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Earth is our home planet. It is a world unlike any other.

Because it is the only planet where we can live. It is
the third planet from the sun. It’s radius is 3,959
miles. It is the 5th largest planet in the solar system
and it's the only one known for sure to have liquid water
on it's surface.  Earth is also unique in terms of
monikers. Earth orbits around the sun. It has also many
layers and many features.
Facts About Earth
1. Earth is not flat but its not perfectly
round either.
2. Earth’s gravity is not a uniform.
3. The moon is not earth’s only companion.
4. Atacama desert is the most driest place in the
How can we save the planet Earth?

i. We must have to reuse, reduce and recycle things.

ii. Save water as you can.
iii. Buy less plastic bags.
iv. Plant more trees.

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