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Curso: “Cómo redactar papers científicos en inglés y lograr que

sean aceptados sin críticas del idioma”

Mantener VOZ ACTIVA o VOZ PASIVA cuando el sujeto o el objeto son iguales

Después de ver las diapos, tratá de que los verbos de estas oraciones queden o bien en
voz activa o bien en voz pasiva:

1) We determined the Bp of each plot, and then the plants were classified as
dominant or dominated.
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
We determined the Bp of each plot and then classified the plants as dominant
or dominated.

2) The tanks were filled with 500 g of mud and 9 L of tap water, and we inoculated
tanks with a mix of algae.
Todo en voz pasiva quedaría así:
The tanks were filled with 500 g of mud and 9 L of tap water and inoculated
with a mix of algae.

3) The treatment with 15dPGJ2 inhibited NOS2 expression. Also, MMP-2

expression was inhibited by 15dPGJ2.
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
The treatment with 15dPGJ2 inhibited NOS2 expression.
Also, 15dPGJ inhibited MMP-2 expression.
Y se podría unir y simplificar poniendo:
The treatment with 15dPGJ2 inhibited NOS2 expression and MMP-2 expression.
Ó incluso:
The treatment with 15dPGJ2 inhibited NOS2 and MMP-2 expression.

4) Here, we studied the morphological traits of Myiopsitta monachus and they

were compared with those of Amazona albifrons.
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
Here, we studied the morphological traits of Myiopsitta monachus and
compared THEM with those of Amazona albifrons.

Curso: “Cómo redactar papers científicos en inglés y lograr que
sean aceptados sin críticas del idioma”

5) We calculated the biovolume of each organism according to Hillebrand et al.

(1999) and each taxon was assigned to a MFG following the classification
proposed by Salmaso and Padisák (2007).
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
We calculated the biovolume of each organism according to Hillebrand et al.
(1999) and assigned each taxon to a MFG following the classification proposed
by Salmaso and Padisák (2007).

6) However, we detected some differences in their physical and chemical

characteristics. These differences were particularly observed in conductivity and
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
However, we detected some differences in their physical and chemical
characteristics. We observed these differences particularly in conductivity and
Y se podría juntar y simplificar poniendo:
However, we detected some differences in their physical and chemical
characteristics, particularly in conductivity and SRP.

7) To detect the general trend of the number of cases diagnosed, we studied the
total number of cases in the province and then this same analysis was carried
out considering the clinical form of the disease, the sex of the patient, and the
sanitary districts.
Todo en voz activa quedaría así:
To detect the general trend of the number of cases diagnosed, we studied the
total number of cases in the province and then carried out this same analysis
considering the clinical form of the disease, the sex of the patient, and the
sanitary districts.

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