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Mohammad Al-Rashid Y.



ULO 1a.

Let’s Check

Activity 1. Provide a list of ten engineers who became the president or general manager of a large
company and write the details of their success.

1. Sundar Pichai
- is an Indian-American engineer who became the CEO of Google LLC (now Alphabet Inc.)
in 2015. He played a key role in developing Google Chrome and was instrumental in
expanding Google's product portfolio. Under his leadership, Google experienced
significant growth and expansion into various areas, including artificial intelligence and
cloud computing.

2. Mary Barra
- is an engineer who became the CEO of General Motors (GM) in 2014, becoming the first
female CEO of a major global automaker. She joined GM in 1980 and held various
engineering and management positions before assuming the top role. Barra is known for
her focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and leading GM's transformation toward
electric and autonomous vehicles.

3. Tim Cook
- is an industrial engineer who became the CEO of Apple Inc. in 2011, succeeding Steve
Jobs. Cook played a crucial role in streamlining Apple's supply chain and operations, which
significantly contributed to the company's success. He has overseen the launch of various
successful products, including the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, while also expanding
into new areas like services and wearables.

4. Ginni Rometty
- is an electrical engineer who served as the CEO of IBM from 2012 to 2020. She joined IBM
in 1981 and held several leadership roles before becoming CEO. Rometty led IBM's
transformation into a cloud computing and cognitive solutions company, emphasizing
initiatives such as Watson, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.

5. Elon Musk
- is an engineer by training. He co-founded Tesla, Inc. in 2003 and currently serves as its
CEO. Under his leadership, Tesla has revolutionized the electric vehicle industry and made
significant advancements in autonomous driving technology. Musk's engineering
background has played a crucial role in the company's innovative approach and
technological breakthroughs.

6. Satya Nadella
- is an electrical engineer who became the CEO of Microsoft Corporation in 2014. He joined
Microsoft in 1992 and held various leadership roles before being appointed CEO. Nadella
has been credited with transforming Microsoft's strategy, focusing on cloud computing
and services such as Azure. He has also fostered a culture of innovation and collaboration
within the company.

7. Ursula Burns
- is a mechanical engineer who served as the CEO of Xerox Corporation from 2009 to 2016.
She joined Xerox in 1980 as a mechanical engineering summer intern and worked her way
up through the company. Burns played a key role in Xerox's transformation into a services-
led technology company, expanding its offerings beyond traditional printing and
document management.

8. Larry Page
- is a computer scientist and entrepreneur who co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in
1998. While he stepped down as CEO of Alphabet Inc. in 2019, Page played a significant
role in Google's early success and growth. He led the development of Google's search
engine and oversaw the company's expansion into various products and services.

9. Carlos Ghosn
- is an engineer and business executive who served as the CEO of Renault, Nissan, and
Mitsubishi Motors. He played a crucial role in turning around Nissan from near-bankruptcy
in the late 1990s. Ghosn implemented significant cost-cutting measures and spearheaded
the development of electric vehicles, making Nissan a global leader in the segment.

10. Arvind Krishna

- is a computer scientist who became the CEO of IBM in 2020. He joined IBM in 1990 and
held several leadership positions before assuming the top role. Krishna has been
instrumental in driving IBM's focus on hybrid cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and
quantum computing, positioning the company for future growth and innovation.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Answer the following questions

1. Why are engineers considered the most significant segment of society?

- Engineers are considered a significant segment of society due to their unique
contributions. They possess the knowledge and skills to design, innovate, and create
solutions to complex problems. Engineers play a vital role in our modern world, from
developing cutting-edge technologies to constructing critical infrastructure. Their
expertise is essential in fields such as transportation, communication, energy, healthcare,
and more

2. What are the expected of engineers in general?

- In general, engineers are expected to apply their technical knowledge and problem-solving
abilities to design and develop practical solutions. They are responsible for creating safe,
efficient, and cost-effective designs and systems that meet the needs of society.
Additionally, engineers are expected to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in
their field, collaborate effectively, and adhere to standards to ensure the integrity of their
3. What is engineering management?
- Engineering management refers to the field that combines engineering principles with
management skills. It involves overseeing and coordinating engineering projects, teams,
and resources to ensure successful execution. Engineering managers are responsible for
strategic planning, resource allocation, risk management, and effective communication,
bridging the gap between technical expertise and organizational goals.

4. How may one define management?

- Management can be defined as the process of planning, organizing, and coordinating
resources and activities to achieve specific goals and objectives within an organization. It
involves making decisions, setting priorities, and allocating resources effectively. Managers
are responsible for guiding and supervising individuals or teams, fostering a productive
work environment, and ensuring that tasks are accomplished efficiently and in line with
the organization's overall strategy.

5. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?

- Engineering outputs are needed in various current concerns. One pressing concern is
sustainable development, where engineers are crucial in designing eco-friendly
technologies, renewable energy systems, and efficient infrastructure to minimize
environmental impact. Another concern is digital transformation, where engineers play a
vital role in developing innovative software, cybersecurity measures, and data
management solutions to navigate the evolving digital landscape.

In a Nutshell

By becoming a web developer, you can contribute in several ways:

1. By creating accessible and user-friendly websites, you can ensure that visitors can easily navigate
and find the information they are looking for, promoting inclusivity and enhancing the user experience.

2. You can help local businesses establish a digital presence by developing websites that showcase
their products or services, increasing their online visibility and enabling them to reach a wider

3. Another valuable contribution can be made by creating websites for government use, providing a
platform for citizens to access important information, services, and resources more conveniently.
ULO 1b.

Let’s Check

Activity 1.

1. Management theory has evolved in an intriguing way over time as academics and practitioners
seek better ways to understand and improve the way businesses run. It all began in the early
days of scientific management when efficiency and production were the key objectives.
However, as our understanding of human behavior in the workplace grew, management
philosophy began to shift toward a more human-centric perspective. As a result, a greater
focus has been placed on supportive leadership, good communication, and employee
involvement. Management theory is still evolving today, embracing concepts such as corporate
culture, and sustainable practices.

2. The Classical Management Theory, represented by scientific management and administrative

management, focused on improving efficiency through systematic work analysis,
standardization, and principles of organizational structure. The Behavioral Management
Theory, exemplified by the Hawthorne Studies and Theory X and Theory Y, emphasized the
importance of understanding human behavior, motivation, and leadership styles in enhancing
employee satisfaction and productivity. The Quantitative Management Theory introduced
operations research and management information systems, utilizing mathematical and
statistical methods to optimize decision-making, forecasting, and resource allocation. The
Contingency Theory highlighted the significance of adapting management practices to fit the
specific circumstances and contingencies of an organization, recognizing that there is no one-
size-fits-all approach. Finally, modern approaches such as Total Quality Management, Six
Sigma, and Agile Management emphasize continuous improvement, customer satisfaction,
and adaptive planning to meet changing market demands and foster innovation.

Let’s Analyze!

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do many organizations still use the classical management principle?

- Many organizations still use classical management principles because they provide a
foundation for establishing clear hierarchies, defining roles and responsibilities, and ensuring efficient
coordination of tasks. Additionally, the principles of classical management offer a systematic and
structured approach to organizing and controlling operations, which can be effective in certain
industries and environments.

2. How can be improved, updated the management theory, training, and practice using recent
scientific discoveries?

- Management theory, training, and practice can be improved and updated by incorporating
recent scientific discoveries through continuous learning and adaptation. By integrating findings from
fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and organizational behavior, managers can gain insights into
human cognition, motivation, and behavior, allowing for more evidence-based decision-making,
effective leadership approaches, and the creation of inclusive and engaging work environments.

3. Do we need management in the digital age? What management theory is related to Industry 4.0 or
the 4th revolution?

- Yes, even in the digital age, management is still required. While technology has changed the
way we work, management is still necessary for providing strategic direction, encouraging
cooperation, and leading organizational adaptation in the face of rapid technological breakthroughs.
Management theories associated with Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
include concepts such as digital transformation, and data-driven decision-making, all of which
highlight the significance of adaptability, innovation, and utilizing technology to create a competitive

In a Nutshell

If I become an engineer manager in ten years, the first thing I want to do is develop open
communication with my employees so that they do not feel left out. I will strive to act as a leader
rather than just a boss, a leader who will assist and monitor them in their work. I'll also try to talk to
each of them about how they feel about the job. Ask them if there is any miscommunication in the
workplace that I am missing as their engineer manager; this would help us understand each other.

ULO 1c.

Let’s Check

Activity 1.

A good manager possesses several qualities that contribute to their effectiveness. Firstly, they
are excellent communicators, adept at conveying expectations, providing feedback, and fostering open
dialogue within their teams. Secondly, they demonstrate strong leadership skills, inspiring and
motivating their employees to achieve their full potential while fostering a positive work culture. Lastly,
a good manager is adaptable and open to change, willing to embrace new ideas, and capable of
navigating through challenges with resilience and problem-solving abilities.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the qualities of a good engineer manager?

- A good manager exhibits strong leadership qualities, guiding and inspiring their team towards
achieving goals, while encouraging a positive work environment built on trust, respect, and effective
communication. They also possess excellent interpersonal skills, listening to and understanding the
needs of their employees, providing support, and promoting their professional development.

2. Different an engineer manager from a project manager.

- An engineering manager is typically responsible for overseeing technical projects and the
engineers involved, focusing on technical expertise, resource allocation, and ensuring project
deliverables meet quality standards. On the other hand, a project manager is responsible for managing
the overall project, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, risk management, and ensuring
successful project completion within specified constraints.

3. What do you think the common way you see people fail as a manager?

- One common way people fail as managers is by lacking effective communication skills. Poor
communication can lead to misunderstandings, low morale, and a lack of clarity, hindering team
collaboration and productivity.

4. If you will be the engineer manager, how will you handle your mistake in the workplace?

- If I am the engineer manager, the first thing I want to do to handle my mistakes is engage in
a clear discussion with my workers; through that discussion, they can also pinpoint what I am lacking
as an engineer manager. Second, after identifying my mistakes as an engineer manager, I will try my
best to make changes so that the same mistake cannot happen again. Lastly, I want to have open
communication with my workers on a project so that we can clearly understand the mistakes that we
make as a group and also my mistakes alone.

In a Nutshell

Since there is an urgent need for better management, what will you do to become a better manager,
and what are the things that you will be implementing for the expansion of your chosen firm?

To become a better manager, I would focus on continuous learning and personal development.
I will actively seek opportunities to enhance my leadership and management skills through workshops,
training programs, and networking with other professionals in the field. Additionally, I will strive to
foster a culture of innovation within my chosen firm by encouraging creativity, supporting employee
growth, and exploring new market opportunities to drive expansion and ensure the long-term success
of the organization.


Let’s Check

Activity 1.

Decision-making is the process of choosing the best course of action based on the situation at
hand. It is a vital component of all management functions and involves steps such as problem
diagnosis, environmental analysis, articulating the issue, generating alternatives, evaluating options,
making a choice, implementing the decision, and evaluating the results. Meanwhile Internal
organization refers to how a company is structured to carry out its activities. It requires a strong
commitment to establishing a framework that aligns with the company's priorities and facilitates
effective internal and external communication networks. Companies may adopt different
organizational structures based on functions, products, processes, geographical areas, or customer

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Can making a management decision be avoided by an engineer manager? Why or why not?

- Making management decisions cannot be avoided by an engineer manager because

management responsibilities encompass decision-making in various aspects, such as resource
allocation, team coordination, and project planning. As a manager, they are accountable for guiding
and directing the team, making decisions that align with organizational goals and optimize outcomes,
utilizing their engineering expertise alongside managerial skills.

2. Why is the proper diagnosis of the problem very important?

- The proper diagnosis of a problem is crucial because it lays the foundation for effective
problem-solving and decision-making. By accurately identifying the root cause or underlying issues,
managers can develop targeted solutions that address the actual problem rather than just its

3. What are the components of the environment from the point of view of the decision make? What
do they consist of?

- From the point of view of decision-making, the components of the environment consist of
various factors that can influence the decision-making process and outcomes. These components
typically include internal factors such as organizational culture, structure, and resources, as well as
external factors such as market conditions, competitors, legal and regulatory frameworks,
technological advancements, and societal trends. Understanding and considering these components
is crucial for making informed decisions that are aligned with the prevailing conditions and future

4. Why it is very important for those who will be involved in implementation to understand and accept
the solution to the problem?

- It is vital for those involved in implementation to understand and accept the solution to the
problem because their cooperation and commitment are necessary for successful execution. When
individuals understand and embrace the solution, they are more likely to actively contribute, align their
actions with the desired outcomes, and overcome any resistance or challenges that may arise during
In a Nutshell

This case study explores the importance of decision-making in the field of engineering
management and its impact on the success of a company. It examines a scenario from Dr. Robert
Medina's book, Engineering Management, highlighting the challenges faced by a manager and the
crucial role of effective decision-making. The scenario revolves around a manufacturing company
facing a dilemma of declining production output due to outdated machinery. The manager must
analyze the situation and make a decision to address the problem while considering various factors
such as budget constraints, technological advancements, and production demands. The manager
considers multiple alternatives, including investing in new machinery, upgrading the existing
equipment, outsourcing production, or implementing process improvements. Each option is evaluated
based on factors like cost, feasibility, potential impact on productivity, and long-term sustainability.
After careful analysis, the manager selects the most viable solution. This could involve a combination
of upgrading the machinery and implementing process improvements to maximize efficiency and
productivity. The chosen solution aims to strike a balance between cost-effectiveness, technological
advancements, and meeting production targets. Based on the evaluation and the chosen solution, the
manager recommends implementing a phased approach to upgrade the machinery and
simultaneously introduce process improvements. This approach minimizes disruptions to ongoing
operations while gradually improving productivity and meeting customer demands. The
recommendation emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment
of the implemented solution to ensure its effectiveness in the long run.
ULO 2a.

Let’s Check

Activity 1.

1. Absolutely, planning is an integral part of my work as a general manager in the engineering field. It
allows me to set clear goals, allocate resources efficiently, and establish a roadmap for success.
Without proper planning, it would be challenging to navigate complex projects and ensure optimal

2. Yes, we have a structured planning process in place. It begins with a thorough assessment of our
company's strategic objectives, market conditions, and client requirements. We then engage in
detailed project planning, including scoping, budgeting, scheduling, and risk assessment. The planning
process involves collaboration with various stakeholders to gather inputs and ensure alignment with
organizational goals.

3. To immerse our workers in the planning process, we prioritize open communication and active
involvement. We hold regular meetings and workshops to share our plans, solicit feedback, and
address any concerns. By fostering a culture of transparency and inclusivity, we empower our workers
to contribute their insights, align their efforts with the company's objectives, and feel a sense of
ownership in the planning process. This approach enhances teamwork, engagement, and ultimately
leads to better execution of our plans.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is planning?

Planning is the process of setting goals, defining objectives, and developing a course of action
to achieve them. It involves analyzing the current situation, envisioning the desired future state, and
determining the steps, resources, and timelines required to reach the goals effectively.

2. Why is planning plays a vital activity for engineer managers?

Planning is essential for engineer managers as it provides a roadmap for achieving goals,
optimizes resource utilization, manages risks, promotes coordination, and enables adaptation to
changing circumstances. It sets the foundation for effective project management and helps engineer
managers drive successful outcomes.

3. What are the steps in the planning process?

The planning process consists of four steps: setting organizational goals to provide a sense of
direction, developing tactics to achieve those goals, identifying the necessary resources for
implementation, and setting standards to monitor and measure performance.

4. Name the types of plans and how may they be classified?

Functional area plans include marketing plans, production plans, financial plans, and human
resource management plans, which focus on specific functional areas of an organization. Plans with
time horizon are categorized as short-range plans (covering less than one year) and long-range plans
(covering more than one year). Plans can also be classified based on their frequency of use, with
standing plans providing guidelines for repeated situations, and single-use plans developed for unique
and non-repetitive courses of action.

5. What do you mean by “the company’s missions”?

It refers to the fundamental purpose or core objectives that guide the actions and direction of
the organization. It encompasses the overarching goals and values that drive the company's activities
and define its reason for existence.

6. What do you think are the barriers to planning?

There are several barriers to planning, including lack of information, uncertainty in the
business environment, resistance to change from employees, and poor communication and
coordination among different departments or individuals involved in the planning process.
Additionally, limited resources, time constraints, and a rigid organizational culture can also pose
barriers to effective planning.

7. Differentiate each type of plan?

Functional Area Plans encompass various functional areas of the organization. The Marketing
Plan focuses on executing and controlling marketing activities based on a specific strategy, while the
Production Plan outlines the quantity of output by product family. The Financial Plan summarizes the
company's financial situation and provides direction for financial activities, while the Human Resource
Management Plan details the human resource needs based on the company's strategic plan. Plans
with Time Horizon include Short-Range Plans, covering less than one year and primarily managed by
first-line supervisors, and Long-Range Plans, spanning over a year and undertaken by middle and top
management. Plans According to Frequency of Use are categorized as Standing Plans and Single-Use
Plans. Standing Plans are designed for recurring situations and include approaches, methods, and
rules. Single-Use Plans, on the other hand, are developed for unique and non-repetitive actions, such
as budgets, programs, and projects.

In a Nutshell

As an engineer manager, my future project is to create a fire alarm system with a GSM module
and buzzer. To ensure the success of this project, I will engage in effective planning, which involves a
procedural approach to achieving desired results. The planning process will include identifying goals
and objectives, determining the necessary resources, outlining the steps and timeline for
development, and considering potential obstacles. By classifying the plan according to functional
areas, time horizon, and frequency of use, I can ensure a comprehensive and well-structured approach.
Additionally, I will be familiar with the different components of the plan and leverage aids to planning
to overcome any potential obstacles. Ultimately, through strategic planning, I aim to achieve the
successful implementation of the fire alarm system with GSM module and buzzer, contributing to the
safety and security of the intended users.

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