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 The professor wants you to understand the Gender lecture that you we’re not able to finish.
 For the next couple of weeks, the professor will put a slides to give you some key ideas or
 The professor will just be speaking on the video the way she would be speaking in class.
 The professor would like you to look for short lecture on “Race and Ethnicity”.

Gender - is a property of a person that is created
-it’s not a part of the person
-it is embedded in the person as they go through development
-it is socially constructed like:
 Different between groups
 Gender Expectations
 Gender Roles
 Expected behaviors that go along to male or female
Questions: 1. Why are they persistent?
2. Why do we see differences between male and female?
3. Why are they persisting so much?
4. Why are they intractable in so many ways?
Two (2) Different Perspective
1. Socialization
-is treating boys and girls or men and women differently.
-different socialization experiences create gender identities that is difficult to change
because it’s been a part of their development or it’s what they become.
Process: Development of Identity
-develop the sense of who they are
-develop the sense of how they are behaving
-develop of gender identity
2. Doing Gender
-derived from symbolic interactionism
-gender is being perform
-the property of interaction itself
-West and Zimmerman are the architects of this perspective
Three (3) Main Components (West and Zimmerman):
1. Sex- being male and female
2. Sex Category- how we designate ourselves to others and how we are designated by others
3. Gender- repertoire of behavior
*Gender Accountability- we are accountable for behaving according to gender rules

Noted by: Jirah Mae D. Ngayawon

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