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Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

1. The 21st century has seen rapid growth in technology, which continues to
develop occasionally. There is no denying that technology has a significant
impact on almost every aspect of our lives today, including communication,
relaxation, education, and even social interaction. A significant portion of our
society today and our foreseeable future is technology. People who want to live
without technology have limited options. But in this world, technology is a fact. It
shouldn't and won't go away. In fact, technology has changed our lives in so
many amazing ways. The introduction of technology into our daily lives
demonstrates how overly fascinated and dependent people are on it.

2. In order to cope with the 21st century, I need to equip myself with different skills,
like learning skills. The skills used to process and communicate information
include creativity, critical thinking ability, collaboration, and communication.
Literacy skills are the skills that are employed to develop savvy and informed
researchers and thinkers. This includes information literacy, media literacy, and
technology literacy—all of which focus on your ability to evaluate and process
new information, particularly information found online. Life skills—the skills
needed to create a well-rounded individual that can thrive both in their personal
and professional lives—include adaptability, leadership, initiative, efficiency, and
social skills.

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