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JSTOR Citation List

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ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {i--vi},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Front Matter},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {vii--xii},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Table of Contents},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {xiii--xix},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Preface: The motivation for the book; Acknowledgments; Credits},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {At about eleven years of age, I developed a passion for astronomy. I
read everything about it I could get my hands on. My parents were very supportive,
but my father, being a farmworker, had a very meager weekly income, about $30 per
week at that time, so not a lot of money was available to support my astronomy
habit. However, they did have a small insurance policy on my life, which they
cashed in for about the equivalent of $50, as I recall. With this I bought a
beautiful but somewhat dented old brass-tubed telescope: a 3-inch refractor (with},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {xx--xxiv},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {PROLOGUE: Why I Might Never Have Written This Book},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {In recent years, as I have walked daily to and from work, I have
started to train myself to observe the sky, the birds, butterflies, trees, and
flowers, something I had not done previously in a conscious way (although I did
watch out for fast-moving cars and unfriendly dogs). Despite living in suburbia, I
find that there are many wonderful things to see: clouds exhibiting wave-like
patterns, splotches of colored light some 22 degrees away from the sun (sundogs, or
parhelia), wave after wave of Canada geese in “vee” formation, the way waves (and a
following region of calm water)},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {1--16},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {The Confluence of Nature and Mathematical Modeling},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {The second quotation makes much the same point as that by John Tukey
over two millennia later (see chapter 1). We may not be as erudite as Aristotle or
as brilliant as Enrico Fermi, but we can learn to apply elementary reasoning to
obtain “ballpark estimates” to problems (subsequently namedFermi problems) in the
manner attributed to that great physicist. The rationale behind such estimates has
been well described by Hans Christian von Baeyer, who wrote inThe Fermi
Solution,Fermi’s intent was to show that although, at the outset, even the answer’s
order of magnitude is unknown, one can},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {17--30},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Estimation: The Power of Arithmetic in Solving Fermi Problems},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}
ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {The phrasedimensional analysiswill be used in two senses in this
chapter. The first one is somewhat loosely defined, but essentially it concerns the
way that physical characteristics of an object (such as surface area, volume,
strength, power) vary with its sizeL. “Size” here means any representative linear
dimension of the object—height, width, leg length, and so on—provided that
dimension is used consistently in all comparisons made for a particular property.
This is particularly useful (and valid) when the objects are geometrically similar,
and that assumption will be made in much of this section. It is},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {31--56},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Shape, Size, and Similarity: The Problem of Scale},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {Before we can sensibly discuss shadows cast by the sun, we need to
know how large a source of light (in an angular sense) the sun appears to be in the
sky; it is about half a degree of arc, as will be established below.It is well
known that the planets move around the sun in ellipses with the sun at one focus;
this, after all, is Kepler’s first law. The perihelion (= closest) distance${r_p}
$of the earth from the sun is about$1.47 \times {10^8}$km (or about$9.14 \times
{10^7}$mi); the aphelion (= farthest) distance${r_a}$is approximately$1.52},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {57--79},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Meteorological Optics I: Shadows, Crepuscular Rays, and Related Optical
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {How much mathematics shall we get into here? Not a great deal, in
fact; for those interested in pursuing the mathematics to a much greater level,
refer to the author’s review and the many references therein. But first some
background material on the history and elementary physics of the rainbow is in
order. A good overview of the problem can be found in the book by Banks (1999); for
more historical and scientific details, those by Boyer and Lee and Fraser are
highly recommended.The rainbow is at one and the same time one of the most
beautiful visual displays},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {80--117},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Meteorological Optics II: A “Calculus I” Approach to Rainbows, Halos, and
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {In this chapter, much of the “scene” is set for the following two
chapters on waves and stability, because clouds are wonderful indicators of what
kinds of wave motion or atmospheric instabilities are occurring far above us.
Although the mathematical descriptions of some of these phenomena (with the
exception of the hurricane) are left to chapters 7 and 8, by the time you reach
them you will have been exposed to the underlying physics necessary to formulate
such descriptions.Clouds consist of water (in one form or another) and are high
altitude fog; or better, fog is cloud at ground},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {118--138},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Clouds, Sand Dunes, and Hurricanes},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {Wave motion can occur in a wide variety of situations in the natural
world, and it is something with which we are all familiar. We can observe waves on
the surfaces of oceans and lakes or when a pebble is dropped into a pond; waves are
generated and propagated when a musical instrument is played (correctly or
otherwise), when a radio station transmits programs, or when a solar flare occurs.
In the previous chapter we noted that clouds can often be indicators of wave
motion, especially in the presence of wind. Violent disturbances on or below the
earth’s surface, such},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {139--172},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {(Linear) Waves of All Kinds},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {[Illustrations]},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {The second quotation above is from the very first professional
presentation I made in fear and trepidation as a first-year graduate student. I
remember the occasion as if it were yesterday; I was talking about a particular
class of waves that may exist in the atmosphere of the sun and other stars (or
perhaps just in my mind), and the above line brought a laugh. I needed it, and so
did the audience. Now, about thirty years later, I had intended to use it in the
next chapter, which introduces the topic of nonlinear waves, but since this present
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {173--193},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Stability},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {What is a bore? The answers will vary depending on whether one is at a
cocktail party, the banks of the River Severn in England, or the Bay of Fundy in
Nova Scotia (to name but two of many geographical locations). We will focus our
attention on tidal bores, which, as David Lynch points out in an article of the
same title, are remarkable hydrodynamic phenomena. A tidal bore is the incoming
tide in the form of a wave (technically, it is called asolitarywave) moving
upstream in a river that empties into the sea. Even after the bore},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {194--212},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Bores and Nonlinear Waves},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {Although originally considered by Fibonacci of Pisa in 1202 in
connection with (idealized) rabbit population growth, the infinite set of numbers
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . has a wonderful variety of
properties and applications (but not as many as some have claimed—the article by
Markowsky, discussed below, deals with various misconceptions about the golden
ratio τ in connection with many human “constructions”). Before discussing those
properties, I should clarify what I mean by the word “idealized” above. The rabbits
were supposed to reproduce according to strict rules concerning their},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {213--230},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio (τ)},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {A polygon, as the old joke goes, is not a dead parrot (but then
neither do geometers move in the best circles). There is something fascinating
about the symmetries of a regular polygon, and when polygons are approximated in
nature, such configurations capture the attention of even the most casual observer.
When outside, look up, and on occasion you may see hexagonal convection-cell
clouds; look around, and you may see mud cracks or salt flats exhibiting the same
type of pattern; the Giant’s Causeway on the Antrim coast in Northern Ireland is
composed of some 40,000 basalt column formations, most},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {231--253},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Bees, Honeycombs, Bubbles, and Mud Cracks},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}
ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {As a caveat to some of this chapter (river meanders), and to a lesser
extent part of the previous one (mud cracks), it should be reemphasized that, while
the mechanisms and principles inherent in these mathematical models may represent
part of the “truth” behind the observed patterns, they certainly do not qualify as
“the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Indeed, as discussed at some length in
chapter 1, this is the case to a greater or lesser degree for all mathematical
models. In any field of scientific endeavor, pragmatically speaking, no model can
fully encapsulate all the data},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {254--294},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {River Meanders, Branching Patterns, and Trees},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {In this chapter we discuss some principles relating to flight in
general and bird flight in particular. Some of these principles pertain to the type
of dimensional arguments discussed in chapter 3. The first topic to reencounter is
that ofwing loading. The power necessary for sustained flight for birds and
airplanes is proportional to the wing loading, which is the weight of the bird or
airplane divided by the area of the wings. For geometrically similar objects,
weight increases as the cube of the length of the bird (or plane), and wing area as
the square of the length,},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {295--308},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Bird Flight},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
abstract = {(. . . or legs, or tail, or toes; or the feathers, or wings in a bird.
. . .) Before we can even attempt an answer to this question (or these questions),
it is necessary to try to understand something about the phenomenon of diffusion.
Denny and Gaines have done an excellent job explaining the physical and
mathematical principles behind diffusion, and in considerable detail, but since you
are not reading their book at this moment, for completeness I will attempt to
explain the ideas more succinctly but somewhat heuristically here.Diffusion arises
because of random molecular motion; generally},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {309--335},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {How Did the Leopard Get Its Spots?},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {336--340},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {APPENDIX: Fractals: An Appetite Whetter . . .},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {341--355},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

ISBN = {9780691127965},
URL = {},
author = {JOHN A. ADAM},
booktitle = {Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World},
pages = {356--359},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {INDEX},
urldate = {2023-07-07},
year = {2003}

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