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USI: 1037504




JULY 9th, 2021

Society as a whole demands a lot from us as humans, and many a times it is more than we can

bare or deliver and as such anxiety and mental health is a big issue. The writer strongly agrees

with the statement above and has included three detailed explanation on the following points.

These include: Poor performance in school, poor self-esteem and poor self- worth and behavior


Firstly, anxiety has a negative effect on teens in society today because it causes a poor

performance in school. Society as a whole demands a lot from us as humans, and many at times it is

more than we can bare or deliver and as such anxiety and mental health is a big issue. The writer

strongly agrees with the statement above and has included three detailed explanation on the

following points. These include; Poor performance in school, poor self-esteem and poof self-worth

and behavior problems. Firstly anxiety has a negative effect on teens in society today because it

causes a poor performance in schools. Anxiety affects your memory. It has been proven tht persons

have a harder time retaining key details or key information at school or work. When you are anxious

your body endures a rush of stress hormones which causes you to become overwhelmed. Simple

things such as birthdays, anniversaries and daily tasks such as cooking and driving become difficult

and you tend to have trouble recalling. This can lead to tension or conflict in personal relationships.

Anxious persons according to Paul (2020), anxiety impairs the way we process our thoughts. Persons

are not able to coherently think when they are anxious. Following lessons, articulating answers to

questions or forming sentences all become difficult. All of these things can be exhausting and

detracts from their learning abilities. Secondly anxiety affects teens self-esteem in ways that we don’t

even recognize. Many a times we wonder y do i feel like I need to look the way somebody was does,

or why do I look down on myself. It affects our state of mind causing us to think we aren't enough,

causing us to think that we aren't worth anything it causes us to turn on ourselves making it easier for

what others say to affect our well-being. The problem for most people is that they struggle to
accurately read the amount of acceptance and rejection in their lives, leading people to have low self-

esteem when they are actually very intelligent and loved and this leads us to our third point which is

behavior issues because if the way it affects our self-esteem it causes many things like insomnia

which affects the way we sleep because our mind is constantly bothered with things that shouldn't

even bother us our mind is constantly Making up its own scenarios cause us to be worried about

things that are not there, it causes depression which affects the way we communicate with others and

even the way we communicate with ourselves.

When dealing with anxiety it is important to remember that there are some coping mechanisms that

may help. You can take a time out and listen to some music, exercise or even learn something new to

distract your mind from everything else going on around you, Eat healthy this is important u should

always have an energizing food at hand and do not skip out on any meals, limit your caffeine intake

as it triggers anxiety and also panic attacks, make sure that you are getting enough sleep so your body

will not feel excessively tired and drained, you can also try counting and breathing from 1-10 which

can help you calm your body and mind in case of an anxiety attack and you can also just do your best

instead of aiming for perfection which is not possible instead learn to be proud of yourself for what

you have accomplished and all that you will eventually accomplish.
(2020, April 17). Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Student Academic Progress.

Paul, S. D. N. M. D. (2020, June 21). How Does Anxiety Affect Children’s Learning? NowPsych | Online

Raypole, C. (2021, March 10). Yes, Anxiety Can Affect Your Memory. Here’s How to Cope.

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