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Word Association Game: Gum and Goal

1 Can You Fill in the Blanks?

gum, red, goal, dog, umbrella, crown, blue, whale, fortepiano, green, bubble, clown, cat
_____(1) _____(2) _____(3) _____(4) _____(5) _____(6) _____(7) _____(8) _____(9) _____(10)
_____(11) _____(12) _____(13)
2 Can You Match These Words to Their
1 cat a a large marine mammal that breathes air through blowholes on the top
of its head and has a streamlined body adapted to swimming in water
2 gum b a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or gas, typically formed by soap or
boiling water
3 blue c a color resembling the sky or sea, often associated with calmness,
trustworthiness, and sadness
4 green d an aim or objective one strives to achieve, often used in sports to refer
to the area where points are scored
5 clown e a domesticated mammal that is commonly kept as a pet or used for
hunting and guarding
6 dog f a type of piano popular in the 18th century, characterized by a smaller
size and softer sound than modern pianos
7 goal g a chewy substance made from tree sap or synthetic materials, often
flavored and used for freshening breath or cleaning teeth
8 fortepiano h a circular ornament worn on the head as a symbol of royalty or victory,
often made of precious metals and jewels
9 whale i a small carnivorous mammal with soft fur, retractable claws, and a short
10 umbrella j a device consisting of a collapsible canopy supported by metal ribs,
which is carried to protect against rain or sunlight
11 bubble k a color resembling blood or fire, often associated with passion, danger,
and warning signs
12 red l a color resembling grass or foliage, often associated with nature,
growth, and environmentalism
13 crown m a performer who wears colorful clothing, exaggerated makeup, and
funny accessories to entertain audiences with jokes, tricks, and
physical comedy

3 Can You Spot the Target Words in These

1 The cat chased the mouse around the house.

2 My dog loves to play fetch in the park.

3 The whale jumped out of the water and made a big splash.
4 Don't forget your umbrella, it's going to rain.

5 The pianist played beautifully on the fortepiano.

6 Our team's goal is to win the championship this season.

7 I like to blow bubbles and watch them float away.

8 Can I have a piece of gum, please?

9 The grass is green and lush in the park.

10 The apple in the basket is bright red and shiny.

11 The sky is a beautiful shade of blue on a sunny day.

12 The clown at the circus was funny and made me laugh.

13 The king wore a golden crown on his head.

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