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«Step into the Future»’2023 FOR
27 March – 20 May, 2023

General Information

The session of the workshop will be held on the platform Kontur.Talk.

We are considering several ways of the project’s presentation:

• Oral presentation in real time – the participant speaks, demonstrates the work of devices through
the camera, additional materials, and so on.

• Power Point presentation – the speaker demonstrates the screen of his computer with the Power
Point presentation, simultaneously telling about his project in real time.

• Video presentation – the participant can record a video about his/her project and show it using a
screen demonstration. This video should tell about the project, demonstrates the work of devices,
experiments, and so on.

In any format of project presentation, additional time is allocated for answering questions after the
author's report.

Presentation rules

 You need to have a camera and microphone for the presentation.

 Participants must ensure a stable internet connection.

 If you use mobile phone you should install the Kontur.Talk on your phone.

 Each participant will be given 10 minutes for the project presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.

 Each participant must be on time (it’s better to connect 5 min before your presentation time).

 Participants are required to change the Webinar name with the following format "Name
SURNAME, Country".

 Participants must wear polite clothes (may wear a uniform).

We wish you good luck and hope you enjoy the meeting!

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