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I remember that as if it happened yesterday. It passed too fast.

All began when my family and I

went to a jungle village next to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2011. Since that travel we haven´t
been the same, as a result of the antinatural and strange things that occured to us during our

At first, it was being just a calm and interesting trip until we arrived to our hotel, where an old
woman received us and we went to our room. When we fot there, my Little sister asked:
“mum, why is that guy in the bed?”. No one was there. We were astonished, and instantly we
decided to ask for a change of room. In that momento, the door closed. As if it wasn´t enough,
it was locked by someone and all the lights turned off as soon as we could realise. It was the
worst night I´ve ever had. Fortunately, one hotel´s employee could manage to open the door.
Since that moment, we could´t have such a nice visit like we had had at the beginning, as lots
of weird things happened to us.

Finally, some days later we returned to Baeza, and felt relieved. Needless to say we won´t
return there never, since it was such an horrible experience. Nowadays, we´ve all recovered
from that and have this as a bad memorie.

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