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City of Naga

Effects of Mispronouncing English Words on

Students' Effective Language Use

Submitted to: Melvi A. Briones

Submitted by: Angel Ann G. Abendaño

MAY 2023

The discourse will be briefly defined first. According to Jansen (2023), discourse is defined as
written and spoken communication between people that goes beyond one sentence. Additionally,
Carling (n.d.) says that “discourse is simply understood as a sort of language unit organized
around a subject matter and meaning” today. These definitions indicate that discourse is being
used by people daily. Whatever the topic is, people unlimitedly exchange ideas through speech
and written text. Moreover, discourse allows us to converse with others about various subjects as
long as we want. This is because discourse begins with several sentences being reciprocated in
the process. That is why long conversations are what we aim for when interacting with others.
After all, most people talk about something for a long time, so that the listener will be able to
convey the meaning of their statements. They cannot help but prolong a conversation when
needed until the message is completely understood.

Discourse Analysis refers to how language is used correctly in different instances to perceive
the meaning of messages delivered (Hasan, 2023). It comes in many forms that someone who
wants to conduct a discourse analysis can choose from. They just have to choose the “most
suitable method” for their needs. Additionally, this type of analysis aids us in revealing the
underlying meaning of written and spoken texts (Ho, 2021). On top of that, this helps us
understand how specific terminology is used to create meanings and build relationships with
others. Every day, discourse between people happens and that is being examined through
discourse analysis.

In line with this, discourse analysis can be used to examine the common problems encountered
inside the classroom during an English class. Since a classroom shelters various interactions
between the teacher and students, it can be analyzed through discourse analysis. So, during an
English class, most of the students encounter problems and commit mistakes regarding the
subject. One common barrier in learning the English language is mispronouncing words. In this
paper, its underlying causes, long-term consequences, and how mispronouncing English words
affects the language effectiveness of students will be discussed. Furthermore, this paper will
propose recommendations to address this problem.
BODY (describe what you will try to analyze, explain, and show the causes of the
CONCLUSION (repeat the topic, summarize all of the ideas)
RECOMMENDATIONS (provide recommendations regarding the problem in learning English,
and propose possible solutions)
REFERENCES (put the references)

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