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B.Tech (Civil) ( Semester 4 )

Geometrics and Advanced Surveying
Date :02/12/2022 Time :9:30AM- 12:30PM
Max. Marks:60
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Write each section in a separate answer book.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
6. Follow usual meaning of notations/abbreviations.
Q 1 A) Answer the following in brief (Any 1) [2]
I) Enlist the various features of accidental errors.

II) Define the terms: Observation Equation and Conditioned Equation.


Q 1 B) Answer the following (Any 1) [4]

I) Enlist different errors of measurement and explain in detail.

II) The following are the three angles A, B and C observed at a station P closing the horizon with their
probable errors of measurement. Determine their corrected values.
A = 78° 12’ 12” ± 02"
B = 136° 48’ 30” ± 04"
C = 144° 59’ 08” ± 05"

Q 2 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]

I) Describe with the neat sketch the construction and working of subtense bar.

II) Discuss the method of determining the constant of tacheometer from field observation.
III) Explain about the Fixed hair Method of Tacheometry.

Q 3 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) Briefly describe non - luminous signals.

II) State the difference between plane surveying and geodetic surveying.

Q 3 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) What do you mean by triangulation? Discuss various factors for selection of triagulation station.

II) Write detailed note on station mark.

III) Discuss schematically different sets of triagulaion system.

Q 4 A) Answer the following in brief (Any 1) [2]
I) Explain tidal datum in brief.

II) Write the uses of hydrographic survey.

Q 4 B) Answer the following (Any 1) [4]

I) Enlist sounding machines and explain the advantages of echo-sounding.

II) Explain reduction of sounding in detail.

Q 5 Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [12]
I) Write a note on aerial photogrammetry.

II) Explain Parallax bar.

III) The distance from the principal point to an image on a photograph is 10 cm and the elevation of the
object above the datum is 400 m .What is the relief displacement of the point if the datum scale is
1/8000 and the focal length of the camera is 300 mm.

Q 6 A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

I) Explain about the principle of remote sensing.

II) List down the Segment of GPS.

Q 6 B) Answer the following in detail. (Any 2) [10]

I) Explain about the Digital Image Processing System and Image Interpretation Technique.

II) What is Remote Sensing? Explain about each and every component of Remote Sensing System.

III) List down the various application of GIS with its objective.

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