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Abbreviations for Drug
Preparation and
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)
has compiled a list of frequently misinterpreted abbre-
viations that can cause medication errors. The com-
plete list can be found at Some
abbreviations frequently used in the past are no longer
acceptable. The correct approach is to write the word
out in full.

a or a before
@* Use “at”
aa or aa of each
a.c. before meals
A.D.* Use “right ear”
*Do not use, per ISMP recommendations.

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APPENDIX C Abbreviations for Drug Preparation 367

ad lib. as desired
A.L. or A.S.* Use “left ear”
alt. h. alternate hour
AM before noon
aq. water
A.S.A.P. as soon as possible
A.U.* Use “each ear”
b.i.d. twice a day
b.i.n. twice a night
b.i.w. twice a week

c with
C gallon
cap(s). capsule(s)
CD controlled dose
cm centimeter
CR controlled release
D/C* Use “discontinue”
DS double strength
dil. dilute
disp. dispense
dr Use “dram”
Dx diagnose
elix. elixir
ext. extract; external
g gram
gal gallon
gr grain
gtt drops
h, hr hour
Η hypodermic
h.s. hour of sleep; at bedtime
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
IN intranasal
IV intravenous
IVPB intravenous piggyback
kg kilogram
KVO keep vein open
*Do not use, per ISMP recommendations.

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368 APPENDIX C Abbreviations for Drug Preparation

L liter
LA long acting
lb pound
M; m meter
m; min minim
mcg microgram
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
NGT nasogastric tube
noct., NOC at night
N.P.O. nothing by mouth
NS normal saline solution
O. pint
O.D.* Use “right eye”
o.d.; q.d. once every day
o.h. every hour
oint ointment
o.m. every morning
o.n. every night
O.S.* Use “left eye”
OTC over-the-counter
O.U.* Use “each eye”
oz ounce

p after
p.c. after meals
per by
p.o. or per os* Use “by mouth” or “orally”
PM evening, before midnight
p.r.n. as needed; when necessary
pt pint
q* Use “each,” “every”
q.a.m. every morning
qh every hour
q.i.d. four times a day
q2h every 2 hours
q3h every 3 hours
*Do not use, per ISMP recommendations.

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APPENDIX C Abbreviations for Drug Preparation 369

q4h every 4 hours
q6h every 6 hours
q8h every 8 hours
q12h every 12 hours
q.o.d.* Use “every other day”
q.s. quantity sufficient; as much as
qt quart
R, rect rectally
to take; by prescription
R/O rule out

s without

s* Use “one-half” or “½”
SC, s.c.; s.q., sub q Use “subcutaneously” or “subcut”
sig. label; write
SL; subl. sublingual
sol; soln solution
s.o.s. one dose as necessary
SR sustained release
stat. immediately
supp. suppository
susp. suspension
tab tablet
tbsp tablespoon
t.i.d. three times a day
tinct; tr tincture
T.K.O. to keep open
tsp; t teaspoon
ung. ointment
vag. vaginally
XL long acting
XR extended release

*Do not use, per ISMP recommendations.

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