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,The challenges during middle and late adolescence and most of the things that we are going to talk about are
psychological, emotional and psychosocial challenges that almost all adolescence faces.

1. Attitudes and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationship

- adolescents are in the experimentation stage and because of their curiosity and tendency in this behavior they
should be able to draw limits in their sexual expression and they should be responsible to see the consequences
of their behavior. That’s why it is important to people about the risk of the different behavior because
sometimes we are not aware that if we do something there is consequences we have to face and sometimes we
are not psychologically ready to face those consequence.

2. Academic concerns
- all of us are facing academic concerns. Maybe you are worried that your performance may not be enough to
pass the semester or perhaps you are worrying that you may not able to attain the standards set by your parents
or by yourself because sometimes there are people who pressure their self to perform better and the common
answer is they are doing it for their parents. However, they will eventually know that no one is pressuring them
but their self. But why are we pressuring ourselves? Because initially we may have pressure by our parents so
we carried the idea that we need to perform well even though they are not looking. There are parents who only
praise their children if they perform excellently in their academics.
3. Group belongingness
- we may also face the issues of group belongingness or the urge to be independent and autonomous from
family members, there’s an urge to seek a replacement of this support system. Hence, in this stage, you may
have a tendency to isolate yourself away from your family and be closer to your peers. Sometimes there is a
tendency for us to seek social support from our friends especially adolescents with low self-esteem may be
drawn to groups that promise “walang iwanan” kind of social support. However, there is a chance that these
organizations will be more destructive than constructive. So you need to be wise in selecting your friends
because if your friends will not be there for you when you need them then that raises a lot of concerns because
they are your support system
4. Health and Nutrition
- sometimes we abuse our body and or mind, we are taking part in a lot of activities and some of this activities
may not be necessary or they may be too much for us to handle. You are not sleeping anymore because of your
hobbies or your eating habits are not healthy and they are not nutritious. There are people who are suffering
from what we call eating disorders or obesity. That’s why we want people to be more confident about their
bodies and if you want to diet, don’t do it because you want to be accepted but rather you want to be healthy.
Eat healthy foods and embrace a healthy lifestyle.
5. Developing or regaining self esteem
- this is still related to physical concerns. People who have been bullied about their body may have low self-
esteem and that is very alarming so we want people to be confident about who they are and we want to people
to be more aware of their strength and weaknesses. So if you are aware of your weaknesses for sure you also
aware of your strengths that you need to be able to discover them so that you will feel good about yourself and
you will not say that you are not good enough. It is also important for you to discover your strength so you can
ask the right people for help. For example, if you’re not good with music, there’s nothing wring with asking for
help for another person who is good in music.
6. Roles
- roles transition, going into college or being separated from your family because you have to study far from
your hometown. We must be supportive to those people who are undergoing role transitions and let us not judge
them in case they are making mistakes but rather we must be there to guide them. So that their role transitions
will be easier
7. Material Poverty
- other people are suffering because they do not have the right resources for them to study or it may take a lot of
time for them to go to school or it may cost a lot of money for them just to commute to school and in other side
there are people well off but they keep on asking for more, they cannot be contented, they keep on upgrading
their material belongings. So if their cell phone is outdated they will look for a new cellphone although it is not
necessary. And according to psychological research, materialism doesn’t make us happy and it include the
search for acceptance the search for having your latest gadgets. Those are the things that will not make you
happy in the long run because they can only make you happy at first. But in the long run, you get used to these
things that’s why you are not happy anymore.
8. Parents Working abroad
- I know a lot of people who had to cope with this kind of problem. Psychological studies those who have
parents working abroad may have problems because they are psychologically and physically separated for their
parents and some of them may be materialistic because their parents are working abroad, they may wish for a
lot of things and the reason of this they are looking for the presence of their parents and that is the only way to
feel the presence of their parents
9. Career choice
- you might be pressuring yourself to identify the course that you want to take right now. Just take your time
with this because in some cases it is not easy to find out your dream career. Perphaps, you will not know it at
this time but rather you will know about it when you are in college. Sometimes there are people who shift
courses because they think that their goals doesn’t align. T
10. Relationship
- you may have problem with your partner, your parents or your friends. Sometimes these results in permanent
damage in friends or family. That is why when things go out of hand, it is important for you to know that we
have mental health professionals who can help you deal in your problems perhaps you need to go to counseling.
11. Values and Belief
- different people may endorse conflicting values and belief. For example in politics, you may have different
opinions and your opinions may clash with each other’s opinion that’s why we need to learn that we should
respect the belief values of other people. Although you don’t settle your conflicts, learn how to respect.
12. Other Challenges
- incase your issues are getting out of hand, there’s no shame in seeking help from mental health professionals.

- 3 Filipinos adolescents
- (Defining stress)
--- How do we define stress and how we deal with it? So when we talk about stress in general it is the reaction
of the mind and body to a stimulus that describe the well-being, state of calm, or equilibrium of a person.
Meaning before you felt those problems you are not that stress but ever since you started experiencing the
challenge in your life you are more stress than ever. For example, you are less stress during the vacation but
when you started attending online classes you felt more stress. And stress is not just a reaction of the mind, it is
also the reaction of the body. Sometimes when you’re stress you feel as if your body is weaker than normal.
You feel as if you’re not physically capable. It is not a challenge not just to your mind but also to your body and
if there’s too much stress then it may lead to a psychological problem that needs professional help
- Stress as Stimulus ....
Now, lets talk about the different ways in viewing stress and the first one is stress as a stimulus.
--- Stress may be caused by situations that may be life threatening or life changing (stressors)
Now, lets talk about the different ways in viewing stress and the first one is stress as a stimulus. When we say
stimulus, these are changes in the environment that brings about a response. For example, when you feel it’s
cold it’s a stimulus that signals you to protect yourself from the cold temperature. Stress may be caused by
situations that may be life threatening or life changing. Not all stress may be caused by life threatening
sometimes we can also be stress by life changing situation. For example, college graduation is considered stress
even though it’s a happy event because after you graduate you will face a lot of challenges or you may be
experience difficulty when transitioning. Ang those stimuli from the environment, those are what we call
stressors. So it is important to identify the stressors that make you feel stress
--- Stress is the way the body reacts to challenging situations. Cortisol – stree hormone
---In this perspective we view stress as a reaction to challenging situations and that can physical and can be
psychological. For example, when you are being challenged cognitively what you do is you try to make yourself
better. For example, when you are exercising you are putting some stress on your body that’s why it’s being
challenged. So we respond by trying to adapt and change our performance so that we can deal with stress. Take
note that the stress hormone is known as cortisol. It is normal for you to have elevated cortisol from time to
time. However, it is not healthy to be exposed to stress for a long period of time because it may result to
permanent brain damage. For example there is a health condition called PTSD, that post traumatic stress
disorder, this happens typically in soldiers after the experience in the battlefield and then they go home, even
though they’re no longer in that battle field, they can still remember their experience as if it’s happening in the
present. They have elevated amounts of cortisol resulting to permanent brain damage
---Stress is also relational.
--- Stress is when a person experiencing stress takes a step back to look at the situation that is causing stress and
assesses it. Meaning if you are stress it allows you to reassess the situation instead of looking at it negatively,
you make take a look at it positively. Because by changing your thinking, you’re also changing the way you feel
and behave.
- Healthy stress

- School demands
-- School demands or so many requirements. For example, in online learning, perhaps, you don’t have the rught
- Selecting a school
- Separation Anxiety
--- For example, our graduation is approaching, and some of your friends will be moving away, separating the
two of you.
-- For example, you have to study somewhere else, but your parents are far away. If it's your first time living
without your parents, that is very stressful, which is why people get home sick.
- College life
---- As a graduating senior student, imagining college and adjusting to a new school, people, and an unfamiliar
environment would be stressful.
- Romantic Relationship
- Family Demands
- For example, they might say that all of us should be doctors or you’re going to be the first doctor in the family,
that’s very stressful to the side of the student
- Demands of social life
- Bullying

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