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Lengua Inglesa III 2023

Language III: 1st Assignment on Short Stories

 “Kill to Eat” (Oodgeroo Noonuccal)

 “A Drink in the Passage” (Alan Paton)

This compulsory Language Assignment is to be done individually and sent as an

attachment to an email by the Normal School Platform by Monday, May 15th.

A. Language Focus:
1- Look through the stories and find 10 words/expressions associated with
each of the following themes from the stories, and complete the columns

Segregation & Racial discrimination Rules or laws & Punishment

B. Your turn: Write a paragraph to answer these opinion questions about one
of the stories in particular or about the two of them in general:

What conflicts between moral values and laws or rules are shown/ explored in
the stories? What is/ are the author’s/ authors’ stance as regards them? What
type of lesson/ learning/ knowledge/ perspective is the reader supposed to take
from them?

1 Lic. Prof. Patricia S. Sampietro

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