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University Grants Corlllmission

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(MiniStly of Human Resource

'両 Development,Govt.of lndia)
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Bahadurshah Zafar Ⅳ[arg,New Delhi-110002

Fo No.17‐ 1/2015(FD‐ II) 14th September 2018

UGC has decided to adopt Expenditure, Advance and Transfer (EAT) Module on the
direction of Ministries of Finance and Human Resource Development, Govemment of India to
ensure complete tracking of funds released and expenditure upto the end mile beneficiary under
all the schemes being implemented by the UGC. All the registered agencies implementing
Central Sector Schemes will mandatorily use EAT Module with immediate effect failing which
no further funds will be released to the agencies.
It is requested to take immediate actions on the following issues:-
1. Implementation of EAT module in ROs, IUCs of UGC and
Universities/Institutions/Colleges funded by UGC be ensured by the September 20,2018.

2. Bank Account(s) registered under PFMS for UGC schemes will not be registered for any
other funding agency. This Account(s) shall exclusively be used for UGC schemes only,
failing which the UGC will not release any further grant to the beneficiary Institutions.

3. Bank Account must be in the full name of the Institution (as mentioned in the UGC
2(f) & 12B list) and not as UGC Fund or UGC Plan Grant.

For any query you may cOntact(1)Dr.Kishor Kumar,Education Offlcer,UGC New Delhi(OH―
23604328),email:― kkumar.ugcの 2mailocom,(2)Sho S.Francis,Senior AccollntS Offlcer,PFMS,
Mob. 98I I862853, email:-,

Financial Advisor
UGC, New Delhi.
All Universities/1nstitutions/Colleges

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