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Agricultural waste disposal is a major environmental issue that leads to adverse effects
on ecosystems. Most untreated agro-industrial waste is disposed of through burning,
dumping, or placing it in a landfill, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and
exacerbates climate change. The sustainable use of agro-waste can be achieved
through the development of sustainable energy technologies and the creation of value-
added bioproducts. High concentrations of complex carbohydrates, proteins, fibers,
polyphenolic components, bioactive compounds, etc., are found in agro-wastes,
making them suitable for use in a wide range of agricultural, food, and pharmaceutical
goods. Effective pretreatment technologies for agro-waste biomass and advanced
conversion processes can improve the cost-effectiveness of conversion processes for
bioproducts development. Microbial biotechnology and nanotechnology play a pivotal
role in the bioconversion of agricultural waste into various products, such as enzymes,
vermicompost, organic fertilizers, biofuels, nutraceuticals, and food products.
Nanoencapsulation is a method for stabilizing bioactive compounds in food or flavor
molecules/ingredients in liquid, solid, or gaseous forms. This allows for more precise
control over their release at physiologically active locations, making them suitable for
use in the agriculture, energy, and pharmaceutical industries. This review aims to
address the valorization of agro-waste into value-added bioproducts and bioactive
compounds, as well as the present status of micro/nanoencapsulation strategies and
their applications. The ultimate goal is to reduce waste for a sustainable and green
The availability of agro-waste varies depending on its origin and type, and it consists
mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The difficulty of breaking down
lignocelluloses is a significant obstacle to their utilization. Crop residue and agro-
industrial waste are the two largest available types of waste, produced in significant
quantities every day by the agricultural and food processing industries. However, the
lack of appropriate management techniques for these wastes has become a major
concern due to the potential harm they can cause to both public health and the
environment. Cattle manure is a significant source of noxious gases, harmful
microorganisms, and odors, while fish waste can lead to aquaculture solid waste. Poor
disposal of agro-residues or chemicals can contaminate water sources. Proper
utilization of farm waste can improve irrigation and erosion management. The
availability and distinguishable qualities of agricultural residue make it different from
other solid fuels like charcoal, wood, and charcoal briquettes.
The utilization of agro-waste requires proper pretreatment to make it effective and
useful. Agricultural waste, made of lignocellulosic materials, undergoes various
treatments such as chemical, physical, and biological to break down its complexity.
Different pretreatment methods have their pros and cons, which are listed in Table 1.
The majority of current research is focused on developing new value-added products,
and valorization techniques suggest that agricultural waste is among the most explored
domains in the agri-food-pharma sector. To understand agro-waste utilization better, a
graphical mapping of keyword co-occurrence and co-authorship was constructed using
VOS viewer. The volume of published work is a strong predictor of future research
directions. The different categories and related pretreatment methods mentioned in
Table 1 include agriculture, food, and pharma sectors. Biological pretreatment methods
such as enzymes, bacteria, and fungi are environmentally friendly and require minimal
effort, whereas chemical and physical methods such as acid hydrolysis, alkaline
hydrolysis, ozonolysis, organosolv, wet oxidation, and ionic liquids have their pros and
cons. However, all these methods suggest that agro-waste is a valuable resource that
can be utilized in different sectors such as biorefinery, animal feed, biofertilizers,
antibiotic production, and extraction of phenolic compounds, organic acids, and sugars.
Bioactive compounds (BCs) are naturally occurring compounds that have been shown
to interact with living tissues and have a variety of effects. In contrast to dietary
supplements and food additives, nutraceuticals and functional foods contain BCs that
may be helpful to health at higher levels compared to regular foods. BCs are often
derived from natural sources such as plants, vegetables, and microorganisms. They
have pharmacological properties and were initially commercialized as medications. The
use of BCs for culinary applications is expanding due to ongoing research efforts to
determine their health qualities and prospective applications. The interest in BCs is
fueled by public and consumer interest in health and wellbeing, which has led to the
expansion of the nutraceutical and dietary supplement markets. Nutraceuticals are a
distinct subset of dietary supplements that contain pharmaceutical-grade substances
but are exempt from the same testing requirements as medicines. Food additives are
substances added during food processing to improve food quality and shelf life.
Consumers' increased awareness of the health-promoting effects of nutraceuticals and
dietary supplements has increased interest in adding functional and natural food
additives. Functional foods contain bioactives that are deemed superior to
conventional foods and may contribute to better health benefits.
In recent years, the focus of research has been on the biobased concept, which has the
potential to improve efficiency, cost, and yield while supporting and protecting
environmental sustainability. Agricultural waste biomass can be used to produce
valuable bioproducts using various bioconversion pretreatment methods, including
vermicomposting, biofertilizers, biochar, wood vinegar, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals.
Agro-waste can be transformed into high-value-added products, including bioactives
and bioproducts. Figure 3 illustrates the different types of bioactives and bioproducts
that can be developed from agro-waste. This approach provides a sustainable way to
create useful products and reduces waste, which is beneficial for both the environment
and the economy.
El sector agrícola puede aprovechar los residuos orgánicos para la producción de
biofertilizantes y bioenergía. La vermicompostera es una técnica de bajo costo y
amigable con el medio ambiente que utiliza gusanos para descomponer los desechos
orgánicos y convertirlos en fertilizantes. La vermicompostera reduce el carbono
orgánico total y la relación carbono-nitrógeno y aumenta el contenido de nitrógeno,
fósforo y potasio en comparación con otros abonos. Además, mejora la retención de
agua del suelo y actúa como regulador del crecimiento de las plantas. Los
biofertilizantes, producidos a partir de microorganismos como bacterias,
cianobacterias, hongos y algas, mejoran la calidad del suelo al agregar nutrientes y
sustratos de carbono. El uso de agroresiduos para la producción de biofertilizantes
también se está explorando. El bioetanol se produce eficientemente a partir de glucosa
y otros hexosas utilizando la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mientras que la
producción de biogás mediante digestión anaerobia de la paja es una opción adicional.
Además del etanol, el uso de solventogenic Clostridium ha permitido la producción a
gran escala de acetona, butanol y etanol a partir de materiales ricos en almidón. En
resumen, la reutilización de los residuos agrícolas es una manera sostenible de mejorar
la fertilidad del suelo y reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles.
The food sector can benefit greatly from agro-waste as a source of bioactive
compounds. These compounds include polyphenolic compounds, vitamins, minerals,
fatty acids, volatiles, anthocyanins, and pigments, which have valuable health benefits.
Extracted bioactive compounds can be used in food fortification, leading to the
development of novel functional and healthy foods. They can also serve as natural
antioxidants and antimicrobials for wider application in the food and drug industries.

In the meat processing industry, bioactive compounds are widely used to prevent lipid
oxidation in meat products. Additionally, micro- and nanoencapsulation technologies
are employed to encapsulate these bioactive compounds, increasing their applications
in the food sector.

A study by Kaur et al. extracted betalains from red beetroot pomace and developed a
functional Kulfi fortified with encapsulated betalains. This study improved the
bioavailability, stability, and solubility of bioactive compounds, making them more
suitable for wider application in the development of dairy-based food products.

Overall, agro-waste can be a promising source of bioactive compounds that can be

used in the food industry to improve the nutritional value, shelf life, and safety of food
products. The utilization of these compounds can lead to the development of novel
functional and healthy foods that can benefit human health.
The use of agro-waste in the pharmaceutical industry is an emerging field of research.
One of the most significant applications is in antibiotic production, as agro-industrial
waste is an inexpensive source of carbon for the growth of antibiotic-producing
microorganisms. Various agro-wastes have been studied, such as peanut shells,
corncobs, and cocoyam peels, which have shown promising results in the synthesis of
tetracycline and oxytetracycline.

Another application is in the development of antioxidant and anticancer drugs. Fruit

and vegetable peels are usually considered waste, but they contain high levels of
polyphenols and other bioactive compounds that have been shown to have antioxidant
and anticancer properties. Pomegranate byproducts, for instance, have high levels of
ellagitannins, punicalagin, and punicalin, which are potent antioxidants.

Agricultural waste also contains many phenolic compounds that have antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. Orange and lemon processing
generates large amounts of waste, which is a rich source of hydroxycinnamic acids and
flavonoids. Potato peels are another commonly available waste product that contains
significant amounts of chlorogenic acid. Lignocellulosic agriculture residues, such as
wheat straw residues, wheat and rice bran, spent residues of coffee ground nuts, and
sawdust, have been found to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

In conclusion, the use of agro-waste in the pharmaceutical industry has enormous

potential for the production of antibiotics, antioxidant and anticancer drugs, and the
extraction of bioactive compounds with therapeutic applications. This field of research
could contribute to reducing waste and improving public health while promoting
sustainable agricultural practices.
The utilization of agro waste to obtain bioactives has gained attention due to its
potential to reduce waste and increase value in the food industry. Microencapsulation
and nanoencapsulation are two popular techniques used to enhance the bioavailability,
solubility, and stability of bioactive compounds in food ingredients and nutraceuticals.
The main difference between these techniques is the particle size, with
microencapsulation having a larger particle size than nanoencapsulation. Both
techniques rely on particle size and distribution homogeneity to be effective, with the
use of supercritical CO2 showing promising results in managing drug-loading
procedures and designing particle size.

Nanoencapsulation has the added advantage of preventing the degradation of active

pharmaceutical ingredients and enhancing medication delivery accuracy by coating or
conjugating the surface for proper cell entrance. In the agriculture sector,
nanofertilizers have a high potential for enhancing nutrient utilization efficiency due to
their slow nutrient release. The encapsulation process is governed by factors such as
the target particle size, physicochemical properties of the external and interior phases,
release mechanisms, and cost.

Various techniques are available to encapsulate active agents of food ingredients and
nutraceuticals, with drying techniques being commonly used to convert the liquid
phase into a stable powder. Incorporating hydrophobic or poorly water-soluble
nutrients into the pharmaceutical and food sectors necessitated overcoming their poor
solubility and bioavailability, and nanoencapsulation shows promise in improving the
stability, bioavailability, solubility, and delivery of bioactive compounds. Furthermore,
nanoencapsulation can regulate the release of active compounds and improve the final
food product's qualities.
In recent years, advances in biotechnology have allowed for the synthesis of high-value
compounds from agricultural waste, which presents an opportunity to create unique
bioproducts for a variety of industries. Integrated nano- and biotechnological
techniques are preferred for industrial waste valorization due to their low energy
requirements and cost-effectiveness. Agricultural waste can be utilized directly as a
source of various dietary components such as protein, fat, vitamins, fiber,
carbohydrates, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, other biomolecules from
agricultural waste can be recovered and employed as nutritional and functional
components. However, to preserve the stability of these bioproducts, a unitary drying
process is necessary to prevent microbial hazards. To fully utilize agricultural waste as a
resource, governments should promote the installation of infrastructure and
technology that enables the use of leftovers and trash in production and storage
regions. The elimination of poisonous substances and antinutritional factors must also
be considered. A well-managed supply chain, supported by analysis, can also help in
the disposal of agricultural waste. By developing appropriate green technologies for
bioproducts, economic and market resistance can be reduced over time through
effective policies and assessments of their execution. Overall, the use of agricultural
waste as a resource presents a viable solution to economic and environmental issues.
Nanotechnology has been advancing in the food industry, and nanoencapsulation is a
promising option for enhancing the functional qualities and protecting the public's
health. It involves creating protective shields for bioactive compounds that can
withstand harsh environments, improve nutrient absorption, and increase solubility.
Different methods of nanoencapsulation are constantly being introduced with varying
benefits and drawbacks, and selecting a nanocarrier for the bioactive molecule
requires considering factors such as safety, toxicity, release patterns, and economic
In this essay, the author discusses the increasing focus on finding new uses for
agricultural byproducts, due to environmental policy and the growing demand for
biobased products. The use of the term "feedstock" instead of "waste" is proposed, as
these materials contain nutrients and bioactive compounds that can be valorized in a
number of ways to produce value-added products. Biotechnological and green
approaches are highlighted as helpful in developing bioproducts in a cost-effective and
comprehensive way, while also establishing a safe and green environment. Additionally,
the use of nanomaterials-based technology is suggested to increase the applicability of
bioactive compounds in various industrial sectors. Overall, this essay emphasizes the
importance of recycling wastes from the agricultural and agro-based sectors, and using
them as a resource for sustainable development.

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