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The Covid – 19 pandemic has changed our way of living for the past two years. Many
variants of the virus were discovered just recently. According to health experts, only
vaccination will control the adverse effects of the virus since no medical treatments are
discovered yet to treat patients infected by the virus. When the vaccines got available in
our locality, I was really into getting a shot because I believe in the opinions of health
experts. But at first, I was a little afraid because I read in the internet about some negative
effects of the vaccine. But then our family decided that we will take our chance if the local
government allowed us. Since I am not a member of the front liners in our community, it
took quite a time before I was included in the list to get the vaccine. It took almost two
months before our barangay health workers informed me that I can already get the vaccine.
It was (pakilagay ng date) when I had the first dose of __________ and (date) when I got the
second dose.
After the vaccine, I felt dizzy the whole day and it was worse since I need to
complete my tasks. Then I got a low fever which subsided the following day. But still I did
not completely feel well. I needed to take some medicines.
As an FEU student, this vaccine will help me in my future. It will lessen my chance to
experience odd symptoms if ever I will catch the virus as what was explained by the World
Health Organization since I need to be a competitive student true to what a real Tamaraw
must be. It will also allow me to experience a face to face class if ever it will be possible for
us to go back to school because according to the IATF, only full – vaccinated individuals will
be allowed to experience face to face classes.

(300 words lang nakalagay sa direction, ilagay mo picture ng vaccination card mo sa

unahan and pakifill – up nong dates at anong vaccine)

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