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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - How I spend my time.

CELIA: Good afternoon, I am the interviewer CELIA. Let's start with the news section.
What is your full name?
DANIELA: Nice to meet you CELIA, my full name is CELIA: Well, where are you from?
DANIELA: I'm from Lima, Peru CELIA: Wow, and why did you choose the exchange in
DANIELA: I choose Australia because I like its culture and there are good
recommendations about this country.
CELIA: Great, yes, and what is your morning routine? What time do you get up?
DANIELA: I get up at half past six. I brush my teeth and prepare breakfast, during the
week I take turns with my roommate in preparing meals.
CELIA: Well, what's your roommate's name? Do you get along with your roommate?
DANIELA: Yes, we get along very well, her name is CELIA: Great! So what is your
morning routine? What time does she get up?
,DANIELA: OH, he also gets up at half past six. He brushes his teeth and has breakfast
this me at seven thirty.!ApkIWVcD8U_sgTmGqZfsH4yJiveM?


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