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Immediate Advantages

Following a session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, there are some

effects of physical activity on brain health [PDF-14.4MB]. Children aged 6 to 13 will
experience better thinking or cognition, and adults will experience less transient
anxiety. As you age, staying physically active on a regular basis might help keep
your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp. Additionally, it can improve your
quality of sleep and lower your risk of anxiety and sadness.

Weight Control

Routines of physical activity and eating habits are both essential for managing
weight. When you consume more calories through food and drink than you burn,
including calories burned through physical activity, you put on weight.

Increase your exercise time to 150 minutes to maintain your weight. Immediate

Following a session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, there are some

effects of physical activity on brain health [PDF-14.4MB]. Children aged 6 to 13 will
experience better thinking or cognition, and adults will experience less transient
anxiety. As you age, staying physically active on a regular basis might help keep
your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp. Additionally, it can improve your
quality of sleep and lower your risk of anxiety and sadness.

Weight Control

Routines of physical activity and eating habits are both essential for managing
weight. When you consume more calories through food and drink than you burn,
including calories burned through physical activity, you put on weight.

Increase your exercise time to 150 minutes to maintain your weight.

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