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Third Conditional

Condicional 3
El tercer condicional se considera un condicional irreal, ya que se
refiere al pasado, pero no a lo que realmente ocurrió, sino a lo que
podría haber ocurrido y a cómo ese hecho habría tenido otras
Casos imposibles o que nunca sucedieron.
Modales: would, could.

Condición Resultado
Pasado Perfecto verbo modal +Presente Perfecto
If I had listened more, I would have understood the lesson.
If I hadn´t gone to Mauro´s party, I would never have met my wife.
If I had not left early that day, I would have seen him for the last time.
If my family had gone to London, We would have learned English faster.

Some more examples:

She wouldn´t have found out if you hadn´t spoken so loud.
If you had invited you to the theater, would you have accepted?
You could have saved more money if you had worked harder.
If you had been rich, you would have bought a new house.
If he had been taller, he would have played basketball in the big leagues.

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