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Authenticity Questionnaire

Are you an Authentic Leader?

Rarely Sometimes Often All the Time

I am clear on exactly what my boundaries,

principles, values, and moral beliefs are.
I act in a way that clearly communicates and reflects
my exact principles, values, morals, and beliefs.
Others are clear on exactly what my principles,
morals and beliefs are.
When I feel worried or anxious about making a
decision, because it clashes with my moral or ethical
beliefs, I still choose to act on my morals and
beliefs, even if it makes life difficult for me.
I am open to exploring and adapting my principles,
morals, and beliefs if some of them seem to upset
or harm others.
I can respect and value the opinions, differences,
needs and beliefs of others, without feeling that my
own are put in jeopardy or undermined.
I am influenced more by what I think of myself that
by what others think of me, and act accordingly.
Rarely Sometimes Often All the Time
I do not just ‘talk the talk’ – I ‘walk the walk’, too.
I enjoy helping others to engage with their work and
to gain meaning and personal benefit from it.
I genuinely connect with people, not because I or
they want or need something, but because I enjoy
getting to know people, what drives them, and what
is important to them.
I know what my passions are and what I need to do
to pursue them fully.
I always tell the truth because the truth is very
important to me.
I always act in a way that is consistent with my own
values, ethics, and principles.
If I see someone else hurt by an unethical act that
was not my own, I still consider it my moral and
ethical responsibility to help that person.

Scoring Key
• All the time — 4
• Often — 3
• Sometimes — 2
• Rarely — 1

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