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English Module 2
Who am I?
Learning Objective:

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

• independently read and respond to
Descriptive text about one’s identity
• Sharing experiences about one’s jobs and
• communicate ideas, experience, and
preferences about one’s identity

1. Daftar Link

YouTube link to learn country and nationality in English

YouTube link to learn professions in English

YouTube link to learn professions in English
(5:37 minutes)

YouTube link to learn about hobbies
(5:50 minute)

2. Referensi

3. Diagnostic Assessment


MODUL 2 Class :
Who am I?


1. Nana lives … Jl. WR Supratman 23 Batu.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. under

2. Dedy’s grandfather is … East Java but Dedy lives in Batu.

A. in
B. over
C. on
D. at

3. Tina : Hi, Sonny. Where do you live?

Sonny : I live … Jl. Diponegoro Batu
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. over

4. Hadi : Where is she from?

Mona : She is from Bali. She is a … dancer.
A. Bali
B. Balian
C. Balirese
D. Balinese

5. Shin Ae Ra : Hello. My name is Shin Ae Ra

Tina : I’m Tina. Where are you from?
Shin Ae Ra : I’m a …. I’m from Korea. Where are you from?
Tina : I am Spanish. I come from Spain.
A. Korea
B. Korean
C. Koreish
D. Koreanese
6. Ima : Hi, Tita!
Tita : Hey, Ima! Where do you go?
Ima : I want to send my father some food for his lunch.
Tita : How nice! Where do you go?
Ima : to the rice field. He is a …
A. farmer
B. butcher
C. gardener
D. businessman

7. Ajeng : Herman, where does your mother work.

Herman : She is a nurse. She works at the ….
A. hotel
B. hospital
C. post office
D. restaurant

8. Mitha : Hi, Danny. Where will you go?

Danny : Hello, Mitha. I will go to the library. There are encyclopedias there.
I like … them very much.
A. writing
B. playing
C. reading
D. listening

9. Martin’s hobby is ….

A. skipping C. skating
B. skiing D. swimming

10. Dito loves … basketball with his friends. They play football in the field
A. play
B. plays
C. played
D. playing

4. Rubrik Penilaian
Communicative Comprehend it completely 5
Purpose Comprehend 4
1 Fairly comprehend 3
Almost cannot comprehend it 2
Do not comprehend it 1
2 Coherence Totally coherent 5
Coherent 4
Fairly coherent 3
Lack of coherence 2
Completely incoherent 1
3 Diction Very varied and proper 5
Varied and proper 4
Fairly varied and proper 3
Lack of variation and improper 2
Monotonous and improper 1
4 Grammar Very accurate 5
Accurate 4
Fairly accurate 3
Almost inaccurate 2
Completely inaccurate 1

Total Score = Score achieved X 100

Maximum Score

1. Students who get more than 90 are given enrichment task.
2. Students who get under 70 are given remedial

5. Pengayaan dan Remedial

A. Pengayaan

Make a presentation of introduction about you and your best

friend. You can choose any application to present your
introduction. You can use Video Clip, PPT, Cartoon animation,
pictures, etc.

B. Remedial

Ask people around you. It can be your neighbour, your uncle, your
aunt, your grandfather, your grandmother, etc.

Ask about their professions, what they do, and where they work.


Uncle A supermarket
Aunt A waitress
Grandfather delivers mails
Grandmother a department store
neighbour makes cakes

6. Refleksi
Di akhir pembelajaran guru bersama peserta didik melakukan refleksi pembelajaran
1) Refleksi guru

• Kendala apakah yang ditemukan guru dalam melaksanakan

pembelajaran pada materi ini?
• Apakah solusi yang diambil oleh guru untuk mengatasi kendala yang
ditemui selama pembelajaran?
• Langkah apa yang dilakukan guru jika tujuan pembelajaran belum
• Apakah perubahan yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan berikutnya
untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran?

2) Refleksi siswa

• Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti pembelajaran

tentang menunjukkan kesopanan?
• Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti pembelajaran hari
• Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temukan saat mengikuti pembelajaran?
• Langkah apa yang kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang
kalian temukan?

Circle the emoji to describe your feeling after learning the material?


Give your suggestion and comment about this Module.

Mengetahui Jatisrono, Januari 2023

Kepala SMP Negeri 4 Jatisrono Guru Mapel

Suliyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd Nanik Maryanti

NIP 19720513 199412 1 001 NIP. 19790331 200801 2 010

7. Formative Assessment


MODUL 2 Class :
Who Am I?

1. Martha : Hi, Rizal. Where do you live?

Rizal : I live … 35 Jl. Seruni Surabaya.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. over

2. Jojo : Rio, are … from England?

Rio : Yes, I am.
A. you
B. she
C. he
D. I

3. Sisca : Where is your father from, Debbie?

Debby : He is from Turkey.
Sisca : So he is …..
A. Turkish
B. Turkian
C. Turkirese
D. Turkinese

Picture 1 (For questions number 4-7)


Jl. Dharmawangsa 72 Malang

Name : Benny Surya Laksana

Class 7
ID Number 2060
Place, Date of Birth : Surabaya, 2nd June 2007
Address : Jl. Iswahyudi Raya 56 Malang

Library Policy :
1. Students must bring the card to borrow books.
2. Students can only borrow two books at a time
3. Students can only borrow the books for 3 (three) days
4. Students who return the book late will get penalty.

4. What is the text about? It is about ….

A. Benny’s personal identity
B. Harapan Nusa ID’s card
C. Harapan Nusa’s library
D. Benny’s library card

5. Benny is the … of Harapan Nusa JHS Library.

A. member
B. librarian
C. student
D. teacher

6. Where does Benny live?

A. in Surabaya
B. on Jl. Dharmawangsa
C. at Harapan Nusa school
D. at Jl. Iswahyudi Raya 56 Malang

7. From the text, we know that ….

A. Students from other school can borrow some books there.
B. The members have to return the books before the 4th day.
C. The members can borrow the without the card.
D. Benny can borrow three books at most.

10 | P a g e
Text 1 (For questions number 8-11)

I have a classmate. Her name is Yuni. There are five people in Yuni’s family. They are
Yuni’s father, her mother, her elder brother, her little sister, and herself. Her father is Mr.
Atmaja. He is a pilot. Her mother is Ms. Sita. She is a nurse. Her elder brother, Farhan, is 9 th
grade student of SMP Widyatama. Her sister’s name is Melisa. She is the fifth-grade student of
elementary school. She studies at SDK Sang Timur Batu.

8. The text tells us about Yuni’s....

A. classmate
B. family
C. hobby
D. sisters

9. How many siblings does Yuni have? She has ….

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

10. Where do you think Mrs. Atmaja goes to work? To ….

A. an office
B. an airport
C. a hospital
D. a police station

11. From the text we know that ...

A. Mr. and Mrs. Atmaja have three daughters.
B. Mr. Atmaja does his job at home.
C. Melisa has a brother and a sister.
D. Farhan is younger than Yuni

11 | P a g e
12. Yetty : Hi, Lenny. Where will you go?
Lenny : Hello, Yetty. I will go to the green house. The Biology teacher planted new
flowers. I want to see it.
What is Lenny’s hobby?
A. gardening
B. studying
C. travelling
D. shopping

13. Fira : Yuli, what do you do on weekends?

Yuli : Mmm. I mum and I love to spend our weekends in the kitchen. We
love …. We try some new recipes.
A. eating
B. sewing
C. cooking
D. chatting

14. Tia and her friends have a music band. Fanny plays guitar. Attar plays the drum. Handi
plays the keyboard and Tia … the songs.
A. dances
B. reads
C. sings
D. tells

Text 2 (For questions number 15-20)

Nita’s hobby is watching TV. She likes to watch TV very much in her free time.
She loves watching cartoon and Discovery Channel. She likes drawing cartoon
characters. Watching cartoon movies helps her to be draw well. It gives her new
and creative ideas to make arts and cartoons. She learns a lot from watching
Discovery Channels. She knows a lot about countries in the world without
travelling there. She usually watches TV after she finishes doing her homework
and studies for the next day. Her parents appreciate her hobby and support her.

15. The text tells us about ….

A. watching TV
B. Nita’s hobby
C. cartoon movies
D. Discovery Channel

12 | P a g e
16. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Drawing cartoon characters is fun
B. Travelling to other countries
C. Nita’s hobby is watching TV
D. Studying diligently

17. What advantage (keuntungan) does she get from doing her hobby?
A. she can gets ideas to draw.
B. she can get a lot of money
C. She can travel around the world
D. she can do her homework well

18. From the text we know that ….

A. Nita’s parents are not happy when Nita watches TV.
B. Nita watches TV after she arrives home from school.
C. Nita learns how to draw from watching Discovery Channel.
D. Nita gets ideas to travel to other countries from watching TV.

19. “It gives her new and creative ideas to make arts and cartoons.” The underlined word
refers to ….
A. watching cartoon movies
B. Discovery channel
C. Watching TV
D. travelling

20. “She likes to watch TV very much ….” The underlined word is the antonym of ….
A. is fond of
B. unlikes
C. hates
D. loves

13 | P a g e
8. Glosarium

origin : asal
nationality : kewarganegaraan
country : negara
language : bangsa
introduce : memperkenalkan
identity : identitas
relationship : hubungan
various : beragam
different : berbeda
address : alamat
visit : mengunjungi
roommate : teman sekamar
occupation : pekerjaan
duty : tugas
workplace : tempat pekerjaan
duty : tugas
continents : benua
island : pulau
city : kota
includes : termasuk

14 | P a g e
Proses Pembelajaran di kelas VII C

15 | P a g e
Proses Umpan Balik Murid

16 | P a g e
Hasil Umpan Balik Murid

17 | P a g e

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