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Student: Cristopher Bolaños M

Code: U23265468
Professor: Chávez Lazarte Linda

(AC-S05) Week 5
- Task:
Assignment -
These are my
(AC-S05) Week 5
- Task:
Assignment -
These are my
Week 14 - Task: Assignment
Things I Like And Don't Like

CRISTOPHER: Good afternoon, I am the interviewer Cristopher Bolaños.

Let's start with the news section. What is your full name?

DAVIS: Nice to meet Cristopher, my full name is Davis Jefferson Idrogo


CRISTOPHER: Good afternoon Davis, where are you from?

DAVIS: I'm from Lima, Peru.

CRISTOPHER: Wow, and why did you choose to do an exchange in Italy?

DAVIS: I choose Italy because I like its culture and gastronomy, also
because they gave me good recommendations about this country.

CRISTOPHER: Great, yeah, and what's your morning routine? What time
do you get up?

DAVIS: I get up at half past six. I brush my teeth and prepare breakfast.
Then I go to train at the gym until half past seven in the morning. Then I
get ready to go to class.

CRISTOPHER: What time do your classes start?

DAVIS: My classes start at eight.

CRISTOPHER: What time do your classes end?

DAVIS: My classes end at half past ten at night.

CRISTOPHER: Where do you have lunch?

DAVIS: Lunch at the restaurant near the university.

CRISTOPHER: Do you have lunch with your classmates?

DAVIS: No, sometimes I prefer to eat alone.

CRISTOPHER: What do you like to do?

DAVIS: I like video games, I like soccer and the gym.

CRISTOPHER: Great. Do you like to cook?

DAVIS: No, I don't like it. I like riding bike.

CRISTOPHER: Great. Where do you like to go after studying?

DAVIS: To my house. I like watching movies. I love doing that with my


CRISTOPHER: Well, what food do you like?

DAVIS: I really like Peruvian food. My favorite food is ceviche and arroz
con pollo.

CRISTOPHER: Oh! Do you like meat, vegetables or fish?

DAVIS: Hmm! I hate meat, it's something I don't like, but I love fish.

CRISTOPHER: Great. Do you like climate change?

DAVIS: No, it's something I don't like. I am used to the climate of Peru.

CRISTOPHER: It's okay. Do you like how they treat you on the exchange?

DAVIS: Yes, they treat me very well, I like the camaraderie that everyone
treats me very well and makes me feel at home.

CRISTOPHER: Great! Thank you for your answers Davis see you later.

DAVIS: Ok, it was a pleasure Cristopher.

CRISTOPHER: See you later.

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