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Assignment: Thinking out loud

Trimester: ___________II_____________

Date: ______12/05/2023_________

Full name: ________Ysamar Rosas___________

She: pronoun, singular, third person,
Is: verb, third person, present, singular
She is baking a lemon pie Baking: verb, neutral gender, gerund
A: article, singular
Lemon: noun, singular
Pie: noun, singular
The: article
Teacher: noun, third person, neutral
gender, singular
Is going to: Auxiliary verb
Bring: verb, present
The teacher is going to bring a new book A: article
for today’s class New: adjective
Book: noun, singular
For: preposition
Today: adverb
’s: possessive apostrophe
Class: noun, singular
The: article
Travelers: noun, plural
Arrived: Verb, past
To: preposition
The travelers arrived to the small hotel last
The: article
Small: adjective
Hotel: noun
Last: adjective
Night: noun
The mailman delivered an urgent letter to The: article
my grandmother yesterday Mailman: noun, singular
Delivered: verb, past simple
An: article
Urgent: adjective
Letter: noun, singular
To: preposition
My: possessive adjective
Grandmother: noun
Yesterday: adverb
My: possessive adjective
Sister: noun, feminine, singular
Received: verb, past
My sister received a lot of presents for her A lot of: indefinite determiners
birthday Presents: Noun, plural
For: preposition
Her: possessive pronouns
Birthday: Noun
The: article, plural
Spectators: noun, plural
Left: verb, past, third person, plural
The: article, singular
The spectators left the stadium very happy
Stadium: noun, singular, masculine
Very: adverb of quantity
Happy: adjective, plural
Uncle Samuel: Noun, second person,
Comes: present
To: preposition
When uncle Samuel comes to town, we all Town: noun
have a good time We: pronoun
All: pronoun
Have: Verb, first person, singular
A: article
Good: Abjective
Time: noun
I: pronoun, first person, singular
Learned: verb, past, first person,
English: noun, singular
I learned English because I studied very
Because: subordinate conjunction
I: pronoun, first person, singular
Studied: verb, past, singular, first person
Very: Adverb of quantity
Hard: manner adverb, singular

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