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Name: Antonette Cleonisse Baka Tena

Class: R1B

NPM: 202112500742

TLP: 0821 5018 3470

I. Using the words in parantheses complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. Rignt now. I am watching Tv. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) will be watching Tv as well.

2. Tomorrow after school I (go) am going to the beach.

3. I am going on dream vacation to Bali. While you (do) are doing paperwork and (talk) are talking to annoying
customers on the phone, I (lie) will be lying on a sunny day, tropical beach. Are jealous?

4. Look! He (leave) is leaving the house.

5. Quiet please! I (write) am writing a test.

6. The child seldom (cry) cries! She usually (smile) smiling She is a very nice baby.

7. My father (work) works as an architect. At the moment, he (design) Is designing a living room.

8. Banks (open) open at 9am and (close) close but holiday schedules (close) are different.

9. My brother always (do) does his homework after dinner. But today he (do) is doing it earlier.

10. Odi and Dira (not often, take) don’t often take the bus to school but today we (take) want to arrive early

II. Combine the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. Emily and Greg (come) come to my house every Friday for lunch.

2. There ( tobe) is time to watch the movie.

3. My friends who are in the band (want) want me to play a musicalinstrument.

4. My father or my brothers (tobe) are coming with me to the ball game.

5. Everyone (need) needs time to relax.

6. That bag of oranges (look) looks fresh.

7. The lacrosse team (hope) hopes to win the tournament next week.

8. Your trousers (need) need to be cleaned.

9. Some of the books on the shelf (tobe) are dusty.

10. Even though the students like the class, a few (think) think that it is too complicated.
III. Buatlah kalimat noun, subject verbs-agreement, a few, few, a little, little. Masing masing 5 kalimat.

subject verbs-agreement

 The united states is big

 Those chair are from Germany
 The sardine have been sealed
 Mathematics is easy for him
 Some of the novels are good.

a few

 He has made a few diy lamps

 We have a few appels
 Please lend me a few novels that you have
 A few ballpoint won’t lost if you keep it carefully
 Please hand me a few of napkins


 I have few girly clothes on my cupboard

 Few may have come to this café
 Didit don’t has few novels to read
 We are permitted to have few electronic tools
 Sera has few books to read

A little

 This tea would taste better with a little sugar

 I have a little money to buy some bread for breakfast
 They have a little rice to cook
 he has a little money to buy a blackpink photo card
 nina needs a little sugar for the cake


 There is little honey left in the jar

 Mom have little salt left
 There is little fresh raw milk left in the jar
 My little sister brought home a little kitten when we already have two adult cats.
 He served so little time for taking care of herself and her parents
IV. Buatlah karangan

1. 1 paragraf yang isi di dalam nya ada Simple Past tense, Past Progressive terdiri lebih dari 50 kata.

One day my step brother, roger told me about his childhood. When he was ten years old, he liked to climb
a apple tree. He usually climbed the tree with some friends. Then they picked some apples without
permission. Yap, they liked to steal apples. They frequently ate mangoes on the tree. They had prepared a
fruit peeler and a plastic bag for the garbage. What a good preparation! They didn’t want to throw the
garbage everywhere. They kept the environment clean. That’s a good point. But stealing fruits is a bad
point. Roger said it was so fun. Sometimes they were caught by the owners. They had ever met both kind
and unkind owners. A kind owner was never angry to them. She was let them picking some apples. “Don’t
eat too many apples or you will get a stomachache” a kind owner advised one day. Meanwhile an unkind
owner punished them to clean a pool and back yard.There was one owner who was really angry to them.
Then he came to the kids’ parents and asked for much money for the apples they had eaten. Their parents
couldn’t afford it. The owner gave them some weeks to pay or he would call the police. Then he and his
friends tried to earn money to help their parents. After school he worked at a café. My step brother earn
that earning money was not easy. But it wasn’t impossible. After three weeks, he could gave the money to
the apple-tree owner. Magically, the owner turned into a nice guy and asked my uncle to keep the money.
He gave the money to his parents. Finally he never stole the apples anymore but still liked to climb apple

2. 1 Paragraf yang menggunakan bentuk Simple Future Tense terdiri lebih dari 25 kata
My boyfriend working part time every day, he works every day after school. He works really hard because
he want to Travelling around Asia. He will start his journey around May next year. I really wanna do the
same, but working part time is hard for high school student, so I will find another alternative, I will find job
as private tutor for elementary school students, I will save my money just like my boyfriend and travel the
V. Carilah beberapa artikel berbahasa Ingris. Kemudian temukan kalimat berdasarkan tense di bawah ini! Artikel
bisa di copas dan harus di sebutkan sumber artikel nya.
1. 5 kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system
 Earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days
 Earth has mountains, valleys, and volcanoes
 Earth's surface temperature is about 57 degrees Fahrenheit
 The atmosphere not only nourishes life on Earth, but it also protects it

2. 5 Kalimat Simple Future Tense

 Many people will struggle to imagine their future

 People interested in what will befall the person of tomorrow
 since that will force you to adopt a long-term perspective
 our world will change beyond recognition
 The world in 2035 will probably be much like it is today

3. 5 Kalimat Simple Past Tense
 Deep Blue, which was designed by IBM in the 1990’s

 It was analyzed in real time
 I lived there when I was at university, more than ten years ago
 We were walked up beautiful Petrin Hill and around the castle last morning
 so I was visited the university in last day

4. 5 Kalimat Simple Present Perfect Tense
 humans have added enough greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
 astronomers have found more than 3,800 planets orbiting other stars
 companies already have “considerable resources and access
 government had already investment in AI
 AI have already make an impact on the world

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