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Meri Ma Mera Desh Programme

Gram Panchayat Level Minutes of Mee ng

1. Loca on of Mee ng Name of Gram Panchayat-
Name of Block/Mandal:
Name of District:
Name of State:
2. Date of Mee ng
3. Name of Convenor of the Mee ng
4. Contact Details of Convenor (Mobile)
5. Names & Mobile Number of Village Name Mobile
Commi ee people (along with the 1.
name of their village) who par cipated 2.
in mee ng 3.
6. Whether those present are willing to
par cipate in Program
Sapling Planta on
7. Iden fied Loca on for plan ng 75
saplings preferably single cluster to
create one grove/Va ka (वा टका/कंु ज).
8. Date on which 75 plants plan ng
ac vity will be held. (1st Aug- 12th Aug)
9. Local Species of Saplings to be planted.
Special A ributes of the Gram Panchayat
10. Is there an Amrit Sarovar. (Name)
11. Person/s of Eminence of GP
12. Loca on of Historical Importance of GP
Programme Organizing Commi ee Details
13. Are the contact numbers correct?
14. Is commi ee willing to extend support?
Yuva Portal
15. Yuva Portal briefed during the mee ng?
16. Number of people registered?
17. Brief Minutes of the Mee ng (Plan of 
Program, Issues Discussed, Strategy of 
the programme to be conducted) 
In bullet points 
18. Date of Gram Panchayat Program

Name and Signature of the Convenor of the

Mee ng.
Date –

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