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Open a Blank presentation

2. Save the presentation as Registration Number_Task1.pptx

3. Add a Title to the first slide: Resume

4. Type your Name and Registration Number in the Subtitle section

5. Right click on the left slide pane and add new slide with title as Objectives:

1. Add your career objectives 2-3 lines in it

6. Right click on the left slide pane and add new slide with title as Personal Information:

1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Phone Number:

4. Email address:

5. Passport size photo

7. Add a New Slide which has as Education

1. Insert a table with following columns (S.No, Degree, Passing Year, GPA/Percentage)

2. Add you data into table (10, BS degree as continue)

8. Add a New Slide which has as Hobbies

1. Insert a table with following columns (S.No, Game, Playing Since)

2. Add your data into table

9. Add a New Slide which has as Experience

1. Insert a table with following columns (S.No, Description, Years of Experience)

2. Add you data into table

10. Add a New Slide which has as Reference

11. Add the following text into it: “Reference will be provided upon request”

12. Apply Animation the following animation to your Personal information slide

1. Name: Float In

2. Address: Fade

3. Phone Number: Wipe

4. Email address: Wheel

5. Passport size photo: Swivel

Remove the mouse click option on all the animation and set the time to auto play.

13. Choose design theme as Grid for your Resume.

14. Apply Ferris Wheel Transition to your Personal Information Slide.

15. Apply Orbit Transition to your Education Slide.

16. Apply Cube Transition to your Hobbies Slide.

17. Apply Checkerboard Transition to your Experience Slide.

18. Add sound with each slide transition of your own choice.

19. Uncheck the mouse click option and set the time to auto transition.

20. Save and upload your resume presentation on Google class room.

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