbed the ladder of success. I became the person I
am today----- a man of worth, a man of influence. I achieved everything, yet I never ceased to
be grateful to my parents for their love and support. However, hearing my son proclaim that I
had done nothing for him forces me to reflect on where I may have gone wrong.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 10 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


"Go away! He did not come today." It had been more than three years since he had last
visited this government office. Upon hearing the clerk's three-year-old response, the retired man,
who had served in the government, quietly left. As he reached the side of the road, a little ahead
of the office building, he turned back and gazed at the green flag atop the government building
with a sense of regret and despair. Slowly, he addressed the flag, "Are you the same flag with
the moon and star that the great people dreamed of? The flag that was meant to bring justice
and fairness to this region?" Observing the cars passing by, the old man thought that, indeed, it
was the same flag, but perhaps people had forgotten the true meaning behind it. They were living
under its shadow, yet evil and corruption prevailed. The old man hailed a bus and boarded it,
handing over the last fifty rupees in his pocket to the conductor. As he sat on the bus, he
appeared burdened by depression and despair. This old man had been waiting for his rightful
pension from his previous government department for three years, but his pleas had fallen on
deaf ears.

If I delve into my memory, I recall that the full name of Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, where Islamic principles are meant to be upheld. According to Islam, labourers should be
paid their wages before their sweat dries. Another story comes to mind, which unfolded in the
emergency ward of a government hospital, where a son watched his mother take her last breath.
The doctor was absent that day, attending to patients in his private clinic. This incident occurred
in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. If I were to visit a court in Pakistan, I might hear the judge
declare, "The court is adjourned. The next appearance is scheduled in nine months." The
innocent son of a poor father is now being taken back to jail. This, too, happened in the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan. For me, this land is not an ideal Islamic state, but we must strive to make it
one, in honour of the one million martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this country. We must
find our true purpose, our pearl of aim. We must!

Why should we blame?

To evil's or devil's game, shouldn't we blame our hunger for fame? That's for being part of
the same game. Shouldn't we seek from God, a Pearl of Aim?

That's nothing but His Holy Name.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 11 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Hard work is often considered the key to success, a belief that has been ingrained in us
since childhood. Motivational speakers and numerous books aim to convince us that hard work is the
only path to success. However, what if I told you that I know of a vehicle that can make your journey
on this road easier? Despite our best efforts, we often find that we can't achieve our goals exactly
as we want. There always seems to be something missing. In this discussion, I will explore one of the
factors that can help you achieve your goals in the way you desire.

If working hard is the key to success, then helping others serves as guidance on how to use
that key effectively. If giving your best effort is the road that leads to goal achievement, then
treating your peers with kindness acts as a vehicle that makes it easier to navigate this road. It
may seem unconventional, but supporting others during your journey to success is just as
important as working hard.

Keeping a clutter of books around you every single day, a n d isolating yourself from
interactions with others, is a waste of life and nothing more. Hard work can sometimes feel dry and
devoid of emotion, making our journey to success less fulfilling. SUCCESS IS BEYOND THIS!
Hard work, in a sense, suggests that we should work tirelessly for ourselves. But isn't that
selfishness? I have observed people who refuse to share their notes, believing that others should
not benefit from their hard-earned knowledge. They adopt the mindset that labour is its own reward.
Isn't this selfishness disguised as hard work?

Many of us hoard our notes and guidebooks, keeping them hidden from our peers. We
understand why we do this. However, let's consider the positive side. Suppose we share our
notes. Whether or not exam questions appear from those notes, the reward is certain. By helping
others and putting aside our selfishness, we can experience a greater sense of fulfilment and
success. It is important to remember that success goes beyond individual achievements.
Facilitating the success of others during our own journey is just as significant as working hard.

In this discussion, let's explore the difference between being cooperative and being a
facilitator. A cooperative person helps others when asked, whereas a facilitator proactively assists
whenever he can. A facilitator goes beyond waiting for others to seek help and actively asks if
anyone needs assistance. While being cooperative is commendable, the best among us are those
who not only help others but also anticipate their needs. This is when you

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 12 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

receive prayers (DUA) from others.

Nowadays, it is common for people to ask others to pray for them, but often everyone is
deeply engrossed in their own lives and may not have the time to fulfil these requests. In such
cases, you can inspire others to make prayers for you through your actions. By doing so, Allah will
bless both you and the person making the prayer in ways that surpass your imagination, both in
this world and the hereafter.

It is important to note that this discussion does not imply that you should stop striving for
your own goals and solely focus on social welfare. Rather, it encourages you to break free from
the bubbles that revolve solely around your success. Start engaging with others, ask if they need
any help, and live your life with this pattern. Believe me, success will naturally come your way.
When you assist someone in achieving his goals, there is no doubt that Almighty Allah will assist
you in a much better way to achieve yours.

On a lighter note, life holds its charm when you win someone's heart rather than just chasing
numbers or material success. So, spread positivity and help others as much as you can. Today, we
are all present here as individuals, but when we are gone, what will remain is how we behave
towards others. Create ease for Allah's creation, and watch as He makes your journey easier in

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 13 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


There are approximately 40% of people in the world who do not believe in the existence of
God. They often question, "Where is God?" and "Why can't we see Him?" Some argue that there
must be more than one God to control the world. Throughout history, many individuals have
attempted to answer these questions, and I am making my best effort to help them understand
who God is, based on a reference book.

Let's start our conversation from the beginning. When we see a pen, a book, or even a
needle, our brain immediately acknowledges the existence of a maker. So how can we say that
this vast universe, this entire world, was created without a maker? We refer to this maker as
God. Another question that arises is how many gods there are. According to a survey, the Hindu
religion has 33 crore gods, Christians have 3 gods, and similarly, Jews have their own beliefs.
However, a religion that emerged 1,400 years ago, Islam, believes in the existence of only one
God. Having multiple leaders for a task would inevitably lead to conflicts, so it is logical to believe
in a single God.

If we consider the universal system, such as the rising and setting of the sun, and the
movement of the moon and planets, we observe a constant and orderly pattern. This can only be
possible if a single God controls it. In the reference book I mentioned before, God has given
Himself a specific name, "Allah." With approximately 50 different religions in the world, it raises
the question of which religion is the perfect one to follow. I will attempt to answer this.

Islam, a religion that emerged 1,400 years ago, is considered a universal religion and has
inspired countless people around the world. Throughout history, many individuals have sacrificed
their lives for the sake of Islam. Islam believes in the concept of "believing without seeing." In the
Holy Book of Islam, Allah indicates that those who believe in Him without seeing will be rewarded
with paradise.

Allah has sent 124,000 Prophets to guide humanity towards Jannah (paradise), an
everlasting world. The last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), was blessed with prophethood
and spread Allah's teachings to the entire world along with his followers. They made great
sacrifices for the preaching of Islam, and as a result, Islam is now the most widely believed
religion in the world after 1,400 years.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 14 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

The question of "where is God?" arises in the minds of both believers and non-believers. In
the Quran, Allah answers this question by stating that He is even nearer to humans than their
main artery. He knows their thoughts even before they manifest in their minds.

God can be seen in the patience of a patient, in the tolerance of the poor, and all people, as
Allah has made humans His subordinates on Earth. The question of why people believe in God
can be answered by observing our society. When we see the poor enduring their conditions without
resorting to wrong means like theft or robbery, we wonder why they tolerate such hardships. The
answer lies in the promise Allah has made to them of paradise after death, where all their
deficiencies will be fulfilled. To control the system and create things, there must be a higher
power, and this higher power is called "Allah," the Almighty. He is my God and your God.

Now, I would like to tell you about my reference book, "The Holy Quran," which is Allah's
book. I hope that this humble effort, despite its shortcomings, will inspire even a single person. If
one person understands my point, the purpose of my life will be fulfilled, and I will find success
on the Day of Judgment. I hope that you all have a guided life. Please remember me in your

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 15 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


The doorbell rang once, then again. She woke up from a deep slumber, feeling a sense of
strangeness. She quickly grabbed her shawl from the bedside and went to the door alone, her
heart racing. The fog and darkness outside only added to her fear. "Who is it?" she asked but
received no response. After gathering her courage, she finally opened the door. To say she was
shocked would be an understatement. The person in front of her spoke first, breathing heavily,
"Doctor Sahiba, please, she needs your help."

In 1989, Gui's earliest memories were of her mother passing away from tuberculosis,
followed by her father's departure after months of depression. At the age of 9, Gui and her
brother Jahanzeb became orphans. Jahanzeb became both a father and a mother figure to her,
taking care of her as his child.

In 1996, everything changed. In their small village of Khaplu in northern Pakistan, women
were not allowed to pursue higher education. However, Jahanzeb had different plans for Gui. He
surprised everyone by announcing in front of the village council, known as the "jirga," that he
wanted to take Gui to the city so she could become a doctor. Despite opposition from the head of
the council, who believed women should only be caretakers, Jahanzeb remained steadfast in his
decision. He declared that he wouldn't let anyone hinder Gui's path to a brighter future.

Jahanzeb made arrangements for them to leave Khaplu and settle in Lahore. With the help
of Jahanzeb's friend, they found a home, and Gui enrolled in college shortly after. She studied
diligently and eventually gained admission to KEMU (King Edward Medical University). In 2005,
she fulfilled her dream of becoming a doctor. Jahanzeb, at the age of 32, was immensely proud
of her.

Gui started working in a public hospital and found great happiness in her job. However, one
December evening, Jahanzeb announced that they had to return to Khaplu. Gui expressed her
hesitation, feeling unprepared. But Jahanzeb encouraged her to put her fears aside and show
everyone the strong person she had become. Gui reluctantly agreed.

During the flight back to Skardu, Jahanzeb reassured Gui that things must have changed in
Khaplu. She also longed to reconnect with her own people after 12 long years. As they drove
from Skardu to Khaplu, Gui noticed the differences brought about by increasing tourism, such as

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 16 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

hotels, hospitals, and buildings.

Finally, they arrived in Khaplu. Gul's palms grew sweaty, and her heart raced. Jahanzeb
held her hand to comfort her. The first few days passed without any strange occurrences. Then,
at the hospital, Gul saw the head of the jirga accompanied by a young man. The head of the
council had aged, with wrinkles etched on his face. He had come to the hospital to collect his
diabetes medicine and learned about the newly appointed female doctor. The head doctor
brought him to Gul's office for an introduction. However, upon seeing Gul Ghulam Ali's
nameplate, he froze. Shocked, he instructed his son to take him home. Gul heard about this
incident from the hospital staff and felt a mix of relief and fear.

For the next nine months, there were no further encounters. Until one cold night, Akhtar
Khan, the head of the jirga, along with his son, stood at Gul's door, pleading for her help. Without
hesitation, Gul said, "Wait a moment, Chacha Jan, let me get my medical bag." She informed
Jahanzeb briefly about the situation, and he smiled and encouraged her to go.

Gul accompanied Akhtar Khan and his son to their Haveli. Akhtar Khan's daughter-in-law
was experiencing labour pains, but the midwife was unable to identify the complications. Due to
Akhtar Khan's sense of honour and reputation, he couldn't bring himself to call a male doctor.
Akhtar Khan and his son waited anxiously outside while Gul attended to the situation. The
following morning, Gul emerged from the room and informed Akhtar Khan's son,
"Congratulations, your wife has given birth to a healthy daughter, and she is doing well."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Akhtar Khan knelt down on the cold marble floor in front of Gul,
begging for forgiveness. He realized that women were not just caretakers but capable individuals.
Grateful for saving his granddaughter, he expressed his gratitude and admiration for Gul. He
even decided to name his granddaughter Gul, after her, hoping she would grow up to be a
person of great value and ambition. Jahanzeb, who had just arrived, stood at the door, smiling

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 17 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

HSSC-I Pre-Medical (Alpha 2)

All the glistering glittering stars,

Like candles in the sky ;
If for a while they cease to move,
They will perish and die.

Dear readers, what I have written about the twinkling stars is merely an illustration of a
natural law that governs every object in this vast universe. Everything that remains in constant
motion and takes action survives, while that which remains stagnant and stale perishes. This
truth holds particularly true for humanity, as we are the rulers of the world and entrusted with the
responsibility of the Almighty. We are not here to simply play, dream, or drift aimlessly. We have
work to do and burdens to bear. Let us not shy away from action, for it is a gift. We have
mountains to climb, oceans to explore, and goals to achieve. All of this depends on our bold and
daring actions, for life is action, and action is life. Without action, we stagnate, and stagnation
leads to death. This is why the great German master, Goethe, proclaims, "Life is action, not

The perpetual motion of the heart and the constant circulation of blood testify to the fact that
action is the very essence of life. The fulfilment of our cherished aims, aspirations, and dreams
depends on taking action. Who can satisfy their hunger or quench their thirst without any action?
None, of course, because "By the plough, you shall earn your bread" is the divine decree.
Similarly, a student aspiring for brilliant success must burn the midnight oil, and a driver desiring
a pearl must dive deep into the ocean. As William Penn declares, "No pains, no palm; no
thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory."

Esteemed audience, all the great heroes of the world achieved their prestigious status
because they were undeterred by the countless adversities, afflictions, and trials that came their
way. Instead of breaking their tenacious spirit and unwavering determination, these hardships
fueled their vigour, zeal, and enthusiasm. Their motto was simple: work, work, and more work.
While their companions idled, procrastinated, and slept, they worked tirelessly. As a result, they
secured an indelible place in the pages of history books and our collective memory.

Who can deny the fact that in this age of supersonic travel and space exploration, the
tremendous achievements of developed nations stem from their tireless efforts, ceaseless toil,

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 18 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

and unwavering dedication? They waste not even a single moment, fully utilizing their enormous
potential, and thus gain an unrivalled monopoly over the destinies of those who are slow,
sluggish, indolent, and lethargic. Those who remain submerged in the wilderness of passivity and
inactivity, those who are dreamers and idlers, are ultimately exterminated and trampled beneath
the feet of the active and the energetic.

My friends, remember that nations that neglect action are deprived of their freedom and
subjected to oppression, aggression, and exploitation. The only weapon to break the chains of
slavery is action. Take the example of the brave Kashmiris, who have finally realized that the only
way to get rid o f themselves of Indian domination is to wage a heroic and chivalrous battle,
even with limited resources. A nation can safeguard its freedom only when its courageous soldiers
fight in the air, on land, and at sea against oppressors and aggressors.

Mr. President, in Islam, there is no place for idlers and dreamers. It rejects a life of
meditation and seclusion from the bustling world. We must utilize our faculties to the fullest
extent, to enforce God's will on His earth, to harness the forces and resources of the universe,
and prove ourselves worthy of being the crown of all creatures. Otherwise, we shall face
consequences. The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) lived a vigorous life, fighting against infidels,
spreading his mission, eradicating evil, comforting the poor, and consoling the needy. On the Day
of Judgment, our actions will be the only thing that counts. They will determine whether we
deserve the eternal bliss of heaven or the damnation of hell. Our ancestors lived lives full of
action and thus became immortal. Unfortunately, we have become passive and lethargic,
desperately hoping and waiting for heavenly help without taking any action ourselves. We have
suffered greatly as a result, but it is never too late to change. Let us resolve, from this very
moment, to abandon the life of parasites and embrace a life of action.
Let us all promise:
Higher and higher shall we climb,
Up the mountain, mount of glory,
So that our names may live through time,
In our country's story.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 19 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


I don't know where to start when I open the book "Life of Inhabitants of Heaven." Each page
holds a story that the eye cannot read, the ear cannot hear, and the pen cannot write. Those
who claim this place to be heaven, like Earth's Kashmir, but if someone were to ask me, I would
call it a living example of hell.

This apparent paradise is no less than hell for its inhabitants. Everyone sees the external
beauty, but on the inside, no one seems to be interested.

My Kashmir, envied by heaven. At the end of February and the end of March, when the sun
would cast its first rays after many months on the snow-capped mountains, the arrival of spring
could be felt everywhere. The plants, covered in snow, would prepare to wear green as the first
buds of spring bloomed and doves were seen flying everywhere.

The snow, melted by the sun's rays, would transform into waterfalls flowing from the
mountains. Children used to play at the foot of the valley, and crops would be harvested. This
Kashmir was known as the paradise of the world, but it fell under the influence of an evil eye.

Its inhabitants felt that the doves had disappeared, but in reality, they were killed. Have you
ever heard of Paradise being captured? Curfews? Gunshots? Disbelievers took heaven hostage,
and the dark night of cruelty began. Humanity, happiness, and freedom were all rounded up and
imprisoned. Sorrows were unleashed, and animalism and barbarism began to reign everywhere.
But what was the fault of Kashmir? It was once known as "heaven on earth." Perhaps that was
its fault! This paradise was sold to the infidels for seventy-five lakhs, and now there are bomb
blasts, gunshots, and the smell of gunpowder instead of the fragrance of flowers.

Doesn't the blood-soaked valley of Kashmir call out to you? Aren't there countless funerals
in the pursuit of freedom? We only raised slogans like "Kashmir is ours" and "Kashmir is the
jugular vein of Pakistan." And India increased its number of troops in Kashmir, trying to diminish
its importance by changing articles. The matter reached other nations and appeared at the UN,
but what was the result? Kashmir was merely acknowledged as a country on the world map, and
that was it. It's true, how can the courts of the world decide the fate of heaven?

I don't know what the future holds for Kashmir. Will February 5 be a holiday in Pakistan as

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 20 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

usual and a day of curfew in Kashmir? Will people raise banners and gather outside the UN
building again, or will there be a voice saying "All is not well, but All is Hell" in India? There are
so many unanswered questions.

I believe that the throats of Kashmir are tired of screaming, and the courts of the world
cannot provide justice to them. I don't expect them to solve the "Kashmir Issue" because even
posting a picture of Burhan Wani can lead to our social media accounts being blocked.

But hold on, the funerals in Kashmir are proof that the hope for freedom is alive among
Kashmiris. And hope teaches us to live. Hope is also a crazy thing; it plants olive groves in
deserts in mere moments. The hope for freedom runs through the veins of Kashmiris, and I hope
they will reclaim their paradise. There is a famous saying, "When darkness falls everywhere, look
carefully, for the light may be within yourself." The night of cruelty may be long, but it is still night.
The end of darkness marks the beginning of dawn. How will dawn break? That is a mystery that
time will reveal.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 21 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Problems are indeed a part of life. Good and bad things happen, and sometimes it may feel
like we have no control over them. However, that is not entirely true. When the world turns its
back on you, it's important to remember that you have the power to turn your back on the world
as well. Problems can be compared to clouds. When a cloud overshadows us, everything may
seem dark and misty. Tears may roll down our cheeks, and we may feel lost and unable to
understand ourselves or our situation.

But if we rise above the ground and view the situation from a higher perspective, we will
realize that the cloud is just a small part of the sky. It will eventually move away and disappear
as if it was never there before.

Therefore, it is crucial not to let ourselves be defeated when we find ourselves in a situation
where everything seems murky and uncertain. We must remember that there is no problem that
cannot be solved. There is always a solution, even if it may not be immediately apparent.

One of our biggest challenges is that we often dwell on the past or worry about the future.
However, it is important to focus on the present. As the saying goes, "Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Instead of worrying
about what has already happened or what is yet to come, we should embrace the present
moment and make the most of it.

Furthermore, it is comforting to remember that we are not alone in facing our problems. If
we have faith, we can find solace in the belief that a higher power, such as Allah, is always with
us. We can take comfort in knowing that Allah is constantly listening and seeing, and there is no
need to be afraid.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 22 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Yawning, I woke up and was immediately served breakfast by Carbo, my servant robot, in
my bed. After breakfast, I got out of bed and combed my once-coal-black-now-white hair.
Although Carbo could have done it for me, I insisted on doing it myself. As I went downstairs, I
passed by countless pictures of myself when I was young. I always stopped in front of them,
spending 20 minutes of my morning reminiscing about my memories. Time, the great wizard, had
done more than enough, and I felt that it was preparing to do more.

I went out into my garden alone to enjoy my morning tea. I often observed people glued to
their mobile screens while their cars automatically drove. It reminded me of when I used to go to
school, and my father would drive the car, which was so old, almost as old as I am. I called for
another robot servant of mine to fetch my jogging shoes.

Within moments, I set out for my daily morning walk around the area where my school used
to be. Now, there were quite a number of houses in that place. Over the past 15 years, during
the "Revolution of Robots," my school had to be demolished to make way for the construction of
houses. After all, who needs to go to school when there are robots to teach at home?

About once a week, I would go to the market. Since I hadn't gone this week, I decided to go
now. When I reached the pathway of the main road, I stopped. A warm wetness began to fill my
eyes as I tried to avoid thinking about how my entire family died in an accident on the same road
I was walking past.

Quickly, I headed for the market, not wanting to dwell on those thoughts any longer. It was
nearly 6:30 PM when I reached home, realizing that I had forgotten my purse. I was tired, so I
went straight to bed. I crossed out another day on the calendar for the year 2109, and as I laid
down on my bed, I recited some verses to myself, as I always do, which I will never forget.

As I see the day,

Turn from dusk to dawn.
I know it's going, going,
And Forever gone.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 23 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Mental health determines how you think, feel, and act. Good mental health is when you feel
positive about yourself and cope well with everyday pressures. Depression, or despondency, has
various stages, but the first one that should be observed by everyone is the "origin." This stage
refers to a time when the brain starts to change, becoming more susceptible to depression and
sadness. Signs include hopelessness, longing, general sadness, and fatigue.

Times can get extremely hard, but we should never lose hope and must keep going. There
are several conditions that can push our minds to face distress. Admittedly, we all experience
jealousy towards each other. As mentioned in the hadith, "The evil eye is real" [Sahih Muslim
2188]. People may cast the evil eye either knowingly or unknowingly. Some signs of the evil eye
include changes in appearance (such as dark circles under the eyes or sudden weight gain/loss),
loss of motivation, pale face, laziness, procrastination, constant anger (which is one of the
biggest signs of the evil eye), sudden onset of illnesses, having suicidal thoughts, and
experiencing constant headaches on one side of the head.

Allah says in the Holy Quran, "And whatever misfortune befalls you, it is because of what
your hands have earned. And He pardons much" [42:30]. Whenever you see someone blessed
with something, it is recommended to pray for them to be blessed with it as well by saying
"Allahuma Baik" (0 Allah, bless them).

Another significant reason for melancholy is that parenting has become a challenging task.
Children nowadays become addicted to various things that can cause distress for their parents.
Parents cannot prevent their children from having a mobile phone, especially after the pandemic
situation where everything became online. We must acknowledge the fact that a mobile phone is
a vital requirement for everyone, but it should be used within limits. Parents must educate their
children about the disadvantages of excessive phone use in this world and the hereafter.
Everyone must be aware of the discrepancy between the temporary life of this world and the
eternal hereafter.

Another cause of sadness is the global unemployment peak, which has increased
significantly in recent years. This situation can lead people to contemplate suicide or engage in

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 24 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

prohibited activities. In such circumstances, one must remind themselves that these situations are
temporary, and only prayer (dua) has the power to bring about change. As mentioned in the
Quran, "Seek patience through prayer and the Quran."

I agree with the point that distress affects our mental health. We must maintain control over
our desires (Nafs) and be aware of the materialism of this worldly life (duniya). What are your

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 25 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


What is Chat GPT-3?

GPT-3 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 which is developed by OpenAI. It is

the third version of the tool which is released. ChatGPT is a tool from which you can ask any
question whether is it about programming, languages, English etc. You can ask it to write an
essay, story, poem, or even a song for you. It can also explain a paragraph, a computer code, or
it can even write a computer program for you, it also has the power to translate text from any
language to another. You can even get ideas about anything.

How it Works: Simply you can say that it generates text using specific algorithms that are
already fed into it. (Approximately more than 570 GB/s of data is fed into it). OpenAI released
ChatGPT-3 on 30th November 2022, its prototype which gained a lot of attraction among the
people for its amazing qualities like human-like experience and detailed answers to many queries
like writing a script between two persons etc., which could be revolutionary in the future.

Key Facts: The AI-Chatbot which was programmed to improve human conversation was
released to the public on 30th November 2022.Through the official site( while
it is still under development but users can try it out for free. ChatGPT is a computer program
created by OpenAI that can understand and respond to commands given by users. It can do
things like write code and essays quickly, which makes some people worried that it might take
jobs away from people.

But, ChatGPT is very smart and can answer questions and admit when it's wrong, so lots of
people still like to use it.

There are some limitations in it, as sometimes it is likely to produce incorrect answers. To
some questions, the chatbot cannot answer but when we give a slightly paraphrased one it
answers it and the answer generated may be wrong sometimes in this case. That is why Stack
Overflow, a coding Q&A site for programmers, has banned users from sharing responses
generated by the chatbots. The site's moderators said that the ban was temporary and the final rule
would be made sometime in the future. But, the moderators explained that ChatGPT makes it
easy to produce answers, which can lead to many false answers being posted which seem
correct at first glance but are often wrong on close review. According to the CEO of the software

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 26 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

company, ChatGPT hit the milestone of 1 million users in 5 days after its launch.

In early November the company released Image Generator Al system DALL-E-2 for the
developers to create copyright-free images in a glimpse according to their will. Microsoft is
launching "Designer", a website similar to "Canva", which creates designs for graphics and
presentations and other stuff. Microsoft and OpenAI announced that DALL-E 2 will be used as a
backend for the program, allowing users to create unique images. Microsoft is also integrating
DALL-E 2 into Bing and Microsoft Edge with Image Creator, giving users the option to create
their desired images if web results don't produce what they're looking for. DALL-E 2 requires
users to enter a description about the image that they want and it will create the image for them.
But, DALL-E-2 charges money per picture according to the image resolution. For example,
1024x1024 images cost $0.02 per image, and 512x512 images are $0.018 per image.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 27 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


"Elevate your selflessness to such heights that before creating each destiny, God himself
asks you what's your opinion?" (Allama Iqbal) who are you? What's your identity? What are you going
to do? You have no time to think about it. Right?

I know that you like your future self more than the present one. But why? Have you ever contemplated
that your future is decided by your present?

I know the fact that you can dream. But merely being a dreamer will never take you to your
destination. It is the dream of everyone to be a leader but, leaders are built not born.

Doers and dreamers have t h e same goals but different paths and different endings. For
being a doer, know yourself, unleash the beast within you, invest in yourself and accept your
limits. If you want to gain what you think, you have to change your thoughts. Develop the youth of
Qasim, thought of Iqbal, the character of Jinnah, the bravery of Ghaznavi, t h e knowledge of
Ali and t h e ethics and spirituality of Muhammad (S.A.W.).

Say adieu to dreaming, reluctance, hesitation, and fantasy.

You are the master of your own world. Either you can fill it with dust and thorns, or you can
forge it a garden full of your planted roses.

You are the author of your story. You are the one who is destined to change the world by
transforming yourself into the best version. Be confident, follow religious beliefs, discipline yourself and
pave your way towards your destination, despite distractions because reality is all in your head
(through divided minds).

Explore your abilities, utilize them and see your future self growing day by day, gaining success
and achieving prosperity. Utilize today to live life not to merely spend it.

Best of luck for your tomorrow which can build your future self.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 28 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Once there was a boy named Simon who had always been a little different from others.
When he was just 2 years old, he had learnt how to crack an egg. And when he was 4, he could
perfectly type on the computer which was most likely the effect of his tech-savvy dad. Due to his
exceptional parents and a long history of great family genetics, he was also blessed with
exceptionality. He was always at the top of his class both in academics, sports and even art.
Even the kids of his age respected him. It seemed as if everything went in his favour. But his
best quality was his calmness and nonchalance. When he was 10, he saw a vlog about
YouTubers exploring abandoned schools and hospitals. He wanted to explore one himself.
Luckily, there was an abandoned hospital near the park where he used to play. So, he asked his
mom if he could go out and play at the park. His mom was astonished. He had stopped going out
to play ever since he got his own phone. So, his mom happily allowed him to go.
He got his school bag and emptied it out. He gathered all the things he would need like
snacks, a water bottle, a flashlight, his phone, his cleaning supplies and some night vision
goggles that he got as a present but never used. He also went to his mom's room and got her
pepper spray, even though he knew it probably won't work on a ghost but it sure would help
against wild animals. He downloaded a ghost-tracking app and then checked the time. It was
almost 7 o’clock. The abandoned hospital was a 20-to-25-minute walk from where he lived. He
checked to see if anything was missing and then went on to his adventure. Just as he was
walking out the door, he said "I'll be back by 10." Before his mom could say anything, he ran
away as quickly as he could. On his walk to the hospital, he met some of his classmates near the
park who made the same face his mother had made. "Fancy seeing you outside," said his
classmate, Drew. "Ivan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment. You have to witness this." But Simon
was too engrossed in his adventure to even care. So, he went on till he got farther away from the
hustle and bustle of the city. As he got near the hospital, he noticed how the air had got more
chilly. The hospital was an enormous old 1960s structure and was worn out with plants growing
all around it. There were many rumours about how it was used to carry out barbaric experiments.
There was always news about how it would get demolished soon but for some reason, it still
remained to that day. Simon went on towards the hospital and as he guessed, the doors were all
locked but there was a hole big enough for him to get in at the back. The inside of the hospital
was much darker due to the time and all the dust on the comparatively little number of windows.
So he got his flashlight out and turned it on. He swung it around and found the walls filled with
graffiti and what looked like blood stains. Every corner of the hospital was covered with webs,
making it hard to see beyond that. Simon, who had a slight OCD, had never seen such a dirty

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 29 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

place. As a result, he started to clean up the webs. As he was cleaning the webs, the door of a
nearby room creaked. He thought, "Must've been the wind," and carried on with his cleaning. But
after cleaning for about 30 minutes, his urge to clean went away because as much as the
hospital was dirty, it was just as big. With a disappointed expression, he decided to explore the
place. He went towards the door which had creaked before. Suddenly, he started to get chills in
his body.
There was a woman wearing a hospital gown with blood stains all over it. The woman
turned towards Simon, with her popped bloody eye shining in the moonlight. Simon turned away
from the door and went back. He had forgotten to get his cleaning supplies! The ghost was
puzzled as it had never seen such a reaction. The ghost decided to try again. As Simon was
gathering up his supplies and putting them in his backpack, the tweezers had somehow flown
towards the direction of the same door. The ghost then came out of the door and this time made
sure that Simon would be able to see it. Simon got up and went towards the door. He hunched
down to get the tweezers and looked up at the sound of a wolf howling. This time Simon looked
right at the ghost and put the tweezers in his bag. The ghost, completely perplexed, thought of a
thousand reasons why he wouldn't be able to see it. Just then Simon looked back at it and said,
"My night blindness is seriously getting worse. I can't tell whether that is a lamp or a drip stand."
The ghost never thought that in a room alone with a human, it would be the one to have its jaw
dropped. The humiliated ghost mustered up its courage and decided to try again.
This time making extra sure that he would be able to see it. It even used its special abilities
and transformed into a headless man with blood dripping out of the cut veins. It then found a
location where there was enough light. the same room again. Luckily, Simon decided to go back
to that room to explore. The ghost got ready to scare him. Just then Simon remembered how he
had downloaded a ghost-tracking app. He opened the app and waved his phone around to see if
there was any ghost. The app pointed in the opposite direction, so he went back to the main
area. There the app spotted a ghost. There was an option to talk to the ghost. He asked what its
name was. The app replied "Samantha." "Today's really not my day", thought the ghost. After
talking with Samantha for 1 minute, Simon got uninterested and let out a sigh. All of a sudden,
there was a sound of glass shattering. Something had broken the windows. Simon deduced that
it must've been a wolf. He got his pepper spray out and decided to go back home. As he was
trying to get to the hole, he saw the body of the ghost and without thinking, immediately pressed
the nozzle of the pepper spray. The ghost thought "He's done for!" Just as it thought of this, it
transformed back to its original form and its eyes started to itch and tear up. It couldn't see
anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, its body started to swell and it was discovered after
decades that it was allergic to pepper. Meanwhile, Simon ran out of the hospital as fast as he
could and thought "I never knew wolves could look so human-like."

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 30 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


Gour, a word that originated from the Scots and English language spoken in Scotland, has
its earliest occurrences in the 18th and early 19th centuries in France and Britain. It has
significantly influenced societal and cultural meanings and norms over time. It would not be
incorrect to say that the aristocratic class attempted to strengthen its influence over culture and
tradition. Glamour has not only permeated various aspects of life but has also captivated the
minds and hearts of individuals. People are often more respected and appreciated for their wealth
and glamour rather than their achievements. Success is often measured by one's lifestyle,
regardless of its substance.

Glamour has caused confusion in people's minds and perplexity in their hearts regarding
religious and spiritual values, cultural norms, and traditions. This is evident in recent examples
such as Halloween and its associated makeup, which have manipulated the mindsets of people,
particularly in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Glamour is also closely associated with a secular spell
and is often linked to fashionable attire and other aspects of Western culture. The fancy
appearances created by glamour often conceal broken hearts and troubled souls. Those who
follow glamour should be mindful of its influence and its potential consequences.

Glamour has also had a significant impact on the educational system, making it more formal
and overshadowing its true purpose. It has prioritized money over humanity and spirituality. One
consequence of this is the negative effect on the mental health of individuals, especially those
with black skin tones who may not conform to societal beauty standards.

In today's world, with easy access to social media, it is not difficult to gain insight into the
lives of celebrities and glamorous individuals. However, this exposure often leads to
dissatisfaction and self-criticism among the youth, as they compare their lives to the highlights of
glamorous individuals. It is important to recognize that these portrayals often omit the challenges
and negative aspects of their lives. The media has glamorized every aspect of life, giving rise to
new dimensions of human emotions, religious practices, education, and the economy. Vloggers,
bloggers, celebrities, and influencers have contributed to a sense of fancifulness by showcasing a
fake standard of living.

Today, whether it is a child or an adult, many aspire for fame in life, driven by the desire for
fancy lifestyle, cars, and clothes associated with glamorous individuals. However, it is important

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 31 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

to question whether this pursuit of fame is a true achievement or simply an illusion.

Glamour is a modern invention, and its legacy often revolves around irrational standards. It
provides an unclear viewpoint and promotes fake life standards to modernists. There is an
attitude shift where glamour is appreciated over modesty, which may lead to compromised values
and understanding. The pursuit of self-care and self-stability, often associated with glamour, has
normalized living standards that are not commendable. This has resulted in increased divorce
rates and intolerance among couples, as self-love, influenced by glamour, takes precedence. The
sense of competition among youth, driven by the fear of losing, has led to mental health issues.
Glamour has also caused some individuals to deviate from their religious beliefs and embrace
atheism in their quest for fame.

It is important to critically analyze the influence of glamour and strive for a balanced
perspective that values substance over superficiality.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 32 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Thoughts and Thoughts

To some people, the ocean is merely a body of water, while others experience
thalassophobia, a persistent and intense fear of the ocean that causes great anxiety. However, I
consider myself a thalassophile. I love the ocean because of its calmness, beauty, and infinite
nature, but also because it can be angry, magnificent, and harsh, which intrigues me. The most
captivating aspect of the ocean is its pulchritudinous scenery. I often find myself lost in its
ethereal beauty.
The ocean possesses a tranquil atmosphere that soothes my soul and brings peace to my
mind, freeing me from agitation, excitement, and disturbance. It immerses me in a state of
serenity and tranquillity. The roar of the ocean is like music to my soul, and the sound of waves
acts as a lullaby. There is no colour quite like that of the ocean, which is filled with a plethora of
secluded coves. The ocean's mystique never fails to fascinate me.
The ocean makes me feel small, but not in a negative way. It reminds me that I am a part of
something vast. Despite making me feel small, it also instils a sense of freedom within me. The
sharp, salty aroma in the air and the vastness of the horizons contribute to its heavenly essence.
The ocean demonstrates that life can be both calm and rough, still and rigid, but ultimately, it is
always beautiful. It serves as a great inspiration to me, urging me to be proud and whole. It
reinforces the idea that sometimes, in the waves of change, we find our true direction. It teaches
me to embrace goodbyes while welcoming change. And just like the ocean, one can embody
multiple qualities at once. The ocean encompasses everything I aspire to be: wild, beautiful,
mysterious, and free.


Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise old man who commanded immense

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 33 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

respect from the villagers due to his wisdom and kind-hearted nature. One day, a young man
from the village approached the old man, seeking his guidance. The young man expressed his
worries, explaining that he had overheard some villagers speaking ill of him. He felt anxious,
believing that these individuals held unfavourable opinions about him without truly knowing him.
Responding with a gentle smile, the wise old man uttered, "My son, there is no need to fret over
the words of others. You are aware of your true self, and that is what truly matters. Do not allow
anyone's perception of you to define who you are."
Grateful for the old man's counsel, the young man thanked him and departed, experiencing
a newfound sense of relief. From that moment onward, he relinquished his concerns about the
judgments of others and directed his focus towards becoming the best version of himself. The
timeless wisdom imparted by the old man serves as a powerful reminder for us all: instead of
passing judgment on others, let us concentrate on nurturing our own personal growth and striving
to be the finest individuals we can be.



Ranikot is a historical Talpur fort near Sann, Jamshoro District, Sindh, Pakistan. Ranikot fort
is also known as the Great Wall of Sindh and is believed to be the world's largest fort with a
circumference of approximately 32 km.
The original purpose and architects of Ranikot fort are unknown. It was formerly believed
that the fort was built during the reign of the Sassanians. However, more recent evidence shows
that the fort was only repaired by the Talpurs under the supervision and administration of Nawab
Wali Muhammad Leghari, the Prime Minister of Sindh during the Talpur dynasty.
The fort is huge, connecting several bleak mountains of the Kirthar hills along contours, and
measures 31 km in length. The fort's wall is interspersed with several bastions, three of which are
of semi-circular shape. The northern part of the fort's perimeter is a natural hilly formation, while
on the other three sides, it is covered by fort walls. Within this main fort, there is a smaller fort
known as the "Miri Fort." The entire fort structure has been built with stone and lime mortar. The
fort is built in a zig-zag form with four entry gates in the shape of a rhomboid. The four gates are
namely the "Sann Gate, Amri Gate, Shah Peer Gate, and Mohan Gate." Ancient architectural
carvings are found on the walls of Rani Kot. The Sann gate is well-preserved and can be climbed
to reach the top of the fort from both sides to get a scenic view of the terrain around the fort. This
gate is also the entrance to the Meeri.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 34 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Poetic Imaginations

Adeela Azhar
HSSC-II Pre-Engineering (Beta-I)

Darkness everywhere I see,

Trying to find the girl
Where is she?
The tears which you see
Are actually the pearls
Flowing through the eyes of a broken girl

Shattered soul, tired heart

Where is the end?
Where was the star?
I am lost on the path that bends
And leads to a never-ending path
That extends
To where I was ..........

I heard a noise
Of a girl who wept
A painful voice
That was in depth
Of sufferings from behind

I finally found
My true self, my inner voice
My heart felt drowned
Still, I felt poised

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 35 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

I grabbed her hand
And hugged her tight
For she was my heart
Now filling with light

Back to my life now,

Ready to be me
I ain't for this world
This world is for me

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 36 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Aadeen Arbab
VII Lily
I wonder, how the world is changed
Not only the world
All is changed
Now, circumstances are not to
Believe anyone
Now, nobody defends anyone
All rich people become men of world
Now there is no man of word
By seeing all these matters
There is nothing to smile at
It is better to die
By saying this world goodbye.



Look at the sky which is dark,

Cold air is blowing outside,
And the moon is shining on the top.
Street lamps are glowing outside.
I am warm tucked in my bed,
Little shiver through the blanket,
But winter nights are cosy,
There's peace and relief in,
There's only the sound of breezing outside,
Which relaxes minds.
Oh, I wish the night would never end,
Yes, I wish the night would never end.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 37 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Javaria Rehman
XII Pre-Medical A-I

Look at the Moon so bright Look at its twinkling light

Away from the Earth it's dancing at a height
Among the shining stars in the dark night
The moon is moving in the sky free

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 38 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Sometimes getting hidden behind a tree
Look at its shadow in the sea
Sit seems as calm as it can be
Look how far it's from the Earth
But its brightness is not fading away
The popping question in my mind as I lay.

Adeela Azhar
HSSC-11 PE (Beta-I)
In the night
As I came to my bed
I turned to my window
To see ahead

There was no light

And everything was quiet
The whole dark night
Felt cold and dried

No stars were lit

Only darkness had filled
Everything in sight
Everything in mind

I got on my bed
And realized
How only one moon
Can bright up the night

How little tiny stars

Contribute their parts
To bring some glimmer
Some hope, some light

How difficult it is
To be a star
That burns itself
To illuminate the others' path

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 39 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

I wished to be a star
To twinkle on the sky
Like Diamond and Pearls
Up, above so high

But Alas! Since I

Can't convert to one
Thinking of some ways
Fell asleep as I lay

I woke up
ln the middle of night
And thought of being a star
Quickly flashed in my mind

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 40 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

l can be a star

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 41 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

By shining in peoples' life
Lighting up the dark souls
Lighting up their dark times

Believe me! 0 World!

I will be that star
Just watch me how I glow,
And change this world's flow.

V A-11
It is our land
Where we live, stare and stand
This our dream
To live in beautiful streams
This very day
When it was created
Such joyous way
The independence we celebrate
Our Quaid built a country "The Great"
We call it Pakistan
The sign of our identity
The place of our living,
The place of our graves.

V A-11
Pakistan, the land of the
Where mountains soar
And the desert endured.

A mosaic of cultures,
With beauty of all kinds
A unique blend mixture

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 42 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

With pride in mind, its beauty we find
All love in nature
Together make us tight and bind

I was sitting in my room


"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 43 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

With nothing to do
Staring at the book beside my bed
That was waiting to be read
With a sigh, I grabbed it to read
For I had the feeling of this need
And once, I started I wouldn't leave
For I was getting great joy, indeed

First I met Charlie on the way

He took me to Wonka's factory straight away
Then I met Matilda Wormwood
(A brilliant girl with manners so good)
The Railway Children, Oliver Twist and
Black Beauty Took me to the old times to see
The same goes with Tales of Two Cities
And what fun were the Wizard of Oz and Just So Stories
And to see places on another level
I went with Gulliver to travel
After thinking all was done
I forgot there was still Hogwarts fun
It was amazing to see Harry and his fellows
Searching for the Half-blood Prince,
Stone and Deathly Hallows

Yet again I thought all was done

All those secrets and the fun
But how wrong was I and pleased to know
That there were more books that show
Things we must all know
And here I will say something slow
"Please ........ try ........"
Just read and see you will proceed
No matter how much imaginary it is
Mark my words Mr. Mrs. or Miss I used to read and still do
I will ask you to do it too.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 44 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

I opened a book in June; HSSC-I Pre-Medical
And left my chair and room. I made new friends;
Who stayed with me till the end I was my own Queen;
And magical moments I had seen
There were many butterflies;
On the bed of flowers, they lie
There were also aliens and dinosaurs
They all seemed to be very dangerous
Who fought with me but I won the battle;
Living in a big castle
Now the book came to an end;
By a flow of calm and peaceful wind

VII Jasmine

Some of my roots reside there

With some of my twigs grown
The earliest of my years
My era began here
I visited here
With nostalgic tear
But shocked it all is
In my heart somewhere near
Good to see and hear
A Thumping Red Wound
A thumping red wound
Amidst clouds of blues and grey
At border
The yellow stays
The yellow starts to invade
Forming streaks to invade
To ensure
There's still good left
To stay.
The scene you saw

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 45 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

The first thoughts that came
It's my wound
You would like to say
But the yellow has come
Crossing borders
Mixing the blues
And greys
It makes it better
To breathe and to see
That's why
Yellow has come to me
It has come so in my heart
A faint voice not so mine
But still can say
The yellow is here
And it's not a bad idea to stay.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 46 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

HSSC-I PM (Alpha-I)
Loving and Adoring, like precious gold
The Best Gift by God to hold
She smiles like a shiny star
Respect, Love and Care,
T he things we need to do

A Mother's Love for her Child is endless

When her Child is in pain,
She is restless
To the World,
She is a Mother
But for her Child,
She is the Whole World

O' God, ease her pain and Reward her;

For every single ounce of pain, she ever felt
O' God, have Your mercy and blessing on her
O' God, the tears that have ever fallen from her eyes
May become a river for her paradise.

V A-11
Teachers are like shining stars
Guide us to near and far
With wisdom and love, they impart
Their knowledge to add to
Our young ones and part
They shape our minds,
Refresh our thoughts and
Nourish our dreams,
Helping us to reach life's streams
So here're our teachers whom we bow
For their hard work and dedication

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 47 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Wherever they show.

HSSC-I Pre-Engineering (Beta-I)
I love my home,
I love my home
My home is full of joys,
happiness and love
I am thankful for my family,

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 48 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Who are the factors
in building my home
It is a beautiful home
I built my home
Without sand, without water,
My Mother's heart
Forms a great wall
My Father's arms,
The floor and the roof,
My sister's laughter,
The doors and the windows
My brother's eyes,
Light up the house
My friend's care,
Forms a great garden
My home feels good
My home is sweet
I love my home
This is always very beautiful.

V A-11
Pakistan has beautiful land
We love to stay and stand

Lots of beautiful dreams

That flow in rushing streams,

Pakistan has a bright day

The day makes our bright way


"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 49 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Beyond stars
deep in her heart,
New life,
She wants to start.

Inner peace,
all what she needs.
Living close to God,
she desires, she daily bedes.

Glory of God,
attracts her a lot.
Which is in her heart,
tells her inner thought.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 50 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

While passing by a dark forest
HSSC-I Pre-Medical (Alpha-I)
The blowing breeze, the stretched trees
The darkness like black coals,
The uneven road, The shaking steps
Strangled my soul in despair
I barefooted, walking through thorns
Hankering for the moonlight
When my eyes were set on the sky
Seeking help and finding a bleak crescent
On the way, searching for an inn

Hearing melodies from festive feasts

And snoring ahead
I hesitated but kneeled beside
Then a heap of wilted leaves
Which incentivized me to move on
Together we realized abendrot
And with each step, I found myself closes
Then my gleaning eyes took me there

NEVER GIVE UP Mahnoor Zahra

HSSC-II Pre Medical Alpha II

Success comes easy to those who strive hard,

Success comes easy to those who find the way,
Success comes after fighting against hardships on the way,
Success is only possible when you don't astray,

If you plan for things,

You will strive for them,
Just do your small bit,
And reach where you want to,

Tensions are part of life,

But take them in stride,

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 51 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Be happy because you are the best,
Be happy for the rest,

Things will be fine,

Everything in your life will shine.


I hope for the ways of spring Sawaira Habib

HSSC-I Pre Medical Alpha
The branches of tree getting weak

A few branches have fallen

Seeing and facing the reality of time

I hold fast to the rope of

I hope for the ways of spring

Autumn that had subsided

The green leaves that were planted, were withered

The hope that was starting to break, has stopped

The hope is starting to come true

Time is constant of judgement

Trying good is always good for me.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 52 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma


HSSC-I Pre-Medical A1
I am going to tell you a tale soon,
Concerning the Earth and the moon,
That was presented by Newton in June.

In it, the product of masses is directly proportional,

And t h e square of separation is inversely proportional,

And there exists a tend of gravitational.

It has a constant named "G"

It also has an influence on you and me
W ithout it, how would you have a cup of tea?


Once my inner self told me a queer tale,

About young and old, male and female,
All of them have some common custom graciously
Of knowing how to act ostentatiously.

It contained some anecdotes from the past,

Some enmities between people that never last.
Some failure of kindness, Victories of oppression,
Some losses of truth and gains of false.

I felt downhearted of all those legends,

Why can't love be like endless oceans?
Why can't we survive with tranquillity,
By sowing peace and reaping equality?

I was dismayed to step out into this cruel world,

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 53 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Sitting beside my window, observing the tears of clouds,
The darkness of t h e world was lying inside me when I
heard In that winter night two men's voices loud.

One of them was a thief, the other was a striker,

No one in this world is willing to forgive the other.
It added more depression, not few
And the mask of mercilessness in my head grew.

I opened the window but the wind was hard

T he rain urged to close
But for something outside my mind track,
A young man was carrying his father on his back,
Under the shade of the house, despite the cruelty of the
Taking care of Each other, wearing raincoats of leather.

Another person let a pauper into his home,

To save him from Illness due to the storm.
The tree of sympathy grew in my mind after strive,
Mutilating the roots of the cruel dart,
I thought the world is still alive
Because of such a kind and loving heart.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 54 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma



HSSC-II Pre-Medical Alpha 2
What is music,
But the sound of a heart,
When it breaks,
Into a million pieces,
When you feel nothing,
But pain,
Pain that's so excruciating,
You feel your throat constricted,
And your mind goes numb,
There's no one but yourself,
Left with nothing except,
a broken heart and a question that,
Why don't we die?
When our heart breaks…

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 55 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 56 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

Lost those memoirs:

- in the midst of deep woods
- in the weary oceans
Paces upon deserts
-but never found
-- those reminiscence
Would I?
I thought recklessly
Once in still air
Still sand, lull thoughts
About those repugnant juncture
My life my dreams
Forever, forever


Rose, rose,
where are the
Irenic souls
who know
The Deepest Secret
nobody knows.

Blooms rose
in the night
without sun
from labyrinth’s core.
During the day

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 57 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

this scent!
in the garden,
I want to smell more RASHMA FAWAD KUNDI
Their essence
everyone knows,
how long it lasts
no one knows.

Rose, rose,
how can you grow
through dust,
with thorns,
and yet you are
this much beautiful.
Tell us more
about the door
through which we can
bloom more.

Rose, rose,
beautiful rose.


Ramsha Fawad Kundii

Waking up to the sound of the alarm,

Oh! so grateful I am!
Surrounded by my loved ones
Offering prayers to find the real peace,
To seek solace!
By talking with the LORD.
These sounds of birds' chirping,
Take me to
another world.
"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 58 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma
First sip of coffee!
relieves all my worries.
Putting on the comfiest clothes,
Spending time with 'me'!
Get in touch with my soul.
The day starts over!
sNo matter what happened yesterday.

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 59 PAEC Education Centre, Chashma

"Chashma" Literary Magazine 2023-24 60 PAEC Educa1ion Centre, Chashma

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